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Modern Languages Master of Arts -- Literature


The Department of Modern Languages offers a Master of Arts in Literature in French, German, and Spanish. Please check our Graduate Studies page for application information, and contact our Department Head, Dr. Melinda Cro (macro@ksu.edu) if you have any questions about our M.A. in Literature.

General Description

The program is designed to help the student attain a high level of proficiency in all aspects of the language; how to read, analyze, interpret, and discuss in an intelligent manner a wide selection of works in French, German, or Spanish; and to synthesize the material read into an accurate and coherent picture of the French, German, or Spanish literary and cultural developments. This degree is recommended for those students who 1xbet online sports bettingwish to teach at the secondary level or to continue graduate work elsewhere with the intention of teaching at the secondary or university level, or for students who prefer to develop their skills in language and literature in preparation for other careers.

In the literature option students may choose to complete the degree with a minimum of 24 hours of graduate courses and a thesis (typically 60-80 pages in length), they also have the option of completing 28 hours of 1xbet sports bettinggraduate courses and writing a report (instead of a thesis), or they may complete a minimum of 30 hours of graduate course work including such evidence of scholarly effort as term papers. In addition, the M.A. candidate would take a written comprehensive exam, followed several days later by a one-hour oral exam.


How to apply?

Reading Lists