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1xbet online games loginModern Languages - Japanese

The Japanese Language Program at K-State offers Beginner to Advance level courses in Japanese. Japanese classes at K-State focus to develop a learner's oral language proficiency, written language proficiency, and cultural understanding of the Japanese style of communication. Japanese can help you have more options in the job market, connect you globally, give you direct access to cutting-edge technology, and expose you to fun and thoughtful ways to live life. 

Japanese Minor Requirements

Requirements: 18 hours of Japanese courses at the 200-level or above. K-State Catalog available here.

  • JAPAN300. Japanese III. (5) Introduction to grammatical patterns and sentence structure. Extensive practice of spoken and written Japanese, both in the classroom and the language laboratory. Pr.: JAPAN 102 or equiv.
  • JAPAN301. Japanese IV. (5) Continuation of Japanese III. Enhancement of speaking and writing skills, and reading and listening comprehension. Practice in the language learning 1xbet online games logincenter included. Pr.: JAPAN 300 or equiv.
  • JAPAN391. Culture of Japanese Communication. (3) Introduction to verbal and nonverbal cultural aspects of Japanese discourse. Includes comparative study, followed by discussion on application of knowledge in cross-cultural context. Pr.: JAPAN 191.
  • JAPAN591. Japanese V. (4) Development of communication skills through application activities such as problem-solving tasks and role plays. Enhancement of vocabulary, structures, and their usage. Emphasis on extended 1xbet online games logindiscourse. Pr.: JAPAN 292 or equiv.
  • JAPAN592. Japanese VI. (4) Continuation of Japanese V. Development of functional skills for general situations. Completion of the presentation of major 300 Kanji characaters and 1,000 Kanji compounds. Pr.: JAPAN 591 or equiv.
  • JAPAN599. Special Studies in Japanese. (Var.) Pr.: Consent of department head and instructor.

Study Abroad in Japan!

Check out this opportunity to study abroad in Japan! Learn about Japan's fascinating history, food, and culture!

Study abroad in Japan



For more information:

Dr. Miki Loschky

Teaching Assistant Professor and Japanese Language Coordinator
EH 216
