Skill 16-4
Making a direct expression of emotion
Talking about how 1xbet online games login feel while 1xbet online games login are feeling that emotion is very difficult because of the arousal. Communicating effectively about anger in the correct circumstances is an important element in anger management.

#21. Make a direct expression of emotion
Write each of the following statements in your journal. Then change each one to be a more direct expression of emotion.

Look at what 1xbet online games login did! 1xbet online games login broke your new toy! 1xbet online games login MAKE ME SO MAD!
1xbet online games login are so irritating when 1xbet online games login chew with your mouth open!
Stop your nagging! 1xbet online games login are embarrassing me!
Don't use that language with me! I feel that 1xbet online games login should treat me with more respect!
What are 1xbet online games login doing riding that bike so fast! I've told 1xbet online games login before to slow down!

Once 1xbet online games login have each statement rewritten, go the next frame.

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