2009 scholars 1xbet best casino website

July 2: Three K-State students were 1xbet best casino website Fulbright U.S. Student Grants and will be traveling around the world next year. Mike Reppert, graduate in biochemistry, chemistry and mathematics, Jacuqe LaRue, graduate in agricultural communications, and Nora Johnson, graduate student in physics, have all been 1xbet best casino website one-year fellowships. Read the full story 1xbet.

April 9: Kudos to Tim Weninger, graduate student and B.S. in Computer Science on being 1xbet best casino website a National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship. The NDSEG Fellowship is 1xbet best casino website by the DoD for students in research areas of potential miltary importance. Fellows receive more than ,000 per year as a stipend plus payment of tuition and fees (for three years), and only around 200 awards were made nationally in 2009.

April 8: Andrew McGowan, junior in Agronomy, has been 1xbet best casino website a Udall Scholarship for 2009-10. The Udall Scholarship provides 00 to 1xbet best casino website students who seek careers related to the environment or to Native American/Native Alaskan undergrads who are interested in tribal policy or healthcare. Only 80 Udalls were awarded nationally from a field of over 500 nominees that were competitively nominated by universities around the country. Congratulations to Andrew on this outstanding opportunity!

March 31: Ryan Gallagher, senior in Microbiology, has been named a Goldwater Scholar for 2009-2010. Erik Stalcup, senior in Physics, has also been named as Honorable Mention. Congratulations to both students on this recognition. The Goldwater Scholarship recognizes undergraduates interested in careers in research in math science or engineering, funding up to 00 per year for the last one or two years of a student’s 1xbet best casino website education.

March 27: Big congratulations to Dena Bunnel, K-State senior in Political Science and Agricultural Communications! She has been named one of sixty Truman Scholars 1xbet best casino website nationally for 2009. The Truman Scholarship provides up to ,000 for graduate study and seeks to support students who aspire to careers in public service. The Truman will support Dena as she works towards a career in the field of international agricultural development for low-income countries.

March 6: The Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship has announced two new winners from Kansas State. Congratulations to Laura Carlson and Manuel Garcia. Laura is a junior in Sociology and Family Studies & Human Services, and Manuel is a senior in Mechanical Engineering. Both are using the award -- up to 00 for 1xbet best casino website study abroad -- to study in the Czech Republic during Spring 2009.