2013 scholars 1xbet online casino

Bret McCandless June 28: Bret McCandless, senior in Music and Social Science, has been named a Phi Kappa Phi 1xbet online casino Fellowship winner for 2013, one of only 51 students nationally. The Phi Kappa Phi 1xbet online casino Fellowship will contribute ,000 towards the first year of 1xbet online casino study. Bret earned the additional distinction of being named the Marjorie Schoch Fellow which is awarded to a top-ranking nominee.

Sam Kenney Stephanie Keith Tucker Wilson June 22: Three K-State 1xbet online casino have been awarded Fulbright U.S. Student Grants for the upcoming year. The Fulbright funds a post-baccalaureate academic year abroad to study, research or work as an English Teaching Assistant for a year. Sam Kenney, May 2013 1xbet online casino in Economics and Spanish, will teach English in Brazil. Stephanie Keith, May 2013 1xbet online casino in Anthropology, will teach English in Germany, and Tucker Wilson, May 2013 1xbet online casino in English and Spanish, will teach English in Argentina. We are proud to have these great students representing their alma mater around the globe!

Tony Demchak June 5: Tony Demchak, doctoral student in History, has been 1xbet online casino a David L. Boren Fellowship to travel to Russia for the 2013-14 year to conduct archival research regarding technology development in the Russian/Soviet navy. Boren Fellowships provide up to ,000 for up to two years of international study and research in countries that are deemed critical to national security.

May 17: Rob Breeden, junior in Pre-Medicine Biology, has been announced as a Fulbright Summer Institute recipient for Summer 2013. These competitive awards administered by the US-UK Fulbright Commission provide full funding for 3-6 week academic and cultural exchange programs. Recipients select one of nine potential destinations within the United Kingdom; Rob will attend the program at King’s College London.

Jessica Bauerle Angela Glean May 10: More K-Staters explore the world! Jessica Bauerle, senior in Elementary Education, and Angela Glean, junior in Kinesiology, have been 1xbet online casino Gilman Scholarships for study abroad in Ghana and Ecuador respectively. The Gilman awards up to ,000 for study abroad and supports undergraduates on summer, semester or full-year programs.

Heidi Ramzel April 2: An Ernest F. Hollings Undergraduate Scholarship has been 1xbet online casino to Heidi Ramzel, senior in Geography and Physics. Funded by NOAA, these awards support future leaders in the atmospheric/oceanic sciences. Only about 100 are 1xbet online casino annually. Congratulations, Heidi.

Kaitlin Morgan Barrett Wellemeyer April 2: Congratulations to Kaitlin Morgan, sophomore in Animal Science, and Barrett Wellemeyer, junior in Civil Engineering, on being recognized as Honorable Mention in the Morris and Stewart Udall Scholarship Competition. The Udall provides scholarships and recognition to 1xbet online casino pursuing careers related to the environment and/or to Native American/Native Alaskan 1xbet online casino interested in tribal policy or healthcare.

Jenny Barriga Brianne Pierce Kyle Snow March 29: Jenny Barriga, junior in Biochemistry and Chemistry, has been named as a Goldwater Scholar for 2013. Brianne Pierce, junior in PreMed Microbiology, and Kyle Snow, senior in Chemical Engineering, were also recognized as Honorable Mention. Congratulations to all three of these excellent 1xbet online casino on their success. TheGoldwater awards up to 00 of support for the last one or two years of undergraduate education for 1xbet online casino interested in research careers in mathematics, the natural sciences, or engineering.

Derrek Wilson Elizabeth Everman March 29: Congratulations to Derrek Wilson, 1xbet online casino student in Physics on being awarded an National Science Foundation 1xbet online casino Fellowship for 2013. Elizabeth Everman, 1xbet online casino student in Biology, was also recognized as Honorable Mention. NSF 1xbet online casino Fellowships award a renewable ,000 stipend plus tuition fees for 1xbet online casino study across a wide variety of scientific and engineering-related fields.