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Basic Parenting Components
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The Basic Parenting Foundations 1xbet online games login package includes the following 1xbet online games login :


Camera-ready masters for 37 Principles and 43 Skills identified and described separately in a fact-sheet format; 6 self-assessments; 6 home activity sheets; 6 personal reflection sheets.

See sample Insight (principle)
See sample Insight (skill)


Eighty cards listing Basic Parenting principles (in blue) and skills (in green). Includes instructions for 15 card games. This resource is especially useful in a home visitor or one-on-one context. Cards are also used in the workshops or could be used in large groups (e.g., a high school class). You receive both a set of the actual cards and a template set to produce your own cards if you wish (or you can order them from us).

See sample cards

1xbet online games login Guide

A 102 page 1xbet online games login Guide for Leaders in a 3-ring notebook. Includes 1xbet online games login philosophy and detailed instructions for leading a six two-hour workshop series.

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Workshop or Home Visitor 1xbet online games login

Nearly 30 handouts and resources for use in the workshop series or as part of a home visitor 1xbet online games login .

See sample handout: Temperament Pie

General 1xbet online games login

Thirteen resources for use with the 1xbet online games login including a shopping list for the workshops, brief outlines of each session, a small poster, and clip art.

Evaluation 1xbet online games login

A detailed set of 9 evaluation instruments and a description of a "portfolio" strategy for evaluating the 1xbet online games login at the local level.

See sample Evaluation Summary Sheet

NEPEM Report

While supplies last, a copy of the National Extension Parent Education Model Report will be included in the resource.

All camera-ready materials are inserted in different-colored folders placed in a large, attractive dark green plastic carrying case. There is sufficient room in the case to add future PLUS programs.

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Author Informationhttp://www.ksu.edu/wwparent/programs/basic/comp.htm--Revised: August 8, 1999
1xbet online sports betting Charles A. Smith. All rights reserved.