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Welcome to Modern Languages Graduate Program!


Modern Languages GTAs 2023-2024

Graduate Studies

M.A. PROGRAM - Customize to your interests!

The M.A. program in the Department of Modern Languages offers tracks in SPANISH, FRENCH, GERMAN, or TEFL, and is highly customizable. Our graduate students tailor their studies to their interests and career goals.

The program consists of 30 credit hours, or 10 courses at the 600-800-level. These courses are generally divided so that a minimum of 6 (18 credit hours) are in the language of specialization, and the remaining 4 (12 credits) consist of our MLANG electives - these are courses taught in English for the purpose of advanced Langauge (L2) teaching and research.

- MA in French, German, Spanish: Program description here

- MA in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL): Ideal for students hoping to teach English abroad. This program is more structured, with 5 required courses and 5 electives. Program description here.

 -TEFL Certificate - 6 classes (18 credit hours); can be completed in conjunction withe the MA degree, as an "add-on". This requires at least 2 additional courses for a total of 6 courses (18-credit hours) in the language of specialzation and 6 courses (18-credit hours) of MLANG electives that count for the TEFL certificate. Given the additional courses and the specific electives requried, students pursuing a TEFL Certificate with their MA should plan to take an additional semester to complete the degree & certificate together. Information on the TEFL certificate is available here.

See our Student Leaning Outcomes (SLOs) here.


General Information

Graduate programs in the Department of Modern Languages increase students' sophistication in spoken and written language and train for specialized fields of study, including literary or cultural studies, L2 Pedagogy, or second language acquisition (SLA). It generally takes 2 years to complete the M.A. program in Spanish, French, German, or TEFL, while adding a graduate certificate in TEFL may extend coursework an additional semester.

Master's degrees are available in French, German, Spanish, and TEFL. An array of courses provide a customizable education in literature, culture, language, translation and interpretation, SLA and pedagogy, and linguistics. Our MA students are closely supervised and build strong mentoring relationships with their professors. Students in the program also have a Graduate Advisor who helps outline their program of study.

Final examinations

In all M.A. programs a final comprehensive examination is required at the completion of course work. This exam is tailored 1xbet online games loginto the M.A. option chosen by the student and to the students' coursework and professional goals. It is designed in close consultation with the student's major professor and committee.

Special programs and activities

Our department offers summer programs for undergraduates in Mexico and Spain, and the summer program in Spain - "Madrid, Pamplona y el Norte" - will be open to graduate students beginning in 2023. Graduate students may earn 3-credit hours (one course) during this 5-week program. 

Graduate students in German may qualify for substantial scholarships in a recently expanded program for study in selected universities of Austria, Germany, or Switzerland.

Kansas State University has an agreement with the University of Costa Rica and connections to a number of study abroad programs including International Students Exchange Program.


  • For International Student Application and deadlines, please check the Graduate School page.
  • Priority deadline for U.S. Citizens and/or U.S. Resident Application: February 1st (for fall admission), and September 1st (for spring admission), please check the Graduate School page for application form.
  • To be considered for a Graduate Teaching Assistantship (see below), all applications, domestic or international, must be submitted by December 15 for fall admission.
Requirements for Admittance*

1) B.A. in related field (language, education, etc.) or 3 years of European University in related field, or equivalent. Students with other academic backgrounds may apply provided that they make up the courses necessary to bring them at the right level.

2) Teaching experience desirable (as a practicing or former teacher, or as a student-teacher)

3) Acceptance by a committee 1xbet online casinoof graduate program faculty; basis for acceptance: the student's previous transcript, application materials, and letters of recommendation.
NOTE: For students applying to the M.A. in Second Language Acquisition with Graduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning, an initial consultation with Dr. Leah McKeeman (leahmac@ksu.edu) in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction is recommended.

*Prospective students may be accepted provisionally until deficiencies in course work or professional experience are completed satisfactorily.

See checklist for graduate application: US residents & citizens, international.

Financial Support

Graduate Teaching Assistantships

Many applicants to the Modern Languages M.A. programs qualify to be GTAs (Graduate Teaching Assistants). These positions allow our students to develop their teaching skills in a supportive and cooperative environment while earning their degree and receiving financial support. Positions are limited and competitive.

A GTA teaches 3 sections of basic language courses throughout the academic year. The current stipend for a nine-month contract (August to May) is $14,000, which can be complemented by scholarships (email Modern Languages for more information). All full-time GTAs receive a full tuition waiver for each year as a GTA, and may elect to join the University's health insurance program. .

If you are applying for a Graduate Teaching Assistantship, you may be contacted for an interview by Zoom.

The department of Modern Languages also offers a number of scholarships and awards for graduate students.

For other types of financial assistance (student loans or work study), please contact the Office of Student Financial Assistance, Fairchild Hall, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506-1104.

1xbet best casino websiteChecklist for US Residents & Citizens Graduate Application

  • Completed Application available through the Graduate School. You must apply directly online through the Graduate School webpage.
  • Statement of objectives, in English (one page maximum).
  • Official transcript of all undergraduate and graduate classes.
  • Three letters of recommendation from professors and others who know your work.
  • Application fee payable to the Kansas State University Graduate School. See the Graduate School Application webpage for details.
US residents and citizens who are not English native speakers will be required to take the TOEFL or SPEAK test.

If you are requesting a Graduate Teaching Assistantship, you may be contacted for an interview by phone or video conference.

When your application file is complete and has been submitted, please allow a few weeks for a decision to be made. The Director of Graduate Studies and/or the Graduate School will contact you regarding your acceptance to the program and your assistantship, if you have applied for one. Your application must be approved by both the faculty in your language section and the Graduate School.

Checklist for International Students Graduate Application

Please be sure to contact the Graduate School for more detailed information regarding the University's admission policy of International students, and application deadlines.

  • Completed International Student Application available through the Graduate School. You must apply directly online through the Graduate School webpage.
  • Statement of objectives, in English (one page maximum).
  • Official transcript of all undergraduate and graduate classes, translated if from a non-English-speaking country.
  • Three letters of recommendation from professors and others who know your work, in English if possible.
  • Statement of financial support, with documentation (official bank statement, letter from sponsors, letter of credit, etc.). Please sign in all three boxes on the application.
  • TOEFL score documentation unless you have an undergraduate degree from a university in the United States within the last two years; minimum of 550 (paper-based test), 220 (computer-based test), or 79 (iBT - internet-based test) required for admittance to Graduate School.
  • SPEAK test: If you are applying for a teaching assistantship, please know that the Kansas Board of Regents mandates that any student who teaches in a university class must pass the SPEAK test / TSE (Test of Spoken English) with a score of 50 or receive a 22 on the speaking portion of the iBT TOEFL. (Please contact the English Language Program for details on the SPEAK test).
  • Application fee payable to the Kansas State University Graduate School. See the Graduate School Application webpage for details.*

*Please note that international KSU graduate students who are going on for another degree or are changing curriculum within KSU do not pay the application fee.

If you are requesting a Graduate Teaching Assistantship, you may be contacted for an interview by Zoom.

When your application file is complete and has been submitted, please allow a few weeks for a decision to be made. Your application must be approved by both the faculty in your language section and the Graduate School.




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It's FREE to apply to K-State Global Campus online and take up to 9 credit hours as a non-degree seeking student; no transcripts needed, and receive acceptance within as little as 24 hours! Learn more!

If you have any questions about these programs, and/or the application process, please contact:

Dr. Rebecca Bender
Associate Professor of Spanish and Interim Department Head
Eisenhower Hall 207

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