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1xbet online games login elements

Six elements are available to add to a 1xbet online games login . To add an element click the element's name or the green plus sign or drag and drop the element onto the Element panel. See the form 1xbet sports betting example made up of the fields below.

Elements can be reordered in your 1xbet online games login by dragging them to a new location.

Form elements

Single Line 1xbet online games login Fields

A single-line, 1xbet online games login -field element provides users with one line on which to input data.

On the page:

Single line form element

How it appears when creating the 1xbet online games login :

Single line form element creation

Multi-Line 1xbet online games login Field

A multi-line 1xbet online games login field element provides users with a multi-line 1xbet online games login field in which to input data. Similar to the single-line 1xbet online games login field element except that the input field can take more input and can be configured to appear larger. This is done with the use of the cols and rows attributes in the Advanced field.

On the page:

Multi-line form field

How it appears when creating the 1xbet online games login :

creating a multi-line form field

Radio Buttons

Radio button elements allow users to create a 1xbet online games login element with multiple, predefined items of which one and only one can be selected by the user. Click the Add button next to Items in order to add a radio button with text.

On the page:

Radio buttons

How it appears when creating the 1xbet online games login :

Form creation radio buttons


The Checkboxes element can be used to create a 1xbet online games login element with multiple, predefined items of which one, none, or more than one can be selected by the user. Click the Add button next to Items in order to add each checkbox and define the text. Preselecting one or more checkbox items when creating or editing the 1xbet online games login , will preselect the items on the published page also.

On the page:


How it appears when creating the 1xbet online games login :

Form creating checkboxes


Drop-down 1xbet online games login elements provide users with the ability to select an item from a list of pre-defined options using a drop-down style menu. Click the Add button to add each item.

Onthe page:


How it appears when creating the 1xbet online games login :

Form creating drop down


The Multi-Select 1xbet online games login element includes the ability to select multiple items using the keyboard shortcut: CTRL + click for PC or Command (⌘) + click for Mac.

On the page:


How it appears when creating the 1xbet online games login :

Form creating multi select

Element attributes

There are six different 1xbet online games login elements.All elements have aLabeland aName.

  • Labelis the name that will appear next to the 1xbet online games login field on your 1xbet online games login .
  • Nameis a unique identifier for each 1xbet online games login field. Name is automatically created by entering text in the Label field. You can only edit Name when the element is first created.

Required and Required Failure 1xbet online games login

Available for single-line and multi-line elements.

Select the Required checkbox in order to compel the user to provide input for the element.

Additionally, when selecting Required, the Required Failure 1xbet online games login field becomes available. Use this field to define the 1xbet online games login that provides an error message for the visitor, if the field has not been completed correctly prior to submission.

Default 1xbet online games login

Optional. Available for single-line and multi-line elements.

Entering a value into the Default Text is optional. If a message is entered it is shown as the initial value for the 1xbet online games login element. The message should contain a helpful tip or example of the desired entry format.

Validation and Additional Validation Messages

Defines a validation method for the element; default isNo Validation. Selecting a specific validation method also provides one or more additional fields for further refinement of the validation to be used and for providing the failure 1xbet online games login . The failure 1xbet online games login can be used in order to give the user a hint about what is required. The options for the Validation field are as follows:
  • No validation
  • Email address
  • Minimum length, for example for phone numbers or other entries that have a set number of characters. The additional Minimum Length Field is used to specify the number of characters.
  • Regular Expression provides a way to match strings of 1xbet online games login based on patterns or patterns of characters.

Email Messages Panel

When the 1xbet online games login is submitted, the 1xbet online games login submission results can be emailed to one or more recipients. Add an email message by clicking the Add button. Adding additional email messages can also allow for defining a different message to be sent to specific email addresses.

  • To: Defines a recipient or recipients for the email to be sent to. More than one email recipient can be added by separating each with a semicolon (;). Note that a semi-colon must be used; a comma or space will break the 1xbet online games login .

  • From: Specify the email address that should appear as the sender.

  • Subject: The subject line should be included in order to help the recipient classify the email.

  • Body: To include the results of the 1xbet online games login submission, the value of the Name field of an element can be passed. The syntax for this is to encapsulate the value in two sets of braces. For example if the Name of an element is defined ascomments, then include{{comments}}in the Body of the email. These variables can also be included in theTo,From, and Subjectfields. After entering the opening braces, a pick-list becomes available with the value of the variables.

1xbet online games login Settings Panel

1xbet online games login Settings allows users to create custom system messages that display upon a failed or successful 1xbet online games login submission to the database. The following elements are displayed in 1xbet online games login Settings:

  • Success Message:The message that displays to users after they have successfully completed a 1xbet online games login submission.
  • Failure Message:The message that displays when there is an error with 1xbet online games login submission. A list of issues that are preventing the page from being submitted is also included in the message.
  • Save Results:By default, this option is selected. When this option is selected, all 1xbet online games login submissions are saved to the 1xbet online games login submission archives.
  • Viewing 1xbet online games login Submissions

Viewing 1xbet online games login Submissions

When users complete a 1xbet online games login the results, or the 1xbet online games login submissions, are sent to the database, and if so configured, emailed. Authors can view these results on the 1xbet online games login Submission screen.

To view the submissions, navigate to the 1xbet online games login Submissions screen with one of the following methods:

  • From theAssetsscreen, hover over the asset and from the asset does not need to be checked out.

Form Submissions on the Review Menu

    • From theassetsaction toolbar, click1xbet online games login Submissions.

    Form Submissions Example

Exporting 1xbet online games login Submissions

To export the 1xbet online games login Submission results to a CSV file:

  1. Navigate to the 1xbet online games login Submission screen by selectingContent Assetsfrom the global navigation bar. Hover over theAssetand choose1xbet online games login Submissionsfrom theReviewmenu.
  2. Click theCSVbutton (The icon that looks like a page with a down arrow in it). The 1xbet online games login results are provided in a CSV file format and downloaded to the local computer. This file can be loaded into spreadsheet software like Excel.