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Basic Parenting PLUS Programs
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Basic Parenting PLUS programs are modules that can be integrated with the core Basic Parenting Foundations 1xbet online games login . The core 1xbet online games login covers a broad area while PLUS programs examine a single issue in greater depth. Each PLUS 1xbet online games login will have four components: additional Insights (principles and skills), corresponding Cards to add to the core deck, a Leader's Guide for at least one two-hour workshop session, and a set of workshop resources. Each PLUS 1xbet online games login will draw from one or more Insights in the Foundations 1xbet online games login .

Art Awareness, the first PLUS 1xbet online games login , is now available. The 1xbet online games login will help parents and professionals better understand children by becoming aware of the developmental changes in artistic growth during their early years. Read more about the 1xbet online games login by visiting the 1xbet best cas page.

A second 1xbet online games login titled 1xbet online games login htm-- Revised: May 25, is the second PLUS 1xbet online games login .

Basic Parenting
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Author Informationhttp://www.ksu.edu/wwparent/programs/basic/plus.htm--Revised: February 10, 2002
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