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There would be many ways 1xbet online sports betting could respond. I might take the child aside to gain some private space, crouch to go face-to-face and tell him that his behavior is unacceptable. 1xbet online sports betting are angry because his belching shows disrespect for others in the store and makes 1xbet online sports betting both look like stupid people. 1xbet online sports betting will not allow him to continue.

Now there is no way to reasonably stop his behavior. He has to make the choice to stop. Once 1xbet online sports betting draw the line, some children will test your perseverance by continuing. If he does, 1xbet online sports betting have no choice but to immediately leave the store and return home. Do not give him a second chance. If he has done this before and 1xbet online sports betting have had this confrontation at that time, 1xbet online sports betting should leave immediately with the very first belch.

The main point here is to use your anger to oppose an unreasonable action. This course is on anger management, not child discipline. If 1xbet online sports betting want to take an on-line course on discipline, visit my Responsive Discipline page.

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