Office of nationally 1xbet best casino website Competitive Scholarships

Recent 1xbet best casino website at K-State

At Kansas State University we are extremely proud of our students, past and current, who have contributed to our continued success within the Nationally Competitive Scholarship arena. The commitment they have to their fields of study has been key in our long tradition of success.


Recent Scholar Honor Roll

We are proud of our scholarship recipients and love to track their success. Below is our "honor roll" of K-State students who have earned a competitive scholarship. In addition, go to K-State Achievements if you're interested in seeing how the success of K-State students compares to the success of others nationally over the last several decades.


Kansas State students, Nate Williams and Michael Dowd, embraced the spirit of 2020 in a virtual meet-and-greet with the rest of the 2020-21 Cargill Global 1xbet best casino website cohort.