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Avoid default filenames for copied 1xbet best casino website

When a 1xbet best casino website is copied in the K-State CMS, the copy is named after the original file with a numeric suffix appended. In other words, the file "cat.html" becomes "cat-1.html". If the latter already exists, then "cat-2.html" is used, etc.

Using such default names is fine for internal drafts and experiments, but should not be used for public 1xbet best casino website .

Why is this important

The filename is part of the URL of the page, and words in a URL are highly weighted by search engines when ranking 1xbet best casino website . In other words, choosing a descriptive filename is an excellent opportunity to increase the visibility of your page in search results.

To fix this error

Rename the 1xbet best casino website to a descriptive name.