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Use of Grazing Management and Prescribed Fire for Conservation of Lesser Prairie Chickens

Investigators:Lesser prairie-chicken (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus)
Chris Gulick, M.S. candidate

Project Supervisor:
Dr. David Haukos

U.S. Department of Agriculture
(Natural Resources Conservation Service)

Natural Resources Conservation Service
Kansas State University

Throughout southern, western, and central Kansas

May 2019


Measure effects of cattle space use intensity on vegetative structure and composition within multiple grazing systems

Assess effects of cattle space use and subsequent vegetation response on 1xbet online casino space-use and home ranges during key life stages

Investigate characteristics of female 1xbet online casino dispersal routes to determine what features affect dispersal at the landscape scale

Progress and Results:
Historically, Great Plains grasslands were shaped by a constant flux of disturbances and stochastic events such as fire, rainfall, and grazing by large herbivores. This natural continuum created a patchwork of habitat types that are used by grassland obligate species of conservation concern, such as the 1xbet online casino . European expansion has permanently changed and fragmented these landscapes, but modern land management strategies can mimic historical patterns to conserve habitat for lesser prairie-chickens. This project investigates the influence that landscape management and configuration have on 1xbet online casino movement patterns. We will determine how two contemporary management regimes, patch-burn grazing and rotational grazing, influence the spatial arrangement of GPS-collared cattle within pastures. We will then determine how GPS-marked female lesser prairie-chickens use different areas of cattle grazing intensity during different life stages, such as nesting, brooding, and non-breeding. We will also assess female 1xbet online casino movement at landscape scales, to determine how landscape configuration and anthropogenic features influence female dispersal. This will inform management aimed at increasing genetic connectivity between 1xbet online casino subpopulations.

We found that patch-burn grazed pastures have greater fob and bare ground cover than rotationally grazed pastures. Additionally, patch-burn grazed treatments have greater variation in vegetative structure and composition across gradients of high, moderate, and low cattle grazing intensity within pastures. This increased variation could correspond to a greater variety of habitat types used by lesser prairie-chickens during different seasons.

Cattle and female lesser prairie- Figure 2: Cattle and female lesser prairie- chicken locations in a patch-burn grazed pasture
Figure 1: Cattle and female 1xbet online casino locations in a patch-burn grazed pasture.

Cattle and female lesser prairie-chicken locations in a rotationally grazed pasture
Figure 2: Cattle and female 1xbet online casino locations in a rotationally grazed pasture


Gulick, Chris (M.S., 2019; advisor Haukos)Effects of working grassland management on 1xbet online casino resource selection within home ranges and during dispersal events. Master's Thesis, Division of Biology, Kansas State University.

Professional Presentations:
Gulick, C., and D. Haukos. 2018. Spatial patterns of lesser prairie-chickens in response to different disturbance regimes. International Grouse Symposium, Logan, Utah.
Gulick, C., and D.A. Haukos. 2018. Factors affecting habitat availability for lesser prairie-chickens across different land management regimes. Kansas Natural Resources Conference, Manhattan, Kansas.
Gulick, C., D. Haukos, and J. Lautenbach. 2018. Effect of grazing management systems on space use by cattle and lesser prairie-chickens. Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society, Cleveland, Ohio.
Gulick, C., J. Lautenbach, and D.A. Haukos. 2017. Space use by cattle, and its cascading effects on 1xbet online casino habitat selection. Annual conference of The Wildlife Society, Albuquerque, NM.