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2014-2015 Agendas for 1xbet sports betting

(All are in PDFformat)

September 9, 2014

October 14, 2014

  • Handout - Climate Survey Talking Points

November 11, 2014

  • Attachment 1 - Consent agenda supplemental information
  • Attachment 2 - Honor and Integrity System Constitution revisions - with tracking
  • Attachment 2a - Honor and Integrity System Constitution revisions - clean version
  • Attachment 3 - Academic Freedom Statement - Optional Syllabus Language
  • Attachment 4 - Open/Alternative Textbook Proposal
  • Attachment 5 - Proposed revisions to University Handbook, Section C132 - Promotion Increase
  • Attachment 6 - Proposed revisions to University Handbook, Section C192 - Ombudsperson Appointment and Term
  • Attachment 7 - Proposed revisions to University Handbook, Appendix M - Procedure for Review of Dismissal of Tenured Faculty - with tracking
  • Attachment 7a - Proposed revisions to University Handbook, Appendix M - Procedure for Review of Dismissal of Tenured Faculty - clean version
  • Attachment 8 - 2014 Report on the Status of Faculty Salaries at Kansas State University
  • Attachment 9 - Comparison data as request by Faculty Senators

December 9, 2014

  • Attachment 1 - Consent agenda supplemental information
  • Attachment 2 - Open/Alternative Textbook Proposal
  • Attachment 3 - Proposed revisions to University Handbook, Appendix M - Procedure for Review of Dismissal of Tenured Faculty - with tracking
  • Attachment 3a - Proposed revisions to University Handbook, Appendix M - Procedure for Review of Dismissal of Tenured Faculty - clean version
  • Attachment 4 - Proposed Open Access Policy
  • Attachment 5 - Proposed Social Media Policy procedures
  • Attachment 6 - Proposed Lifeline 911 Policy - SGA resolution
  • Attachment 7 - Proposed changes to University Handbook, Appendix E, 1xbet sports betting constitution by-laws

February 10, 2015

  • Attachment 1 - Consent agenda supplemental information
  • Attachment 2 - Discussion agenda supplemental information
  • Attachment 3 - Proposed Undergraduate Research Experience course template and instructions
  • Attachment 4 - Proposed changes to University Handbook, Section C10-C12- Professional Titles of Practice
  • Attachment 5 - Proposed changes to University Handbook, Appendix E, 1xbet sports betting constitution by-laws

March 10, 2015

  • Attachment 1 - Consent agenda supplemental information
  • Attachment 2 - Proposed changes to University Handbook, Section C10-C12- Professional Titles of Practice

April 14, 2015

May 12, 2015

  • Attachment 1 - Consent agenda supplemental information
  • Attachment 2 - Discussion agenda supplemental information
  • Attachment 3 - Loleta Sump - candidacy for 1xbet sports betting secretary
  • Attachment 4 - Andrew Bennett - candidacy for 1xbet sports betting president elect

June 9, 2015

  • Attachment 1 - Consent agenda supplemental information
  • Attachment 2 - Approval, Routing and Notification Procedures for Course and Curriculum Approval - Updates
  • Attachment 3 - Modified Transfer Credit Policy and change to University Handbook Section F76
  • Attachment 4 - Memo regarding Climate Survey Results