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Basic Parenting Order Form
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New items will be added to this 1xbet sports betting Order Form as they become available. You can print this form and then fax or mail. If you have any questions about this material, contact Paula Seele (pseele@oznet.ksu.edu)

Order Form
Description # Price Total
1xbet online game Foundations Program
(Includes one card deck and instructions)
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1xbet sports betting Insights Card Deck1 1xbet sports betting
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BP Conscience Insights Card Deck1 1xbet sports betting
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The Learning About Conscience Game
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BP Anger Management Card Deck1 .00
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Subtotal (shipping is included in price) =
KS residents please add 7.3% tax*

____ Check enclosed ____ Bill me

Make checks payable to KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY. Residents outside of the United States must send U.S. Funds money order. Shipping is included in the purchase price for customers living in the Continental U.S. Contact us for shipping costs to other worldwide locations. Expect delivery in six weeks or less.

* If you or your organization have Kansas residency and are tax exempt, please provide your tax exempt number below.

Please send your order to:

1xbet sports betting
343 Justin Hall, KSU
Manhattan, KS 66506-1411
Telephone: 785/532-5773
FAX: 785/532-6969
Email: pseele@oznet.ksu.edu
1Keep in mind that you can make your own card decks from the card templates in the 1xbet sports betting Foundations and Expansion Set resources.
2Includes a set of new Insights cards for the expansion.
3Includes one set of the Learning About Conscience game.

Your Information
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Company: 1xbet sports betting
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Author Informationhttp://www.ksu.edu/wwparent/programs/basic/order.htm--Revised: October 7, 2003
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