Department seminar 1xbet online games login archives

Spring 2024

*All seminars will be held in Waters 329 from 3:50 to 5:00 p.m. unless otherwise specified*

Thursday, Feb. 15th - John Zhu, 1xbet online games login of Kansas
Paper: "Machine-Assisted Statistical Discrimination"

Thursday, Mar. 21st - Wenyi Shen, Oklahoma State 1xbet online games login
Paper: "The Business Cycle State-Dependent Effects of Tax News: A Joint-state Analysis"

Thursday, Mar. 28th - Jed DeVaro, California State 1xbet online games login , East Bay
Paper: "Endogenous Career Mobility (of Women and Men) Within and Across Firms"

Thursday, Apr. 4th - Bidisha Lahiri, Oklahoma State Univserity
Paper: "To Befriend or to Defend? Implications of Horizontal and Vertical FDI Linkages for Firms’ Female Employment"

Thursday, Apr. 11th - Shahnaz Parsaeian, 1xbet online games login of Kansas
Paper: "Estimation and Identification of Latent Group Structures in Panel Data with Interactive Fixed Effects"

Thursday, Apr. 18th - Stephen Ryan, Washington 1xbet online games login in St. Louis
Paper: "Adaptive Semiparametric Models: Applications to Random Coefficients, Partially Linear Models, and Clustered Standard Errors"

Fall 2023

*All seminars will be held in Waters 329 from 3:50 to 5:00 p.m. unless otherwise specified*

Thursday, Oct. 5th - Barton Willage, 1xbet online games login of Colorado - Denver
Paper: "The Menopause Penalty"

Thursday, Oct. 12th - Uttiya Paul, KU Job Market Candidate
Paper: "Directional Monotone Comparative Statics to function spaces and its extension to Riesz space"

Thursday, Oct. 19th -
Joanna Venator, Boston College
"Reproductive Policy Uncertainty and Defensive Investments in Contraception"

Wednesday, Oct. 25th - Donghyun Lee, KU Job Market Candidate (via Zoom)
"Paternalistic Policy and Inequalities with a Time-Inconsistent Discounting Preference"

Thursday, Nov. 2nd - Gunawan, KU Job Market Candidate (via Zoom)
"A Combination Forecast for Nonparametric Models with Structural Breaks"

Thursday, Nov. 9th - Nida Çakır Melek, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
"Tracing Climate Change Mitigation through a Historical Lens on Technology and Energy Substitution"

Thursday, Nov. 30th - Kris Inwood, 1xbet online games login of Guelph

Spring 2023

*All seminars will be held in Waters 329 from 3:45 to 5:00 p.m. unless otherwise specified*

Monday, Jan 23 - Ge Song, 1xbet online games login of Colorado at Boulder
Paper: "Trade Liberalization and Firms’ Corruption Engagement: Theory and Evidence from China"

Friday, Jan 27 - Dan Yu, 1xbet online games login of Minnesota at Twin cities
Paper: "The Value of Certification to Consumers: Evidence from the U.S. Organic Food Market"

Monday, Jan 30 - Rubaiyat Alam, Boston 1xbet online games login
Paper: "Quality choice with reputation effects: Evidence from hospices in California"

Thursday, April 6 -- Antonio Galvao, Michigan State 1xbet online games login
Paper: N/A

Thursday, April 27 - Teresa Harrison, Drexel 1xbet online games login
Paper: N/A

Fall 2022

*All seminars will be held in Waters 329 from 3:45 to 5:00 p.m. unless otherwise specified*

September 15 - James Lake (1xbet online games login of Tennessee)
Title: Local labor market effects of the 2002 Bush steel tariffs

September 22 - Ana Herrera (1xbet online games login of Kentucky)
When do state-dependent local projections work?

October 6 - Seoyeon Jo (1xbet online games login of Kansas)
The Impact of State Budget Cuts on Higher Education in the US
**Online via Zoom**

October 20 - Aryaman Bhatnagar (1xbet online games login of Kansas)
Monetary Policy with Non-Ricardian Households
**Online via Zoom**

October 27 - Michael Lovenheim (Cornell 1xbet online games login )

November 3 - Petra Persson (Stanford 1xbet online games login )
"Targeting Precision Medicine: Evidence from Prenatal Screening"
**Online via Zoom**

Spring 2022

*All seminars will be held in Waters 329 at 3:45 to 5:00 p.m. unless otherwise specified*

February 3rd - Claudia Persico (American 1xbet online games login and NBER)
Title: Air Quality and Suicide
**Online Via Zoom**

February 10th - Tuan Nguyen (KSU - Department of Education)
The Effects of School Finance Reforms on Teacher Turnover: Evidence from National Data
Paper: Click Here

February 24th - Mackenzie Alston (Florida State 1xbet online games login )
The Effects of the 2020 Social Justice Movement on Faculty

March 31st - Molly Schnell (Northwestern 1xbet online games login )
Title: Supply-Side Effects of Health Insurance: Evidence from 1,721 Retail Clinic Entries and Exits

April 14th - Esteban Aucejo (Arizona State 1xbet online games login )
The Importance of Matching Effects for Labor Productivity: Evidence from Teacher-Student Interactions

April 28th - Thomas Drechsel (U of Maryland -- College Park)
Title: Income Inequality, Financial Intermediation, and Small Firms
Paper: Click Here

Fall 2021

*All seminars will be held in Waters 329 at 3:45 to 5:00 p.m. unless otherwise specified*

Thursday, September 16: Zack Miller, 1xbet online games login of Missouri
Title: "
What Drives Temperature Anomalies? A Functional SVAR Approach" with Yoosoon Chang and Joon Park

Thursday, September 23: Sohee Park, Kansas 1xbet online games login
Title: "
Welfare Cost of Inflation with Credit Card Transactions in Money Measures"

Thursday, September 30: Hyun Park, Kansas 1xbet online games login
Title: "
Study of DSGE with Credit-Card Augemented Divisia Monetary Aggregate"

Thursday, October 7: Riley Acton, Miami 1xbet online games login
Title: "Is a Name Change a Game Change? The Impact of College-to-1xbet online games login Conversions"
**This seminar will be taking place via zoom**

Thursday, October 21: Lourenco Paz, Baylor 1xbet online games login
Title: "Cracks in the Glass Ceiling and Gender Equality: An Examination using Administrative Data"

Thursday, November 4: Dan Grossman, West Virginia 1xbet online games login
Title: "Health Insurance for Whom? The 'Spill-up' Effects of Children's Health Insurance on Mothers"

Spring 2020

*All seminars will be held in Waters 329 at 3:45 to 5:00 p.m. unless otherwise specified*

February 28, 2020: Yoon J. Jo - Texas A&M 1xbet online games login
Title: Downward Nominal Wage Rigidity in the United States

Fall 2019

*All seminars will be held in Waters 329 at 3:45 to 5:00 p.m. unless otherwise specified*

Friday, September 20: Jesse Bruhn - Princeton 1xbet online games login
Title: The Consequences of Sorting for Understanding School Quality

Friday, October 4: Erik Hembre - 1xbet online games login of Illinois at Chicago
Title: Housing Assistance and SSI Participation

Friday, October 11 at 11:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.: David Slusky - The 1xbet online games login of Kansas
Title: Office Visits Preventing Emergency Room Visits: Evidence from the Flint Water Switch

Friday, November 8: Xue Bai - Brock 1xbet online games login
Title: Trade and Minimum Wages in General Equilibrium: Theory and Evidence

Friday, November 15 at 3:30 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. in Waters 328: Dr. Kathryn Shaw - Stanford Graduate School of Business
Title: Spurring Serious Entrepreneurship: A Policy Experiment to Lower Entry Costs

Spring 2019

*All seminars will be held at 3:45 to 5:00 PM unless otherwise specified*

Thursday, May 9 in Waters 329: John Yiran Zhu - The Wharton School, 1xbet online games login of Pennsylvania,
Title: "Better Monitoring...Worse Productivity?"

Wednesday, January 16 in Waters 329 at 10:30-11:45am: C hen Huang - 1xbet online games login of Arizona
Title: Why Are U.S. Women Decreasing Their Labor Force Participation If Their Wages Are Rising?

Tuesday, January 22 in Waters 329: Clint Harris - Purdue 1xbet online games login
Title: Estimating the Perceived Returns to College

Monday, January 28 in Waters 329: Jessie Coe - 1xbet online games login of Texas at Austin
Title: Estimation of fixed effects models with missing covariate data, with an application to valuing local water quality

Wednesday, February 13 in Waters 329: Valerie Bostwick - Ohio State 1xbet online games login
Title: Semesters or Quarters? The Effect of the Academic Calendar on Postsecondary Student Outcomes

Friday, February 15 in Waters 329: Masayuki Sawada - Yale 1xbet online games login
Title: Identification and Inference of Post-treatment Subgroup Effects

Fall 2018

*All seminars will be held at 3:45 to 5:00 PM unless otherwise specified*

Friday, September 28 in Waters 328: Peter Morrow - 1xbet online games login of Toronto
Title: Is Processing Good?: Theory and Evidence from China

Friday, October 19 in Waters 328: Daniel Herbst - 1xbet online games login of Arizona
Title: Liquidity and Insurance in Student Loan Contracts: Estimating the Effects of Income-Driven Repayment on Default and Consumption

Friday, October 26 in Waters 350: Sang-Wook (Stanley) Cho - UNSW Sydney
Title: The Causal Effect of FTAs on the Trade Margins: Evidence from Geographically Distant Partners

Friday, November 2 in Waters 328: Morris Kleiner - 1xbet online games login of Minnesota
Title: Analyzing the Influence of Occupational Licensing Duration and Grandfathering on Labor Market Outcomes

Friday, November 9 in Waters 328: Nathan Balke - Southern Methodist 1xbet online games login
Title: The Shale Revolution and the Dynamics of the Oil Market

Spring 2018

*All seminars will be held at 3:45 to 5:00 PM in Waters 329 unless otherwise specified*

Wednesday, April 4 in Waters 328: Xuepeng Liu, Kennesaw State 1xbet online games login .
Title: Services Development and Comparative Advantage in Manufacturing

Friday, April 20 in Waters 328: dr 1xbet sports betting. A, Kansas State 1xbet online games login .
Title: Student Loan Repayment

Friday, April 27 in Waters 328 : Dr. Christoper Garmon, 1xbet online games login of Missouri Kansas City.
Title: Hospital Mergers and Antitrust Immunity: The Acquisition of Palmyra Medical Center by Phoebe Putney Health

*Postponed* Will be rescheduled at a later time: dr 1xbet sports betti Kansas State 1xbet online games login .
Title: TBA

*Postponed*: Dr. Eric Brunner, 1xbet online games login of Connecticut.
Title: School Finance Reforms, Teachers’ Unions, and the Allocation of School Resources

Fall 2017

*All seminars will be held in Waters 329 at 3:45 to 5:00 PM unless otherwise specified*

Friday, September 22 in Waters 350: Dr. Steve Puller, Texas A&M.
Title: Does Strategic Ability Affect Efficiency? Evidence from Electricity Markets

Friday, September 29: Dr. Chunbei Wang, 1xbet online games login of Oklahoma.
Title: Tightened Immigration Policies and the Self-Employment Dynamics of Hispanic Immigrants

Friday, October 13 in Waters 350: Dr. Andy Brownback, 1xbet online games login of Arkansas.
Title: Attribution Bias, Blame, and Strategic Confusion in Punishment Decisions

Friday, November 10 in Waters 350: Dr. Lesley Turner, 1xbet online games login of Maryland.
Title: Student Loan Nudges: Experimental Evidence on Borrowing and Educational Attainment

Friday, December 1 in Waters 350: Dr. Jed DeVaro, California State 1xbet online games login - East Bay.
Title: Internal and External Hiring

Spring 2017

*All seminars will be held in Waters 329 at 3:45 to 5:00 PM unless otherwise specified*

Friday, April 14th in Waters 328: Dr. Cory Koedel, 1xbet online games login of Missouri
Title: The Compositional Effect of Rigorous Teacher Evaluation on Workforce Quality

Friday, May 5th in Waters 328: Qihui Chen, 1xbet online games login of California - San Diego
Title: Improved Inference on the Rank of a Matrix with Applications to IV and Cointegration Models

Fall 2016

*All seminars will be held in Waters 329 at 3:45 to 5:00 PM unless otherwise specified*

Postponed: Susan Dynarksi, 1xbet online games login of Michigan
(ADVANCE Distinguished Lecture Series through the K-State Office for the Advancement of Women in Science and Engineering)

Friday, October 7th in Waters 350: Jungbin Hwang, 1xbet online games login of Connecticut
Title: Simple and Trustworthy Cluster-Robust GMM Inference

Department Lecture of the Joe Tiao Lecture Series:
Friday, October 28th in the Leadership Studies Building 123, 10:30am-12:00pm:
George Borjas, Harvard Kennedy School
Title: The Wage Impact of the Marielitos: A Reappraisal

Thursday, November 3rd in Waters 350: Wukuang Cun, 1xbet online games login of Southern California Dornsife INET
Title: Sterilized Intervention and Optimal Chinese Monetary Policy (Joint with Jie Li)

Friday, November 11th in Waters 350: Walt Meyer, 1xbet online games login of Mississippi
Title: Improving the Power of the Diebold-Mariano Test for Least Squares Predictions (with Liu & Dang)

Spring 2016

*All seminars will be held in Waters 329 from 3:45 to 5:00 PM unless otherwise specified*

Thursday, January 21st in Waters 328: Enda Hargaden, 1xbet online games login of Michigan

Title: Taxpayer Responses over the Cycle: Evidence from Irish Notches

Monday, February 1st in Waters 328: Jeremy West, Texas A&M 1xbet online games login

Title: Racial Bias in Police Investigations

Monday, February 8th in Waters 328: Uros Petronijevic, 1xbet online games login of Toronto

Title: The Productivity Effects of School Competition in the Presence of Education Accountability

Friday, February 26 in Waters 328: Ross Milton, Cornell 1xbet online games login

Title: Crowd-out of Private Contributions to Local Public Goods: Evidence from School Tax Referenda

Friday, April 1st in Waters 328: Earl Grinols, Baylor 1xbet online games login

Title: Problem Gambling and Crime

Friday, April 15th in Waters 328: Daniel Kreisman, Georgia State 1xbet online games login

Title: Vocational and Career Tech Education in American High Schools: Curriculum Choice and Labor Market Outcomes

Friday, April 22nd in Waters 328: Andrew Agopsowicz, Bank of Canada

Title: Search Frictions and the College Premium

Postponed till Fall 2016: Walt Mayer, Mississippi 1xbet online games login

Postponed till Fall 2016: Zhijie Xiao, Boston college

Fall 2015

All seminars will be held in Waters 329 from 3:45 to 5:00 PM unless otherwise specified

Friday, October 9th : Dr. Laura Dague from Bush School of Government and Public Policy at Texas A&M
Title: "Labor Supply and Public Health Insurance"

Friday, October 16th : Dr. Liang Hu from Wayne State 1xbet online games login
Title: "Forecasting Crude Oil Price Volatility", by Ana Maria Herrera, Liang Hu and Daniel Pastor

Friday, October 23rd: Dr. Frank Gunter from Lehigh 1xbet online games login
Title: "Entrepreneurship in a Conflict State: The Case of Iraq"

Postponed: Dr. Sajal Lahiri from Southern Illinois

Friday, November 13th : Dr. David Kaplan from Missouri – Columbia
Title: "Smoothed Estimating Equations for Instrumental Variables Quantile Regression"

Friday, December 11th : Dr. Kim P. Huynh from Bank of Canada
Title: "The Role of Card Acceptance in the Transaction Demand for Money"

Spring 2015

All seminars will be held in Waters 329 from 3:45 to 5:00 PM unless otherwise specified

Tuesday, January 20: Jin (Jane) Wang, 1xbet online games login of Southern California, "Do Birds of A Feather Flock Together? Platform’s Quality Screening and End-Users’ Choices Theory and Empirical Study of Online Trading Platforms."

Thursday, January 22: Tate Twinam, 1xbet online games login of Pittsburgh, "Danger zone: The Causal Effects of High-Density and Mixed-Use Development on Neighborhood Crime."

Friday, January 23: Pedro Sant'Anna, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, "Nonparametric Tests for Conditional Treatment Effects with Duration Outcomes."

Monday, January 26: Mariyana Zapryanova, 1xbet online games login of Wisconsin - Madison, "The Effects of Time in Prison and Time on Parole on Recidivism."

Tuesday, January 27: Li (Lily) Zhao, Vanderbilt 1xbet online games login , "Equilibrium Selection in Discrete Games of Complete Information: An Application to the Home Improvement Industry."

Wednesday, January 28: Deniz Ozabaci, 1xbet online games login of Connecticut, "Additive Nonparametric Sample Selection Models with Endogeneity."

Thursday, January 29: Chao Ma, Ohio State 1xbet online games login , "Estimating a Dynamic Discrete Choice Model with Partial Observability for Household Mortgage Default and Prepayment Behaviors."

Friday, January 30: Jeff Traczynski, 1xbet online games login of Hawaii at Manoa, "Personal Bankruptcy, Asset Risk, and Entrepreneurship: Evidence from Tenancy by the Entirety Laws."

Monday, February 2: Youngki Shin, 1xbet online games login of Western Ontario, "Understanding Earnings Dynamics: Identifying and Estimating the Changing Roles of Unobserved Ability, Permanent and Transitory Shocks."

Tuesday, February 24: Amanda Gaulke, 1xbet online games login of Wisconsin - Madison, "Stopping out of College: The Role of Credit Constraints."

Thursday, February 26: Zheng Fang, 1xbet online games login of California, San Diego, "Optimal Plug-in Estimators of Directionally Differentiable Functionals."

Fall 2014

All seminars will be held in Waters 329 from 3:45 to 5:00 PM unless otherwise specified

Friday, September 12 in room Waters 328: Michael Kaganovich, Indiana 1xbet online games login . Title:"Returns to Academic Standards and the Selectivity of Colleges."

Thursday, September 18 at 11:00am-12:15pm: Michael Plante, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. Title: "The Zero Lower Bound and Endogenous Uncertainty."

Friday, October 10: Teresa D. Harrison, Drexel 1xbet online games login . Title "Nonprofit Tax Exemptions and Market Structure: The Case of Fitness Centers."

Friday, October 17: James Lake, Southern Methodist 1xbet online games login . Title "Are Global Trade Negotiations Behind a Fragmented World of 'Gated Globalization'?"

Friday, October 31: Zongwu Cai, 1xbet online games login of Kansas. Title "Estimating the Growth Effect of FDI Using a Quantile Panel Data Model with Partially Varying Coefficients."

Tuesday, December 2: Andy Brownback, UCSD (PhD candidate). Title: "Effort Allocation and Relative Grading"

Spring 2014

All upcoming seminars will be held in Waters 329 from 3:45 pm to 5pm. Unless otherwise specified

Friday, January 24: Yoon-Jin Lee, Indiana 1xbet online games login . Title: "A Unified Approach to Testing Nonlinear Time Series Models." Room: Waters Hall W328.

Monday, January 27: Xuyang Ma, 1xbet online games login of Washington. Title: "The S-shape Factor and Bond Risk Premia." Room: Waters Hall W328.

Friday, March 28: Kai (Jackie) Zhao, 1xbet online games login of Connecticut. Title: "Why Do Americans Work So Much More than Europeans? The Role of Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance and Uncertain Health Expenses."

Wednesday, April 2: Kishore Gawande, Texas A&M 1xbet online games login . Title: "The Political Economy of Trade Agreements: An Empirical Investigation"

Wednesday, April 16: Steve Williamson, Washington 1xbet online games login in St. Louis. Title: "Scarce Collateral, the Term Premium, and Quantitative Easing" Room: Waters Hall W328.

Fall 2013

All upcoming seminars will be held in Waters 329 from 3:45 pm to 5pm. Unless otherwise specified

Friday, September 27: Parantap Basu, Durham 1xbet online games login . Title: "Intergenerational mobility with incomplete depreciation of human capital."

Friday, September 13: David Jacho-Chavez, Emory 1xbet online games login . Title: "Identification and Estimation of Semiparametric Two Step Models."

Friday, October 18: Michael Kaganovich, Indiana 1xbet online games login . Title: "Returns to Standards and the Expansion of Higher Education." Cancelled.

Friday, October 25: Carl Sanders, Washington 1xbet online games login in St. Louis. Title: "Decomposing the Native-Immigrant Wage Gap in the United States."

Friday, November 8: Jed DeVaro, California State 1xbet online games login . Title: "Advertising and Labor Market Matching: A Tour Through the Times."

Friday, November 22: Mick O'shea, Kansas State 1xbet online games login . Title: "Finding Hidden Periodic Signals in Time Series - an Application to Stock Prices."

Spring 2013

All upcoming seminars this Spring will be held in Waters 328 from 3:45 pm to 5pm. Unless otherwise specified

Friday, January 25: Imke Reimers, 1xbet online games login of Minnesota -- Title: "The Effects of Intellectual Property on the Market for Existing Creative Works"

Monday, January 28: Hugh Cassidy, 1xbet online games login of Western Ontario -- Title: "Skills, Tasks, and Occupational Choice"

Wednesday, January 30: David Simon, 1xbet online games login of California Davis, "Does Early Life Exposure to Cigarette Smoke Permanently Harm Childhood Health? Evidence from Cigarette Tax Hikes"

Wednesday, February 6: Myongjin (MJ) Kim, Boston 1xbet online games login , "Strategic Responses to Used-Goods Markets: Airbus and Boeing Since 1997"

Monday, February 11: Sarah Kroeger, Boston 1xbet online games login , "The Contribution of Offshoring to the Convexification of the U.S. Wage Distribution"

Thursday, April 4, Waters 329: Jesus Vasquez, Department FAE II, Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU), Spain, "A structural analysis of the inflation moderation"

Tuesday, April 9: Kim P. Huynh, Bank of Canada, "Efficacy of Voluntary Training and Heterogeneous Performance: Evidence from the Classroom"

Tuesday, April 30, Union 226: Brad Delong, 1xbet online games login of Califorina - Berkley, "TBA"

Wednesday, May 8: Sagiri Kitao, Hunter College, City 1xbet online games login of New York, "A life-cycle model of unemployment and disability insurance"

Seminar Schedule 2012

Friday, February 24: Seth H. Giertz, 1xbet online games login of Nebraska-Lincoln, "US House Price Bubbles from 1980-2010 and the Role of Local Market Conditions".

Thursday, March 29: Sajal Lahiri, Southern Illinois 1xbet online games login

Thursday, May 3: Heiwai Tang, Tufts 1xbet online games login

Friday, September 14: Janet Currie, Henry Putnam Professor of Economics and Public Affairs at Princeton

Friday, October 19: Cary Deck, Professor of Economics and Director of Behavioral Business Research Laboratory at 1xbet online games login of Arkansas -- Title: "Competitive Markets When Customers Anticipate Stockouts"

Thursday, October 25: Giovanni Facchini, Professor of Economics at the 1xbet online games login of Nottingham -- Title: "Policymaker horizon and trade reforms"

CANCELED: Tuesday, October 30: Kishore Gawande,Professor and Roy and Helen Ryu Chair of Economics and Government at Texas A&M

Monday, November 5: Le Wang, Assistant Professor at the 1xbet online games login of New Hampshire -- Title: "The Gender Earnings Gap: Measurement and Analysis."

Friday, November 30: Nathan Yang, Lecturer in Marketing at the Yale School of Management -- Title: "March of the Chains: Herding in Restaurant Locations"

Seminar schedule 2011

Friday, December 9: Carlos Lamarche, 1xbet online games login of Oklahoma, TBA, 3:45-5:00

Thursday, December 1: Shinichi Nishiyama, Georgia State 1xbet online games login , "The Joint Labor Supply Decision of Married Couples and the Social Security Pension System", 3:45-5:00

Monday, November 7: Tae-Hwy Lee, UC-Riverside, "Predicting the Equity Premium", 2:30-3:45

Thursday, October 6: Taeyoung Doh, Kansas City Fed, "Long Run Risks in the Term Structure of Interest Rates: Estimation", 3:45-5:00

Monday, February 28: Anson Ho, 1xbet online games login of Iowa, "On the Effects of Tax-deferred Saving Accounts," 3:45-5:00 p.m., Waters 329

Tuesday, February 22: Hans Holter, 1xbet online games login of Pennsylvania, "Accounting for Cross-Country Differences in Intergenerational Earnings Persistence: The Impact of Taxation and Public Education Expenditure," 3:45-5:00 p.m., Waters 329

Wednesday, February 16: James Young, 1xbet online games login of Notre Dame, "Inflation and the Forward Premium Anomaly," 3:45-5:00 p.m., Waters 328

Friday, February 11: M. Saif Mehkari, Ohio State 1xbet online games login , "News Shocks and Forward-Compatible Investment," 3:45-5:00 p.m., Waters 328

Wednesday, February 9: Andrew Cassey, Washington State 1xbet online games login , "The Agglomeration of Exporters by Destination," 3:45-5:00 p.m., Waters 328

Monday, February 7: Leilei Shen, 1xbet online games login of Toronto, "Product Restructuring, Exports, Investment, and Growth Dynamics," 3:45-5:00 p.m., Waters 329.

Friday, February 4: Daphne Chen, 1xbet online games login of Texas at Austin, "The Impact of Personal Bankruptcy on Labor Supply Decisions," 3:45-5:00 p.m., Waters 329.

Thursday, February 3: Belgi Turan, 1xbet online games login of Houston, "Mortality, Fertility and Human Capital Investment: Evidence from Immunization Program in India," 3:45-5:00 p.m., Waters 329

Monday, January 31: Peri da Silva, 1xbet online games login of North Dakota, "The Customs Union issue: Why do we observe so few of them?," 3:45-5:00 p.m., Waters 329.

Friday, January 28: AV Chari, Cornell 1xbet online games login , "Firing Costs and Flexibility: Evidence from Firms. Employment Responses to Shocks in India," 3:45-5:00 p.m., Waters 328.

Seminar schedule 2010

Friday, December 3: Professor Donna Ginther, 1xbet online games login of Kansas, "Does Scientific Innovation Lead to Entrepreneurship? A Comparison of Academic and Industry Sectors.," 4:00-5:00 p.m., Waters 329.

Thursday, November 18: Chris Bennett, Vanderbilt, "Multiple Hypothesis Testing in Economics" (Part 1)(Part 2), 3:45-5:00 p.m., Waters 329.

Thursday, October 28: Alison Felix, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, "Corporate Taxes and Union Wages in the United States," 3:45-5:00 p.m., Waters 329.

Wednesday, October 13: Mike McCracken, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, "Reality Checks and Nested Forecast Model Comparisons," 3:45-5:00 p.m., Waters 329.

Tuesday, August 31: Liang Ding, Macalester College, "Portfolio Reallocation and Exchange Rate Dynamics," cowritten with Jun Ma of 1xbet online games login of Alabama, 4:00-5:00 p.m., Waters 329.

Friday, April 23: Itzhak Zilcha: Tel Aviv 1xbet online games login , ISRAEL, and Southern Methodist 1xbet online games login , USA, "How Should Government Subsidize Higher Education," 2:00-3:30 p.m., Waters 329.

April 15-16: Ellen McGrattan, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis.

  1. Public Lecture - "Why is the United States in Debt to the World?," 3:45-5:00 p.m., Thursday, April 15, Big 12 Room of the Student Union.
  2. Department Lecture - "The Transition to FDI Openness," 3:30-5:00 p.m., Friday, April 16, Waters 137.

Friday, March 26: Salar Jahedi, 1xbet online games login of Arkansas, "A Taste for Bargains: Theory and Evidence," 3:30-5:00 p.m., Waters 329.

Thursday, March 11: Rebecca Chenevert, 1xbet online games login of Texas, "Enrollment Effects of Higher Education Tax Benefits," 3:45-5:00 p.m., Waters 329.

Monday, March 8: Yariv Fadlon, Vanderbilt 1xbet online games login , "Statistical Discrimination and the Implications of Employer-Employee Racial Matches," 3:45-5:00 p.m., Waters 329.

Friday, March 5: Philippe Belley, 1xbet online games login of Western Ontario, "Understanding Wage Growth: Estimating and Testing Learning-by-Doing," 3:45-5:00 p.m., Waters 329.

Friday, January 29: Z. Eylem Gevrek, 1xbet online games login of Arizona, "Interethnic Marriage and the Labor Market Integration of Immigrants," 3:45-5:00 p.m., Waters 329.

Monday, January 25: Courtney Collins, Texas A&M 1xbet online games login , "Switching to Better Schools: A Model of Class Size and Mover Endogeneity," 3:45-5:00 p.m., Waters 329.

Friday, January 22: Dionissi Aliprantis, 1xbet online games login of Pennsylvania, "Human Capital in the Inner City," 3:45-5:00 p.m., Waters 329.

Seminar schedule 2009

Tuesday, December 1: Stan Longhofer, Barton School of Business, Wichita State 1xbet online games login , "The (Mythical?) Housing Wealth Effect," cowritten with Charles W. Calomiris and William Miles, 3:50-5:00 p.m., Waters 329.

Wednesday, November 11: Tracy Turner, Kansas State 1xbet online games login , "How Sensitive are Housing Tenure Decisions to Tax Subsidies? The Role of Lending Standards and Market Conditions," cowritten with Christian Hilber of the London School of Economics, 3:50-5:00 p.m., Waters 329.

Tuesday, September 22: Qi Zhang, Northwestern 1xbet online games login , "Communist Revolution and the Political Origin of Capitalism in China: Evidence from Zhejiang Province," 3:50-5:00 p.m., Waters 329.

Thursday, September 3: María-José Gutiérrez, 1xbet online games login of the Basque Country, "Reference Points and Optimal Management in Stochastic Age-Structured Fisheries Models," cowritten with José-María Da Rocha of Universidade de Vigo, 3:50-5:00 p.m., Waters 329.

Thursday, August 27: Jesús Vázquez, Universidad del País Vasco, "Employment comovements at the sectoral level over the business cycle," cowritten with Steve Cassou of Kansas State 1xbet online games login , 3:50-5:00 p.m., Waters 329.

April 27: David Wiczer, 1xbet online games login of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, "The Kids Keep Getting Smarter: Can education explain sustained, high efficiency growth in transition?," 4 p.m., Waters 342.

April 23-24: Daniel S. Hamermesh, Centennial Professor of Economics, 1xbet online games login of Texas at Austin, Joe Tiao Lecture Series

  1. Public Lecture - "The Beauty Premium," 3:45-5:00 p.m., Thursday April 23, Big 12 Room of the Student Union.
  2. Department Lecture - "The Timing of Labor Demand," joint with Ana Rute and Jose Varejao, 3:30 p.m., Friday April 24, Waters 328.

March 30: Greg Givens, Middle Tennessee State 1xbet online games login , "Unemployment Insurance in a Sticky-Price Model with Worker Moral Hazard," 10:30 am, Waters 342.

March 6: Gordon Sellon, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, "The Financial Crisis and Federal Reserve Policy," 2:30 p.m., Waters 328.

February 23: Rebecca Blank, Brookings Institution, Joe Tiao Lecture Series, ADVANCE Lecture Series

  1. Department Lecture - "The Impact of Earnings Disregards on the Behavior of Low Income Families," joint with Jordan Matsurida (Cornell 1xbet online games login ), 10:30 am, Monday, February 23, Waters 329.
  2. Public Lecture - "What Comes After Welfare Reform? A New Agenda for Fighting Poverty," 3:30-5:00 p.m., Monday, February 23, Big 12 Room of the Student Union.

February 13: Neville Francis, 1xbet online games login of North Carolina, "Measures of Per Capita Hours and their Implications for the Technology-Hours Debate," 3:30 p.m., Waters 329.

February 6: Karunakaran Sudhir, Professor of Marketing, Yale School of Management, Yale 1xbet online games login , "Sleeping with the "Frenemy: The Agglomeration-Differentiation Tradeoff in Spatial Location Choice," 3:30 p.m., Waters 329.

Seminar schedule 2008

December 12: John Deskins, Creighton 1xbet online games login , "On the Relative Distortions of State Sales and Corporate Income Taxes," 3:30 p.m., Waters 329

December 4: Katja Seim, The Wharton School, 1xbet online games login of Pennsylvania, "Bid Preference Programs and Participation in Highway Procurement," joint with Elena Krasnokutskaya (1xbet online games login of Pennsylvania, Economics), 4:00 p.m., Waters 329.

October 27-28: Chris Sims, Princeton 1xbet online games login , Joe Tiao Lecture Series

  1. Public Lecture - "Government Debt, Inflation, and Monetary Policy," 4:00-5:00 p.m., Monday October 27, Big 12 Room of the Student Union. Lecture notes are available at
  2. Department Lecture - "Inflation Expectations, Uncertainty, The Phillips Curve, and Monetary Policy," 11:00-12:30, Tuesday, October 28, Waters 137.

October 13: Dan Levin, Ohio State 1xbet online games login , "Can Relaxation of Beliefs Rationalize the Winner's Curse? An Experimental Study," cowritten with Asen Ivanov and Muriel Niederle, 3:30 p.m.

October 6: Simona Fabrizi, Massey 1xbet online games login Auckland, "Venture Capital Syndication and Termination of Viable Projects," cowritten with Nisvan Erkal of the 1xbet online games login of Melbourne and Steffen Lippert of Massey 1xbet online games login , Waters 329.