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Basic 1xbet online games login Leader Training Agenda (REVISED)
Time Activity
Morning(or First Day Afternoon)

Noon-1:00 (Manhattan)

Eat, play, socialize
Boxed lunches 1xbet online games login provided at noon (Manhattan). Some of the play materials used in the workshop series 1xbet online games login set out for you to try out before we officially begin.
8:00-9:45 Introductions and Workshop Goals
Time to get to know each other and begin the day.
We will examine the cultural forces that make parenting difficult today and their consequences for parents. Keys to support 1xbet online games login identified. Participants will identify a critical idea they would like to send to parents and will create a gallery of posters that illustrate their priorities.
Program Goals
The concept of mindfulness 1xbet online games login examined. The importance of principled action in effective parenting practices will be emphasized.
9:45-10:00 Play Break
10:00-Noon Program Overview
Basic 1xbet online games login themes, principles and skills 1xbet online games login identified and related to the National Extension Parent Education Model. Basic 1xbet online games login is an innovative, new way of conducting parent education. How does the program change the current paradigm? What new creative opportunities does it provide educators? Let's dig into the creative core of the program so see what makes it tick.
Program Components
Basic 1xbet online games login integrates several different types of resources. The website, PLUS programs, Insights, Cards, Handbook, and Resources 1xbet online games login examined and their relationship with each other identified. Be sure to bring your Basic 1xbet online games login resource box to the meeting.
Afternoon (or Second Day Morning)
1:00-2:45 Program Components (cont)
2:45-3:00 Play Break
3:00-4:30 Program Procedures
We 1xbet online games login examine the nature of effective leadership for a Basic 1xbet online games login program. The workshop format/procedures 1xbet online games login investigated. Participant will review how to conduct a portfolio evaluation.
Back-home Strategizing and Summary
We 1xbet online games login begin the process of creating an implementation plan for introducing Basic 1xbet online games login in a community. Participants 1xbet online games login share ideas and provide feedback and suggestions for making the program effective.

Basic Parenting
Go to Art Awareness
Go to ParentShare
Go to Caring about Parents
Go to Devotion Page
Go to Nurturing Conscience home
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Author Informationhttp://www.ksu.edu/wwparent/programs/basic/leader2.htm--Revised: September 15, 1999
1xbet online sports Charles A. Smith. All rights reserved.