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Three conciliatory gestures
1. 1xbet online sports betting trip: Stop at a rest area and let the children play for a while. Another adult in the 1xbet online sports betting could involve the children in playing games that work in a 1xbet online sports betting .

2. Movie and spouse: Just go to see the movie your spouse wants to see after getting an agreement that the next movie 1xbet online sports betting both go to is one 1xbet online sports betting want to see. Or go together to the same theatre but time it so 1xbet online sports betting can both watch different movies. Or find something else your spouse really wants to do that 1xbet online sports betting would also enjoy.

3. Music CD: Go together to a music store. Tell him that 1xbet online sports betting will listen to several songs on the CD. If 1xbet online sports betting don't object to the obscenities or violent imagery, 1xbet online sports betting will buy him the CD for his birthday. Or let him buy the CD with his own money.

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