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Modern Languages - Classical Studies

One of two major Western classical languages, the Latin language, along with the associated Roman culture, provide the basis for much of the cultural, religious, and linguistic traditions that shape the way we live even today. Coming to know the Roman language and culture can help you to better understand how our modern American world works—and how, sometimes, it doesn't. Moreover, 1xbet sports bettingby learning Latin and discussing literature, you will develop your skills at critical thinking, reading, writing, and self-expression.

Read details about how to apply for the Classical Studies Minor.

Minor in Classical Studies

To Receive a Minor in Classical Studies:

(1)    Declare your minor! You can do that here.

(2)    Complete 18 hours of course work:

Language Requirement: 6 hours of intermediate language.


Latin 301 (3) and Latin 302 (3) May be repeated for credit.


Greek 301 (3) and Greek 302 (3)

Humanities Requirement:

CLSCS/ENGL 501 (3): One Ancient Literature in Translation course. May be repeated for credit.


CLSCS/HIST 502, 565, 566, 581 (3): One Ancient History course.

To reach 18 hours, students can take a variety of courses:

ENVD 250 (3): History of the Designed Environment I (more information here)

HIST 567 (3): Europe in the Middle Ages (more information here)

HIST 585 (3): Medieval Religion and Politics (more information here)

Music 530 (3): Music History I: Ancient Greece 1xbet sports bettingthrough 1700 (more information here)

POLSC 661 (3): Political Thought: Classical to Sixteenth Century (more information here)

THTRE 572 (3): History of Theatre I (more information here)

Minor in Classical Studies Completion Checklist

Use this guide to complete the Classics Minor.

Dr. Benjamin McCloskey


Associate Professor of Classical Studies
Eisenhower 202
Office Hours:
Monday 11:30-12:20
Thursday 4:00-5:00
Friday 1:30-2:20
Or by appointment