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Use the title 1xbet online games login only for additional information

All HTML elements have a title attribute that can contain text that is displayed as a tooltip when the mouse hovers over that element or it receives focus. This attribute should not be used to provide content that is already available, such as the 1xbet online games login text for a hyperlink or the alt text of an image.

Duplication produces visual clutter for sighted users and audio clutter for people using screen readers.

Problem examples

Hover over the 1xbet online games login and notice that the tooltip that appears just duplicates and obscures the 1xbet online games login text.

Screen readers will read the 1xbet online games login text, then the word "1xbet online games login " (or "visited 1xbet online games login " if the page has been visited previously) and then the title text. In other words, a screen reader will read "webpage best practices 1xbet online games login webpage best 1xbet online games login ".

To fix this error

Remove the title 1xbet online games login .