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Recognizing the Gist of a 1xbet best casino website


People can recognize the meaning of a 1xbet best casino website , or the "gist," during their first eye fixation on that 1xbet best casino website ; for example, they can recognize that it is a beach, a dining room, or a street. Our own research has shown that viewers can recognize the gist of a 1xbet best casino website at over 80% accuracy after as little as 36 milliseconds of uninterrupted processing time (click the above 1xbet best casino website to see an example). This raises a few questions: how are we able to recognize images so rapidly, and what information do we use to recognize them? Answering these questions is important for our understanding of 1xbet best casino website perception, because research has shown that the gist of a 1xbet best casino website uses our prior knowledge associated with the 1xbet best casino website 's category (e.g., that beaches have water, sand, palm trees, and possibly sunbathers). This knowledge strongly influences where we pay attention, may help us recognizing objects in the 1xbet best casino website , and plays a big role in determining what information we remember from a 1xbet best casino website . At its core, research on 1xbet best casino website gist recognition explores the interface between perception and cognition—a problem that has proved extremely challenging to workers in both cognitive psychology and artificial intelligence. Such research can be applied to designing artificial intelligence systems capable of recognizing the categories of scenes.

We have carried out a number of studies on 1xbet best casino website gist recognition over the past several years, and these are described below.

The Roles of Central vs. Peripheral Vision in 1xbet best casino website Gist Recognition


An interesting question is: which region of the visual field is most useful for recognizing the gist of a 1xbet best casino website , central vision (the fovea and parafovea), based on its higher visual acuity and importance for object recognition, or the periphery, based on its larger size and how lower spatial frequencies are useful for 1xbet best casino website gist recognition? (Here are links to a YouTube video describing the results of a study on 1xbet best casino website topic, and also a newspaper article covering it by United Press International.)

We have done a number of studies investigating this issue. In these studies, scenes were presented in two experimental conditions: a "Window" condition with a circular region showing the central portion of a 1xbet best casino website but with peripheral information hidden, or a "Scotoma" condition with the central portion of a 1xbet best casino website hidden and only the peripheral information available (Loschky & Larson, 2009). Results indicated that the periphery was more useful than central vision for maximum performance (about equal to seeing the entire image!). Nevertheless, central vision was more efficient for 1xbet best casino website gist recognition than the periphery on a per-pixel basis. A critical radius of 7.4º was found where the Window and Scotoma performance curves crossed, producing equal performance. This value was compared to predicted critical radii from cortical magnification functions on the assumption that equal V1 activation would produce equal performance. However, these predictions were systematically smaller than the empirical critical radius, suggesting that the utility of central vision for gist recognition is less predicted by V1 cortical magnification.

In addition to 1xbet best casino website gist recognition varying over space according to central versus peripheral vision, other studies in our lab have investigated how 1xbet best casino website gist recognition varies over time. 1xbet best casino website gist is recognized within a single fixation. However, we have investigated whether gist recognition varies over time within that one fixation. A related issue is whether attentional focus affects 1xbet best casino website gist recognition (Evans & Triesman, 2005; Li, et al., 2001). Our previous research showed that both central and peripheral information can produce equal 1xbet best casino website gist recognition, provided there is roughly twice as much area in the periphery. However, those studies did not vary processing time (through masking) or manipulate attention. Therefore, we presented "Window" or "Scotoma" conditions using a critical radius, such that both window and scotoma images produced equal gist accuracy when unmasked (i.e., unlimited processing time). We briefly presented images for 24 ms each and varied processing time via the target-to-mask stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA). Our results have shown that at very short SOAs, central information produces better gist recognition than peripheral information, though with unlimited processing time in a single fixation (i.e., no-mask), performance is equal for central and peripheral information. Other research from our lab has also supported this idea, finding that central vision is better at processing 1xbet best casino website category early (during the first 100 ms of viewing a 1xbet best casino website ), while peripheral vision becomes increasingly useful after that time (Larson, Freeman, Ringer, & Loschky, 2013). This indicates that spatiotemporal dynamics of attention play an important role and affect 1xbet best casino website recognition, setting spatiotemporal limits on how quickly real-world scenes can be comprehended.

These results are consistent with a zoom-out hypothesis of covert attention where attention is first focused at the center of vision and then rapidly spreads outward, and this affects 1xbet best casino website gist recognition.

What Categorical Level of 1xbet best casino website Gist is Perceived First?

What level of categorization occurs first in 1xbet best casino website gist processing, the basic level (a beach versus a city) or the superordinate level (a "natural" 1xbet best casino website versus a "man-made" 1xbet best casino website )? The Spatial Envelope model of 1xbet best casino website classification and human gist recognition (Oliva & Torralba, 2001) assumes that the superordinate distinction is made prior to basic level distinctions. This assumption contradicts the claim that categorization occurs at the basic level before the superordinate level (Rosch et al., 1976). We carried out a study to test this assumption of the Spatial Envelope model by making viewers categorize briefly flashed, masked scenes after varying amounts of processing time. The results showed that early stages of processing (SOA < 72ms) produced greater sensitivity to the superordinate distinction than basic level distinctions, and also that basic level distinctions crossing the superordinate natural/man-made boundary are treated as a superordinate distinction (Loschky & Larson, 2010). Both results support the assumption of the Spatial Envelope model, and challenge the idea of basic 1xbet best casino website primacy.

What Information is Used to Recognize the Gist of a 1xbet best casino website ?

What information do people use to rapidly categorize a 1xbet best casino website as a "beach," a "street," a "mountain," etc.? Some prominent computational theories of 1xbet best casino website gist recognition have proposed the counter-intuitive and provocative hypothesis that the unlocalized amplitude spectrum of images (their spatial frequencies and orientations) provides most of the important information for categorizing a 1xbet best casino website , without regard to their location in the image. In simple terms, this suggests that for recognizing a beach 1xbet best casino website , it is more important to know that there is a strong horizontal and a strong diagonal than to know that the horizontal (the horizon) is above the diagonal (the water line). However, our studies with human subjects suggest that while the spatial frequencies and orientations of an image certainly play some role in recognizing it, they are not enough to categorize a 1xbet best casino website by themselves — localized information is necessary for that (Loschky et al., 2007; Loschky & Larson, 2008). The importance of localization therefore suggests that the layout of a 1xbet best casino website (the 1xbet best casino website 's global configuration) is probably very important in recognizing its gist.

White Noise MaskPhase-Randomized MaskRecognizable Mask

A related topic that we have investigated is the masking of 1xbet best casino website gist. Visual masking is when one stimulus interferes with the processing of another stimulus (click the appropriate thumbnail above to see a demonstration). Masking is an important tool for studying the time course of visual processing, and it has a history of over 100 years in the field of Psychology. However, very little is known about the masking of complex stimuli like 1xbet best casino website images, or relatively high level perceptual tasks such as 1xbet best casino website gist recognition. We have compared the effects of low level spatial masking (i.e., masking by spatial frequencies and orientations) with the effects of higher level "conceptual masking" (i.e., masking by meaning) (Loschky et al., 2010). Previous research has shown that recognition memory for a 1xbet best casino website is more strongly masked by a recognizable 1xbet best casino website (i.e., a 1xbet best casino website masking another 1xbet best casino website ) than by meaningless noise, and this has been used to argue for the existence of conceptual masking. A key hypothesis we have tested is that conceptual masking effects are actually due to the greater visual similarity between any given pair of scenes versus any given 1xbet best casino website compared with random noise. Our results do not rule out the existence of conceptual masking of 1xbet best casino website gist, because pure visual similarity, in terms of spatial frequencies and orientations, cannot explain all of the masking produced by a recognizable 1xbet best casino website mask. However, our results also show that a good proportion of what has been called conceptual masking (namely, the greater masking produced by a recognizable 1xbet best casino website compared to the masking produced by white noise) can actually be produced by an unrecognizable noise image that shares many statistical properties with a 1xbet best casino website . Other research has indicated that the effects of masking on rapid 1xbet best casino website categorization vary depending on the Fourier spectral properties of the masks (Hansen & Loschky, 2013). Such research holds the potential to expand our understanding of both 1xbet best casino website gist processing and the masking of complex stimuli.

How Do Humans and a Highly Divergent Species, Pigeons, Compare?

Some of our recent research has taken a new approach, studying how the 1xbet best casino website gist categorization skills of humans compare to those of other evolutionarily highly divergent species – in this case, pigeons (Kirkpatrick, Bilton, Hansen, & Loschky, 2013).

A set of experiments used captive-bred homing pigeons to look at how they generalize and discriminate 1xbet best casino website , and also how quickly those processes occur. Using real-world 1xbet best casino website (beaches, mountains, and streets), the first experiment found that pigeons could discriminate between natural and man-made 1xbet best casino website (beach vs. street) and also between two different natural 1xbet best casino website (beach vs. mountain) relatively quickly. However, the pigeons were slower than humans, needing longer stimulus durations -roughly 10 times longer than humans. When presented with new examples of these categories, they were able to generalize their experience to discriminate between these new 1xbet best casino website as well, indicating that they were able to recognize categories instead of simply remembering specific 1xbet best casino website .

A second experiment looked at how the real-world scenes could be discriminated based on their image statistics, and found that pigeons use image statistics to categorize scenes just as humans do. Performance was worse for scenes with a terrestrial viewpoint, but improved with training. These experiments suggest that both humans and pigeons are able to discriminate between 1xbet best casino website categories very quickly (though pigeons require more time to do this) and also that both humans and pigeons use image statistics in order to categorize scenes.

This line of research has interesting implications because the two species are very different, yet show similar rapid 1xbet best casino website categorization abilities – though there are some apparent differences that may indicate evolutionary adaptive specializations between the two species in the past (Kirkpatrick, Bilton, Hansen, & Loschky, 2013).

Comparing Rapid Categorization of Aerial and Terrestrial Views of Scenes: A New Perspective on 1xbet best casino website Gist Recognition

We see aerial views of scenes from airplanes and satellite images in web applications like Google Earth fairly frequently, but how is our ability to recognize the gist of these aerial views similar to and different from that of terrestrial views (seen from the ground in everyday life)? 1xbet best casino website gist, a viewer’s holistic representation of a 1xbet best casino website from a single eye fixation, has been extensively studied for terrestrial views, but not for aerial views.Over the last several years we have carried out a number of experiments investigating this issue. In a recent paper (Loschky, Ringer, Ellis & Hansen, 2015), we compared rapid 1xbet best casino website categorization of both views in three experiments to determine the degree to which diagnostic information is view dependent versus view independent. We found large differences in observers’ ability to rapidly categorize aerial and terrestrial 1xbet best casino website views, consistent with the idea that 1xbet best casino website gist recognition is viewpoint dependent. In addition, computational modeling showed that training models on one view (aerial or terrestrial) led to poor performance on the other view, thereby providing further evidence of viewpoint dependence as a function of available information. Importantly, we found that rapid categorization of terrestrial views (but not aerial views) was strongly interfered with by image rotation, further suggesting that terrestrial-view 1xbet best casino website gist recognition is viewpoint dependent, with aerial-view 1xbet best casino website recognition being viewpoint independent. Furthermore, rotationinvariant texture images synthesized from aerial views of scenes were twice as recognizable as those synthesized from terrestrial views of scenes (which were at chance), providing further evidence that diagnostic information for rapid 1xbet best casino website categorization of aerial views is viewpoint invariant. We discuss the results within a perceptual-expertise framework that distinguishes between configural and featural processing, where terrestrial views are more effectively processed due to their predictable view-dependent configurations whereas aerial views are processed less effectively due to reliance on view-independent features.

Related Publications

Ramkumar, P., Hansen, B. C., Pannasch, S., & Loschky, L. C. (2016). Visual information representation and rapid-1xbet best casino website categorization are simultaneous across cortex: An MEG study. NeuroImage, 134, 295-304. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2016.03.027

Freeman, T. E., Loschky, L. C., & Hansen, B. C. (2015). 1xbet best casino website masking is affected by trial blank-screen luminance. Signal 1xbet best casino website : Image Communication, 39, 319–327.

Loschky, L. C., Ringer, R., Ellis, K., & Hansen, B. C. (2015). Comparing rapid 1xbet best casino website categorization of aerial and terrestrial views: A new perspective on 1xbet best casino website gist. Journal of Vision, 15(6:11

Kirkpatrick, K., Bilton, T., Hansen, B. C., & Loschky, L. C. (2014). 1xbet best casino website Gist Categorization by Pigeons. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes. Advance online publication,40(2), 162–177. doi: 10.1037/xan0000014

Larson, A. M., Freeman, T. E., Ringer, R. V., & Loschky, L. C. (2014). The Spatiotemporal Dynamics of 1xbet best casino website Gist Recognition. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and 1xbet best casino website , 40(2), 471–487. doi: 10.1037/a0034986

Hansen, B. C., & Loschky, L. C. (2013). The contribution of amplitude and phase spectra defined 1xbet best casino website statistics to the masking of rapid 1xbet best casino website categorization. Journal of 1xbet best casino website , 13(13), 1–21. doi: 10.1167/13.13.21

Loschky, L.C., & Larson, A.M. (2010). The natural/man-made distinction is made prior to basic-level distinctions in 1xbet best casino website gist processing. 1xbet best casino website Cognition, 18(4), 513-536.

Loschky, L.C., Hansen, B.C., Sethi, A. & Pydimarri, T. (2010). The role of higher-order image statistics in masking 1xbet best casino website gist recognition. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 72(2), 427-444.

Larson, A.M. & Loschky, L.C. (2009). The contributions of central versus peripheral vision to 1xbet best casino website gist recognition. Journal of 1xbet best casino website , 9(10):6, 1-16, http://journalofvision.org/9/10/6/, doi:10.1167/9.10.6.

Loschky, L.C., & Larson, A. M. (2008). Localized information is necessary for 1xbet best casino website categorization, including the Natural/Man-made distinction. Journal of 1xbet best casino website , 8(1):4, 1-9, http://journalofvision.org/8/1/4/, doi:10.1167/8.1.4.

Loschky, L.C., Sethi, A., Simons, D.J., Pydimari, T., Ochs, D., & Corbeille, J. (2007). The importance of information localization in 1xbet best casino website gist recognition. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and 1xbet best casino website , 33(6), 1431-1450.

Related Conference Presentations

Larson, A. M., Hendry, J., & Loschky, L. C. (2012, May). 1xbet best casino website Gist Meets Event Perception: The Time Course of 1xbet best casino website Gist and Event Recognition. Poster presented at the 12th annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, Naples, FL.

Ramkumar, P., Pannasch, S., Hansen, B. C., Larson, A.M. & Loschky, L.C. (2011, December). How does the brain represent visual scenes? A neuromagnetic 1xbet best casino website categorization study. Poster presented at the Neural Information Processing Systems–Workshop on Machine Learning and Interpretation in Neuroimaging, Sierra Nevada, Spain.

Kirkpatrick, K., Ghormley, D., Guevara, M., Garcia, A., Sears, T., Hansen, B.C., & Loschky, L.C. (2010, May). 1xbet best casino website gist categorization in pigeons. Talk presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Quantitative Analysis of Behavior, San Antonio, TX.

Larson, A.M., Loschky, L.C., Ringer, R., & Kridner, C. (2010, May). Attention modulates 1xbet best casino website performance between central and peripheral vision. Poster presented at the 10th Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, Naples, FL.

Larson, A.M., Loschky, L.C., Pollack, W., Bjerg, A., Hilburn, S., & Smercheck, S. (2009, May). Variation in 1xbet best casino website gist recognition over time in central versus peripheral vision. Poster presented at the 9th Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, Naples, FL.

Loschky, L.C., Hansen, B.C., Fintzi, A., Bjerg, A., Ellis, K., Freeman, T., Hilburn, S., & Larson, A. (2009, May). Basic level 1xbet best casino website categorization is affected by unrecognizable category-specific image features. Poster presented at the 9th Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, Naples, FL.

Larson, A.M., Loschky, L.C., Matz, E., Smerchek, S., Weber, P., & Berger, L. (2008, May). The Roles of Central versus Peripheral Visual Information in Recognizing 1xbet best casino website Gist. Poster presented at the 8th Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, Naples, FL.

Loschky, L.C., Larson, A.M., Smerchek, S., & Finan, S. (2008, May). The Superordinate Natural/Man-made Distinction is Perceived Before Basic Level Distinctions in 1xbet best casino website Gist Recognition. Poster presented at the 8th Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, Naples, FL.

Loschky, L.C., Simons, D.J., Smerchek, S., Matz, E., Bilyeu, B., & Artman, L. (2007, May). Is Unlocalized Amplitude Information of Any Use for 1xbet best casino website Gist Recognition? Poster presented at the 7th Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, Sarasota, FL.

Loschky, L.C., Sethi, A., Simons, D.J., Pydimarri, T.N., Forristal, N., Corbeille, J. & Gibb, K. (2006, May). The Roles Of Amplitude And Phase Information In 1xbet best casino website Gist Recognition And Masking. Talk presented at the 6th Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, Sarasota, FL.

Loschky, L.C., Sethi, A., Simons, D.J., Ochs, D., Corbeille, J. & Gibb, K. (2005, November). Using Visual Masking To Explore The Nature Of 1xbet best casino website Gist. Poster presented at the 46th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Toronto, Canada.