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  5. »Verifying Ground-based 1xbet best casino website Quality Monitoring and Micro-1xbet best casino website Selection by Lesser Prairie-Chickens (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus) with Remote Sensing Technology

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Verifying Ground-based 1xbet best casino website Quality Monitoring and Micro-1xbet best casino website Selection by Lesser Prairie-Chickens (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus) with Remote Sensing Technology

Stephane Manes
Matt Bain
Kevin Price

Project Supervisor:
Dr. David Haukos

Play Lakes Joint Venture
U.S. Geological Survey
The Nature Conservancy
CommonGround Capital


Throughout Kansas

July 2016


Test the feasibility of modeling vegetation characteristics associated with Lesser Prairie Chicken nesting habitat using image 1xbet best casino website captured by airborne sensors at multiple resolutions.
Compare the efficacy of image 1xbet best casino website collected via UAS platforms to image 1xbet best casino website collected by manned aircraft.

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Vegetation characteristics associated with Lesser Prairie-Chicken nesting habitat, such as plant height, can be successfully modeled using image 1xbet best casino website captured by airborne sensors at multiple resolutions. This study shows that field 1xbet best casino website points with similar vegetation parameter measurements can be successfully clustered (i.e., classified) using NDVI spatial variability extracted from image 1xbet best casino website . For Gardiner Ranch, statistically significant differences were found among the clusters for ten of 13 field parameters, with seven at p < 0.05, and three at p < 0.1. For the Hoeme Ranch, statistically significant differences at p < 0.05, were found among the clusters for nine of 12 field parameters for which 1xbet best casino website were available. Although the results for Hashknife Ranch were not on par with Gardiner and Hoeme, statistically significant differences at p < 0.5 were found for two of 13 parameters and at p < 0.10 for four of 13 parameters. It is worth noting that for all three ranches, Robel Pole 100% 1xbet best casino website , Highest cm, and Point Center PC Vegetation Height, were statistically significant at p < 0.10, with most tests resulting in statistical significance at p < 0.5. This indicates that the methodology developed successfully classifies field 1xbet best casino website points with regard to vegetation height parameters. For all study areas for which 2015 nest 1xbet best casino website were available, nest sites were found to be significantly different statistically from random points, in each case at p < 0.001. Additionally, for nest sites, the amount of spatial variability, as measured by NDVI variance, generally fell within a relatively narrow range of values. NDVI variance patterns for nest sites suggest that the birds prefer somewhat, but not completely homogeneous, vegetation conditions at nest sites. Ultra-fine resolution image 1xbet best casino website collected via manned aircraft platforms appears to be optimal for modeling LPC nesting habitat. The methodology developed was successful using imagery with 5.0 to 10.0 cm pixel resolution. The results suggest that currently, for the purposes outlined here, there is little to be gained by collecting UAS 1xbet best casino website at resolutions finer than 5.0 cm. Although the efficacy of 3 D modeling of vegetation characteristics within the study areas was hampered by the vegetation characteristics and limits of the technology, as technological advances are made, continued research will likely yield better results.

The logical next step in this research will be to adapt and refine the methodology developed here to map larger study areas with regard to vegetation characteristics associated with preferred Lesser Prairie- Chicken habitat. To accomplish this, a formal aerial and field 1xbet best casino website collection protocol can be developed jointly by the research partners. Adequate lead time and good planning will save resources and will insure that adequate 1xbet best casino website resolution and optimal field parameter measurements are collected concurrently and in a manner that optimizes the accuracy and success of the research undertaken.

Additionally, analyzing nest 1xbet best casino website and field parameters, not just by discrete study areas (i.e., by ranch), but also as a consolidated dataset may yield additional useful information. Locating additional confirmed nest sites would be helpful in building confidence in the ability to map preferred nesting habitat. It might also be informative to analyze nest 1xbet best casino website to determine if survival is greater at sites exhibiting consistent NDVI variance patterns.

In summary, analyses of ultra-high spatial resolution image 1xbet best casino website , based on the methodology described in this report, can greatly assist in meeting the challenges associated with preservation of Lesser Prairie-Chicken habitat.


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Price, K.P., L. Brien, D. Burchfield, and J. Bryant. 2015. Lesser prairie-chicken 1xbet best casino website mapping project: final report. Submitted to the Playa Lakes Joint Venture, Lafayette, Colorado.