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Scholarships & Awards

The Department offers financial aid to Modern Language majors and to students in foreign language education at all levels for study at K-State or for participating in approved study abroad programs. Thanks to the generous support of our alumni and other friends, we are able to award in excess of $50,000 each year. Scholarships range from approximately $200 to $4,500 a year and are awarded on the basis of merit. Read more about our most recent recipients. If you are interested in donating to K-State Modern Languages, please contact us or consider giving here: Kansas State University · GiveCampus (ksufoundation.org) (select “Modern Languages Fund” from the drop-down designation menu). All scholarships abide by the application deadline for KSN with the exception of the Alison Benson Memorial Scholarship for Study Abroad.

Applying for Scholarships

The scholarship application process entails one step 1xbet online casinofor incoming freshmen and two steps for continuing students and transfer students.

Incoming First Year Students 

February 1 Complete the general and College-specific applications through the K-State Scholarship Network 

Current, Transfer, and International Students 

March 15 — You must complete BOTH the General KSN application form and the Modern Languages Scholarship application form to be considered for MLANG scholarships. All major, minors, and dual majors are encouraged to apply. Please note that the deadline for the Allison Benson Memorial Scholarship (listed under Study Abroad Scholarships below) is February 15th.

  1. Complete the general and College-specific applications through the K-State Scholarship Network form (KSN)
  2. Fill out this Modern Languages Scholarship application form. 

MLANG Scholarships

For questions, please contact Modern Languages at modlang@ksu.edu.   

Undergraduate Scholarships

Language-Specific Scholarships
  • Margaret E. Beeson Scholarship: The recipient of this scholarship will be a junior or senior enrolled in the College of Arts & Sciences who is majoring in Spanish. The recipient must have a 3.25 GPA in Spanish and a 2.75 overall GPA on a 4.0 scale. The purpose of this scholarship is to provide financial support.
  • Megan Elizabeth Taylor Memorial Scholarship in Modern Languages: The recipient shall be enrolled in the College of Arts and Sciences and majoring or minoring in Modern Languages. Selection is based on financial need and scholarship potential. Preferences: 1. Female student studying Spanish ; 2. Any female majoring or minoring in Modern Languages ; 3. Any Modern Languages major/minor ; 4. Faculty awards related to mentoring student recipients of this award or other students who would particularly benefit from such mentoring. The award may be renewed if scholastic standards are met and/or need continues. The purpose of this award(s) is to perpetuate the memory of Megan Taylor and to provide financial assistance to students who are majoring in Modern Languages and faculty members of the Department of Modern Languages.
  • Barakah Nelson Memorial Scholarship: The recipient of this scholarship will be a student who has completed the Japanese III language course in the Dept. of Modern Languages and intends to earn a minor in Japanese. The recipient must have a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA based on a 4.0 scale. Preference will be given to a student with demonstrated financial need. Additional preference will be given to a student who meets eligibility requirements for the Pell Grant program. The purpose of this scholarship is to perpetuate the memory of Barakah Nelson and to provide financial assistance to students enrolled in the Department of Modern Languages.
Study Abroad Scholarships
  • Allison Benson Memorial Scholarship: The Allison Benson Memorial Scholarship was created in memory of former IAU and Kansas State University student Allison Benson who passed away while abroad. The scholarship is intended for students wishing to study French at IAU and is in the amount of one full-tuition scholarship or two half-tuition scholarships per semester and/or six-week summer term in IAU’s programs in Aix-en-Provence, France. Student(s) will be selected by Kansas State’s Department of Modern Languages. Programs and terms that are excluded from the Scholarship include the three-week summer session in Aix-en-Provence; all terms and programs in Barcelona, Madrid, Paris, and Tangier; all January Term seminars; and any future locations IAU may establish. Students selected for the Allison Benson Memorial Scholarship are ineligible for IAU’s merit, diversity, and need-based scholarships. To apply: Three awards are made annually: fall, spring, and summer. Students must complete their application to study abroad with IAU Aix-en-Provence through K-State Education Abroad. and submit the  to kantonioli@ksu.edu by September 15 for spring term abroad, February 15 for summer / fall terms abroad. 
  • James and Kathryn Haymaker Family French Studies Abroad Scholarship: To be eligible for consideration, the student shall be: (1) One undergraduate student enrolled in the Department of Modern Languages in the College of Arts and Sciences, (2) Majoring or minoring in French, (3) Who is participating in an education abroad experience in France to enhance their language skills while attending a university that is teaching courses primarily in French. Preference to a student who is abroad for a full year, or at minimum, for a semester.
  • James and Kathryn Haymaker Family German Studies Abroad Scholarship: To be eligible for consideration, the student shall be: (1) One undergraduate student enrolled in the Department of Modern Languages in the College of Arts and Science, (2) Majoring or minoring in German, (3) Who is participating in an education abroad experience in Germany to enhance their language skills and attending a university that is teaching courses primarily in German. Preference to a student who is abroad for a full year, or at minimum, for a semester.
  • Ryan Kanost Memorial Study Abroad Scholarship: The recipient(s) of this scholarship will be undergraduate student(s) enrolled in the Dept. of Modern Languages in the College of Arts and Sciences, majoring in Spanish. If no Spanish majors qualify for the scholarship, non-Spanish majors may be considered. The recipient(s) must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.7 on a 4.0 scale and be committed to an international study abroad experience through the Dept. of Modern Languages during the year the award is received. Preference should be given to students with financial need.  The purpose of this scholarship is to perpetuate the memory of Ryan Kanost and to provide financial assistance for an international study abroad experience to students enrolled in Modern Languages.
  • Stamey (Thomas E.) Memorial Scholarship Modern Languages: Recipient shall be a graduate or undergraduate student enrolled in the College of Arts and Sciences who is majoring in Modern Languages. Preference for awards shall be given to students studying in University study abroad program and any Modern Language major. The purpose is to provide financial assistance to students majoring in Modern Languages and to serve as a memorial to Thomas E. Stamey, 1974 Modern Language graduate.
General Modern Languages Scholarships
  • Joseph M. Hesse Modern Languages Scholarship: To be eligible for consideration, the students shall be: (1) Undergraduate students enrolled in the Department of Modern Languages in the College of Arts and Sciences, (2) Majoring in Modern Languages. Preference to students with financial need, raised in communities with a population size of 50,000 or less, first generation students, interested in a career teaching foreign language and/or participating in an education abroad experience while enrolled at Kansas State University. Applicants must submit a 500-word minimum essay, as indicated on the scholarship application. It is the intent of the donors for this award to be used to recruit students as freshmen or transfer students who plan on participating in education abroad in the students' junior or senior year. This scholarship is renewable, with each student receiving the award for a total of four years. The intent is for the scholarship to support the same student for all four years if the department so chooses.
  • Mr. and Mrs. James L. Hollis Memorial Scholarship Fund for Modern Languages: Recipients must be majoring in Modern Languages, have a 3.0 GPA in all language courses, and be recommended by the Department of Modern Languages. The purpose of this scholarship is to provide financial assistance.
  • Wilma Johnston & Jean Hollis Modern Languages Scholarship: Recipients must be majoring in Modern Languages. The purpose is to provide financial assistance.
  • Modern Languages Scholarship: The recipient shall be a major or dual major in Modern Languages with a GPA of 3.0 or better who has completed the equivalent of the fourth semester course (FREN 301, GRMN 301, SPAN 301) in the Modern Languages major (or higher). The recipient must be a full-time student enrolled in Modern Languages courses or participating in a study abroad program while holding the scholarship.
  • The Harold J. Terrill, Jr. Memorial Scholarship: Recipient(s) shall be any deserving student(s) majoring in Modern Languages who meet all other eligibility requirements for student financial assistance. The award amount shall be determined by the Scholarship Committee. This scholarship has been created to pay tribute to the memory of Harold J. Terrill, Jr., who was killed in an automobile accident on November 9, 1972, while serving as an assistant professor in the Dept. of Modern Languages.
  • Jo Harriett Hofsess Popkins Scholarship: The recipients of this scholarship shall be students properly enrolled in the College of Arts and Sciences who are majoring in English or foreign languages.

Graduate Student Scholarships

Kirmser Award for Endeavors in Modern Languages

The Kirmser Award for Endeavors in Modern Languages supports educational and professional endeavors in Modern Languages. Projects supported include, but are not limited to: research for a report or thesis; participation in professional activity such as conference; participation in professional training such as Bridging the Gap; study abroad; and support for professional advancement in a modern language field (such as beginning a PhD program or an international teaching experience). Applications are welcome from students in any graduate program in the Department of Modern Languages: German, French, Spanish, and TEFL. To be eligible, students must have completed one semester of graduate-level coursework in Modern Languages.

Recipients of the Kirmser Graduate Student Awards

Kirmser Graduate Student Awards. The awards are made possible by the generosity of Jeune and Philip Kirmser, long-time supporters of the Department of Modern Languages. The awards have been made in the amount of $500 or $1000.

Any student in good standing enrolled in any graduate degree program in the Department of Modern Languages, who has been enrolled as a graduate student in the program for at least two semesters (i.e., currently completing at least a second semester), is eligible for the award. The application form can be obtained from the "Scholarships" link in the left-hand navigation menu.

2017 Recipients: Patrick Riggan, Hannah Rogers, Jadyn Urbina
2016 Recipients:
Tugce Gungormezler, 
Seth Oldham,
Olivia Leno,
Isaac Fisher,
Lilla Porubeck


2015 Recipients:
Sophia Dongilli,
Anna Barikyan,
Elizabeth Chevalier, 
Chris Seidler
Philippe Dehon Graduate Scholarship

The one recipient of this scholarship will be a graduate student enrolled in Modern Languages—French in the College of Arts and Sciences. The recipient will be chosen to recognize the excellence of the work done as a student. The purpose of this endowment is to honor Claire L. Dehon’s brother, Philippe Dehon, with a permanent memorial and tribute and to provide financial assistance to graduate students enrolled in Modern Languages—French.