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Checking files in and 1xbet sports betting

The checked 1xbet sports betting /in icon, represented by a light bulb, reflects the state of a 1xbet sports betting or file.A user can manually check out the file by clicking the light bulbor the file is automatically checked 1xbet sports betting by clicking an edit button.

When a file is checked out to a user, no other user can enter the 1xbet sports betting and make changes until the file has been checked back in. Certain file options are only available when the file is checked out.

It is important to note a file stays checked 1xbet sports betting until the user:

  • Publishes the 1xbet sports betting .
  • Manually checks the 1xbet sports betting back in by clicking the yellow light bulb.
  • Sends the 1xbet sports betting to another user for review.

The file status indicators help make clear why a 1xbet sports betting is not available for editing as well as who has the 1xbet sports betting checked out.

Checking files 1xbet sports betting

  1. Under the Content tab, click Pages.

  2. Locate the file you want to edit.

  3. Click the light bulb next to the 1xbet sports betting to check it out.

    Image showing location of the lightbulb icon used to check a file out.


    • A lit light bulb next to a 1xbet sports betting means the 1xbet sports betting is already checked out to you and can't be edited by anyone else.
      Image of the lightbulb icon that signifies a file is checked out to you.
    • A lock next to a 1xbet sports betting means the 1xbet sports betting is checked out to someone and can't be edited by anyone else.
      Image of the lock icon that signifies a file is checked out to someone else.

Checking files in

  1. Viewing 1xbet sports betting on the K- you want to check in.

  2. Click the light bulbto check it in.

    Image of the lightbulb icon when a page is checked out to you.

Behaviors of Checked 1xbet sports betting files

If a 1xbet sports betting is checked out by another user, the current user may still perform the following actions; even though the 1xbet sports betting is locked:

  • Set or edit Reminders
  • Preview
  • View the log
  • Copy

Checked-1xbet sports betting Content Report

For a report of the files you currently have checked 1xbet sports betting , go to Reports, then click Checked-1xbet sports betting Content.

Checked-Out Content link

The report will show you:

  • Name of file
  • Status: whether it is checked 1xbet sports betting , scheduled to publish at a later time or waiting for approval for those who approve another users changes.
  • Checked-1xbet sports betting By
  • Checked-1xbet sports betting Date
  • Last Saved Date

Click the filename to go to the Viewing 1xbet sports betting on t or click the yellow lightbulb to check the file back in if no longer needed.