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Basic Parenting Masthead
This is a Basic Parenting pageBasic 1xbet online games login is a comprehensive parent education program that focuses on 80 principles and skills that form the foundation for effective 1xbet online games login . The program is based on the National Extension Parent Education Model and is designed for parents who are experiencing adversity in childrearing. Materials for parents are written at about the sixth grade level but are suitable for audiences at higher reading levels. A Powerpoint Slide Show on the design origins of Basic 1xbet online games login used at the National Extension Family Life Specialists meeting in February of 2002 is available for viewing or download.

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Basic Parenting
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Author Informationhttp://www.ksu.edu/wwparent/programs/basic/index.htm--Revised: June 27, 2002
1xbet online sports betting Charles A. Smith. All rights reserved.