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Basic Parenting 1xbet online games login
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Although not a requirement for conducting Basic Parenting programs, 1xbet online games login can be a valuable experience for both novice and experienced parent educators. Basic Parenting has several new design features that challenge traditional approaches to parent education. 1xbet online games login can increase the likelihood of using the program effectively. In addition, the opportunity to work together in a small group with other potential program leaders can help establish a long-term support network for collaboration.

Each 1xbet online games login workshop is limited to sixteen participants and is led by Dr. Charles A. Smith, the creator of the program. Each participant (or a team of two from the same community) should bring the full Basic Parenting Program package with them. Manhattan costs are kept low to cover refreshments only. Training at other locations may cost considerably more.

1xbet online games login Training Schedule
Date Location Time Cost
Spring 2002 Alabama TBD Contact Host

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Author Informationhttp://www.ksu.edu/wwparent/programs/basic/1xbet online games login htm--Revised: February 10, 1999
1xbet online sports Charles A. Smith. All rights reserved.