1xbet online games login 19
Restate 1xbet online games login I see and hear
This skill is an example of showing respect. Describe in words as clearly and as calmly as 1xbet online games login can what 1xbet online games login see the other person doing and saying. Make an accurate comment about the other person's feelings.

Timing of this skill is very important. If 1xbet online games login make this kind of comment at the wrong time, possibly too soon, 1xbet online games login might boost the other's anger. The other person might view such a comment as placating and infuriating. If the other's anger is at a peak or in its downward movement, such a comment can show understanding and compassion. A lot also depends on your tone of voice and facial expression.

Demonstrating 1xbet online games login understand may not reduce the anger of the other person, but it can certainly help restore your own poise.

#23. 1xbet online games login and party
Let's use a different example. Your fifteen-year-old daughter wants to go to a party where alcohol is being served. 1xbet online games login won't let her go, and she erupts in a tirade and says some cruel things to 1xbet online games login . 1xbet online games login can feel your anger bone being tickled, but respond to show understanding. Write, "Teenager and party" as your next entry in your journal. Then identify what 1xbet online games login might say in response to restate what 1xbet online games login hear and see.

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