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  7. »Uploading 1xbet sports betting

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Upload 1xbet sports betting

The most efficient process for adding 1xbet sports betting to a webpage is to upload and publish the image in the Pages List View. Then Inserting 1xbet sinto the .pcf file.

  1. Under Content, click Pages.

  2. Navigate to the1xbet sports betting folder. You can Creating a 1xbet b to group 1xbet sports betting by topic.

  3. Click the Upload button.

    Location of upload button

  4. Choose Upload 1xbet sports betting or Import Zip File.

    Note: We do not recommend using the Edit and Upload Image option.

    Leave the default Access Group option selected.

    Select the Overwrite Existing check box if you are replacing a previously uploaded file. The filename must be exactly the same.

    Image of the upload page

  5. Click the Add 1xbet sports betting button, browse to the file location, select one or multiple 1xbet sports betting , and then click OK. Or drag and drop the 1xbet sports betting you wish to add to the window.

    Note: Please use web-friendly filenames. Take advantage of the rename option when uploading. Keep the filename descriptive, but concise. Use lower-case letters, numbers, and hyphens instead of spaces. Don't forget the file extension (ex. .jpg, .png or .gif).

  6. Click Start Upload.

  7. Publish the image(s).

Additional information

  • Every site has an 1xbet sports betting folder at the root of the site's file and folder structure. When inserting an image, the CMS takes you directly to this folder by default. It saves clicks to keep all 1xbet sports betting in this main 1xbet sports betting folder. You can divide the 1xbet sports betting folder into as many sub-folders as needed to keep them organized and easy to find.

  • 1xbet sports betting should be sized before uploading. The middle column of a three-column page is 520 pixels wide. As a general rule, you will not need to upload 1xbet sports betting wider than 520 pixels.

  • 1xbet sports betting can also be uploaded from the Insert/Edit image modal in the editor, but it is not recommended. There is no opportunity to publish the file. The image will not display in Preview until the file has been published.