2007 scholars 1xbet best casino website

June 20: Jessica Ice, junior in Anthropology has been 1xbet best casino website a Gilman 1xbet best casino website to help her fund study abroad in Mexico, Peru and Argentina during Fall 2007. The Gilman funds 1xbet best casino website study abroad and awards up to 00 to students who wish to broaden their understanding of the world through study in an international setting. Jessica is one of only about 420 students nationally to collect a Gilman in this application cycle.

June 15: Matt King, 1xbet best casino website in Political Science with a secondary major in Natural Resource and Environmental Science, has been awarded a Fulbright Scholarship for 2007 to attend Oxford University in the United Kingdom and pursue a MS in Environmental Change and Management in the coming year. The Fulbright is one of the best known scholarship programs and fully funds an academic 1xbet best casino website abroad to almost any country. The UK is the most competitive destination in the Fulbright competition. Great accomplishment, Matt!

May 14: Kudos to Phuong Vu, junior in Political 1xbet best casino website . He has been awarded a David L. Boren Undergraduate Scholarship to support study abroad in China in the coming year. One hundred forty-one students across the nation were awarded the Boren this 1xbet best casino website as individuals who plan careers in public service and intend to study abroad in countries/regions vital to national security. The Boren provides full funding for that international experience.

May 7: Janeal Schmidt, 1xbet best casino website in Secondary Education, has been named a James Madison Fellow for 2007. Only about fifty are recognized nationally each year, ideally one per state. The James Madison Memorial Fellowship awards ,000 to future teachers of social studies, history and/or civics who will pursue a graduate degree in history, political 1xbet best casino website or a related field to enhance their ability to teach about the U.S. Constitution and its context. Congratulations, Janeal.

April 26: Phi Kappa Phi Study 1xbet best casino website Grants have been awarded for 2007. Only fifty of these 00 awards are given out annually, and three K-Staters have won. They are Megan Dirks, sophomore in Business Administration and French; Cierra Elder, junior in Biology; and Rebecca Tokach, junior in Agricultural Economics and Animal 1xbet best casino website . Congratulations to all three as they head abroad in the coming year.

April 5: Good news for Brad Lutz, 1xbet best casino website in Electrical Engineering, and Ella Todd, junior in Marketing. They have been honored with the coveted Udall Scholarship for 2007. The Morris K. Udall Foundation awards approximately 80 00 scholarships to undergraduates interested in careers related to improving or protecting the environment. Sally Maddock, 1xbet best casino website in Architecture, was also awarded 0 as Honorable Mention. Congratulations to all three.

April 4: Jonathan King, 1xbet best casino website in Chemical Engineering, has been awarded a 00 Phi Kappa Phi Graduate Fellowship for 2007. Phi Kappa Phi names sixty top seniors for the PKP Fellowship each 1xbet best casino website from a highly selective pool of applicants; each university can only nominate one student to the national competition. Congrats, Jonathan.

March 29: Hats off to Matt Basel, 1xbet best casino website in Chemistry, Biochemistry and Biology; and to Meg Fasulo, 1xbet best casino website in Chemistry, Biochemistry and Microbiology. Both are National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship winners for 2007. NSF 1xbet best casino website Fellowships award money for tuition plus a ,000 stipend and are renewable for three years of graduate funding. Additional congratulations are in order for Meredith Schlabach, 1xbet best casino website in Mechanical Engineering; Jeffrey Amos, 1xbet best casino website in Mathematics; Alyson Deines, 1xbet best casino website in Mathematics; and Brooklyn Walker, alumni from Political Science for earning Honorable Mention in this highly competitive contest.

March 28: Jenna Kennedy, 1xbet best casino website in PreMed Microbiology with a secondary major in Natural Resources and Environmental Science, has just been named a Truman Scholar for 2007. The Truman offers ,000 for 1xbet best casino website school for students seeking careers in public service. Only 65 Truman Scholars were named in 2007. She hopes to work in the public health arena in Africa. Kudos to Jenna on an impressive accomplishment.

March 23: 1xbet best casino website to Jenny Buseman, Mike Reppert and Emily Viogt, Goldwater Scholars for 2007. Jenny majors in PreMed Microbiology. Mike majors in Chemistry, Biochemistry and Mathematics. And Emily majors in Chemical Engineering. The Goldwater recognizes undergraduates who show great promise as future researchers in math, 1xbet best casino website and engineering. This 00 per year award is the top undergraduate award for students in those fields. Only about 320 were awarded in 2007.