2006 scholars 1xbet online sports betting

December 5: Clemente Jaquez-Herrera, 1xbet online sports betting in Architecture, has been awarded the Benjamin A. Gilman International 1xbet online sports betting to 1xbet online sports betting abroad in Spring 2007. This award, which offers up to 00 for 1xbet online sports betting in any country, will support Clemente as he travels to Italy for the upcoming semester.

November 29: Lisa Kitten, 1xbet online sports betting in Mechanical Engineering, has been named a Marshall Scholar for 2007. The Marshall 1xbet online sports betting fully funds two or three years of graduate 1xbet online sports betting in the United Kingdom. Lisa plans to 1xbet online sports betting Medical Engineering at Oxford University. Less than 45 Marshalls are awarded each year, making it an extremely prestigious recognition. Congratulations to Lisa on achieving this outstanding opportunity.

August 2: Aimee Norris, junior in Creative Writing and Art with a minor in Japanese, has 1xbet online sports betting awarded a Benjamin A. Gilman International 1xbet online sports betting for Fall 2006. Congratulations to Aimee, who will use the 00 award to 1xbet online sports betting in Japan during the upcoming year.

May 24: Zach Maier, sophomore in Computer Engineering and Psychology, has been awarded a Department of Homeland Security Scholarship for 2006. For students whose research interests align with technologies that might help the Department of Homeland Security meet its various missions, only about fifty DHS scholarships are awarded annually. Each award funds 00/year plus tuition for the junior and 1xbet online sports betting year, plus another 00 in support of a summer internship.

May 16: Congratulations to four outstanding students who have 1xbet online sports betting awarded Fulbright Grants for 2006. The Fulbright funds a full year of study, research or teaching English in any of more than 140 different countries. Lynn Brickley, graduate student in College Student Development, will use the Fulbright to travel to Hungary. Elizabeth Greig, 1xbet online sports betting in PreMed Nutrition Science, study in Mexico. Amity Thompson, 1xbet online sports betting in history, will study in Japan. David Thompson, 1xbet online sports betting in Electrical Engineering, will also study in Japan. This is only the third time ever that four or more K-Staters have won Fulbrights in one year; they will represent K-State well across the globe.

April 11: Laura Wood, 1xbet online sports betting in Political Science and Philosophy, has been awarded a 00 Phi Kappa Phi Graduate Fellowship for 2006. Each Phi Kappa Phi chapter can only nominate one student to compete for the PKP Fellowship and only sixty students are named as fellows each 1xbet online sports betting . Congratulations to Laura on this outstanding recognition.

March 22: Three students have 1xbet online sports betting recognized as Phi Kappa Phi 1xbet online sports betting Abroad Grant winners for 2006-07. 38 of the 00 awards are made to college juniors each year to help facilitate 1xbet online sports betting abroad in any country. K-State winners are Heather Gartrell, Family and Consumer Sciences Education, Mary Geiger, Agricultural Communications and Journalism, and Tricia Dicke, Animal Sciences and Industry. Heather will 1xbet online sports betting in Granada, Spain. Both Mary and Tricia will do a 1xbet online sports betting tour of multiple South American countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Uruguay.

April 5: Five K-Staters are successful in the Udall competition! The Morris K. Udall Foundation has announced three winners and two honorable mentions among its 80 winners and 50 honorable mentions for 2006. Matt King, 1xbet online sports betting in Political Science and Natural Resources & Environmental Science, Adrienne Stolwyk, 1xbet online sports betting in Architecture, and Matt Woerman, 1xbet online sports betting in Mechanical Engineering and Natural Resources & Environmental Science will receive 00 as Udall Scholars. Sally Maddock and Mark Ruzicka, both from Landscape Architecture, will receive 0 awards as Honorable Mention. The Udall seeks individuals committed to pursuing better environmental stewardship through their field of interest.

March 30: Congratulations to Stacy Johnson, 1xbet online sports betting in Biology, and David Eichman, fifth-year in Architecture, as Gilman Scholarship winners for Spring 2006. The Gilman 1xbet online sports betting awards about 350 awards annually, up to 00 each, to students for 1xbet online sports betting abroad. With the assistance of the Gilman award, Stacy is spending the semester in the Netherlands, and David is spending the semester in Japan.

March 28: Kourtney Bettinger has received one of 75 Truman Scholarships awarded nationally in 2006. Kourtney is a Spanish PreMed 1xbet online sports betting with secondary majors in International Studies and Latin American Studies. The Truman 1xbet online sports betting provides ,000 for graduate schools and several unique experiences in public service. We congratulate Kourtney as she becomes the 29th Truman Scholar to hail from Kansas State.

March 22: Exciting news! All four Goldwater nominees from Kansas State have 1xbet online sports betting named as Goldwater Scholars for 2006. The Goldwater provides up to 00/year for juniors and seniors interested in research careers in math, science or engineering. Hats off to Alyson Deines, 1xbet online sports betting in Mathematics, Jonathan King, junior in Chemical Engineering, Eli Parke, junior in Physics, and Amy Twite, sophomore in Chemistry and Microbiology!

February 15: Karla Kepley, 1xbet online sports betting in Dietetics and Gerontology, has been named to the USA Today All-USA College Academic Team -- Third Team. With only twenty students per team nationwide, this puts Karla in an elite group of sixty students recognized with the USA Today mark of distinction nationwide. Matt Basel, junior in Chemistry, has also 1xbet online sports betting recognized as Honorable Mention in the competition. Congratulations are due to both.