Skill 23-1
Summary of 1xbet online sports betting and action
We have now completed the lesson on choosing a course of action. Six skills focused on managing our own 1xbet online sports betting :

Take a breath of life
Release physical tension
Conform or leave circumstances I cannot change
Give myself a time out
When angry, slow down my response
Use words to accurately own my own emotions

Seven skills were examined for their potential usefulness when both of us are angry:

Recognize and respect others' feelings at outset
Find common ground
Restate what I hear and see
Make a specific reasonable request
Use my 1xbet online sports betting to stand my ground
Offer a conciliatory gesture
Back away to deescalate

Congratulations on getting this far. You covered quite a bit of material and challenged yourself along the way. Now we are getting close to finishing.

Let's move now to the final lesson, Honor and Follow-up.

Next: honor 1xb