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Modern Languages Minors

Students pursuing a minor in a modern language (18 to 21 hours depending on the language) must maintain a C (or higher) or a 2.5 GPA in all courses taken toward the minor while they fulfill the requirements. Classes for the minor cannot be taken Pass/Fail. The Department of Modern Languages offers minors in ChineseClassical Studies (Latin & Greek)FrenchGermanJapaneseSpanish, and Spanish Translation.

I've taken a couple language courses before, where should I start?

Entering students who have had previous language experience and who plan to continue language study are required to take a language placement examination before or at the beginning of the first semester of language study. Students wishing to acquire credit for language proficiency gained before coming to K-State should contact the Department of Modern Languages.

Can I receive study abroad credit towards my minor?

Study Abroad courses are also applicable toward the minor, provided that at least two 400/500 level courses for the minor be taken on campus. Students interested in studying abroad should consult with the department regarding applicability of courses taken abroad.

How do I declare or drop a minor in Modern Languages?

You can add or drop a language minor electronically by using the form below. This process may take a few days, if you do not see any changes in your DARS list within a couple of weeks of submission, please contact Mary Siegle at msiegle@ksu.edu.

How do I know if I have fulfilled all of the requirements for my minor?

First check for the language you are minoring in (see requirements for each minor), then check your DARS report in KSIS. If you have further questions regarding your minor, please contact Angélique Courbou.

How do I graduate with the minor?

Your minor will only appear on your transcript once you graduate. You will apply for graduation for your minor when you apply for graduation for your major. Simply select "Apply for Graduation" in the dropbox menu next to your minor. Language Minor applications are processed at the end of each semester once the final grades have been posted.

Can I complete my minor after I graduate?

YES. If you complete your undergraduate degree before you can obtain your minor, you can still receive your language minor after you graduate. Simply follow the instructions from the Undergraduate Admissions Office, and enroll in 1xbet online casinothe courses you have left to take.

How do I apply for Retroactive Credit?

Students testing into a higher level and successfully completing the course with a "C" or better, will receive retroactive credit for the preceding course(s) for FREE, on a "take one class/ receive credit for one class" basis, thus completing your language course sequence quicker. Retroactive credit from KSU applies toward the minor.

You can apply online for *FREE, non-graded retroactive credit* if you began your language studies at K-State, in courses beyond level-I courses. For each course completed at K-State with a C or better, you may apply to receive retroactive credit for one lower-level course. For example, if you successfully complete Spanish II at K-State, you can receive retroactive credit for Spanish I. You can receive retroactive credit in all languages for levels 1 through 4 (up to 18-20 hours of credit depending on the language), thus completing 1xbet online casinoyour language course sequence, your minor or major faster. You can fill out a retroactive credit application form below, or in the Modern Languages Office (104 Eisenhower Hall). Forms can be submitted only once grades for the course(s) have been posted on KSIS.

This process may take several weeks, if you do not see any changes in your DARS list within a month of submission, please contact Mary Siegle at msiegle@ksu.edu.