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  5. »Vegetation and Small Mammal Community Response to Military Track Vehicle 1xbet best casino website at Smoky Hills Air National Guard Bombing Range, Kansas

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Vegetation and Small Mammal Community Response to Military Track Vehicle 1xbet best casino website at Smoky Hills Air National Guard Bombing Range, Kansas

Dr. Philip S. Gipson
Dr. David Engle (Iowa 1xbet best casino website )
Mr. Ryan Limb (Ph.D. Student, Oklahoma 1xbet best casino website )
Mr. Kevin Blecha

Project Supervisor:
Dr. Craig Paukert

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Construction Engineering Research Lab (CERL)

Smoky Hills Air National Guard Range, Kansas

Galen Wiens, Smoky Hill
Air National Guard Natural Resources Department

December 2008

Does grazing by livestock have a positive, negative, or neutral effect on the capacity of land to sustain military training?
Does haying have a positive, negative, or neutral effect on the capacity of the land to sustain military training? If the effect is not neutral, what is the size of the difference?

Progress and Results:
The third and final year of this field experiment investigating responses of 1xbet best casino website and small mammal communities to anthropogenic-induced disturbances was completed in 2007. The study design involved pre- (2005), same-year as- (2006), and post-treatment (2007) assessments at 6 annually cattle grazed and 6 annually hayed sites (4, 1-ha plots per site). At each of the 12 sites, two plots were randomly assigned simulated-military tracked vehicle treatment using a 40,000 lb. dozer in 2006. This combined with establishment of electric fences at grazed sites resulted in an experimental block design of a control, a grazed or hayed-only, a grazed or hayed plus military tracked, and a military-tracked suite of plots.

Vegetation sampling was again conducted in 2007 for cool (early summer) and warm season (late summer-early fall) species. Small mammal community assessments based on live-trapping were conducted again in 2008 during pre- (March-April) and post-growing (November-December) season conditions. Preliminary analysis of vegetation response suggest a single year of 1xbet best casino website by a tracked vehicle regardless of being grazed or hayed may result in minimal changes to species composition and vegetative cover 12-18 months later. However, small mammal community composition as indicated by species richness suggest tracked vehicle 1xbet best casino website can result—at least on a short-term basis-- in more diversity than areas impacted by a combination of tracked vehicle 1xbet best casino website and grazing if above normal precipitation occurs during the growing season.

Three years of data collection was concluded Fall 2007 in an experimental design aimed at assessing the small-mammal community response to controlled levels of 1xbet best casino website by mechanized tracked vehicles, 1xbet best casino website by cattle grazing, and a combination of the two treatments. Vegetation, soils, and arthropod data were collected concurrently on the same sites by Oklahoma State University.

Final data analysis and interpretation is underway. R. Limb is preparing his Ph.D. dissertation to address the 1xbet best casino website response. D. Althoff, K. Blecha, and P. Gipson are evaluating the small mammal data. A final report combining the 1xbet best casino website and small mammal response is be completed and submitted to ERDC-CERL in 2008.

Limb, Ryan (Ph.D. 2008; Advisor: Dr. Terrence G. Bidwell) Effects of 1xbet best casino website in Grassland Plant Communities. Oklahoma State University.