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Faculty 1xbet online sports betting Elections

This page provides an overview of Faculty 1xbet online sports betting elections, including how the president elect and secretary are elected, the names of those seving on the current year's election committee, the current year's timeline, and a list of current senators who will be rotating off. After elections are complete, the names of those elected will also be shared.

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Overview of Elections Process

Faculty 1xbet online sports betting elections begin in February and conclude near the end of March. The specific deadlines are updated each year in accordance with the Faculty 1xbet online sports betting 1xbet onlin (excerpt below from Article II, Section D.).

Nomination and 1xbet online sports betting of Candidates
  1. An election committee along with caucus chairs shall conduct an election each year and certify the results with the aid of such offices as are necessary. This election committee shall be composed of the chair or co-chairs of the faculty affairs committee, the chair or co-chairs of the professional staff affairs committee, the president, and the secretary of the 1xbet online sports betting . Approximately 11 weeks before the first meeting of the new 1xbet online sports betting , the caucus chair from each unit shall confirm with the Office of Faculty 1xbet online sports betting a list of those in the unit eligible to vote and eligible to serve in 1xbet online sports betting elections. The election committee shall adjudicate any questions of voter eligibility, the unit in which a person should vote, and the eligibility for election to the 1xbet online sports betting , according to Article II, Section A.1.
  2. All eligible voters shall have the opportunity to vote by secret ballot for representatives from their respective unit.
  3. Nominees for membership in the 1xbet online sports betting shall be chosen approximately nine weeks before the first meeting of the new 1xbet online sports betting by a preliminary ballot of those entitled to vote. The caucus chair in charge of unit elections or a member of the election committee shall ascertain the willingness to serve of those nominated from each unit, in order of number of votes each received, and shall certify twice the number to be elected as the official nominees of the unit. In the event of ties, those receiving the same number of votes shall be included on the ballot for election; eligible voters shall be directed to vote for, at most, the necessary number of senators.
  4. Senators shall be chosen by secret ballot in a final election supervised by the caucus chair and election committee. In the event of a tie in the final election, a coin will be tossed to determine the winner. Elections shall be conducted seven weeks before the first meeting of the new 1xbet online sports betting .
  5. A complete summary of the election shall be kept on record for at least three years in the Office of Faculty 1xbet online sports betting . Election results shall be forwarded to the president of the 1xbet online sports betting .

    As a vacancy occurs in the 1xbet online sports betting , the caucus where the vacancy occurred will appoint to the 1xbet online sports betting for the unexpired term the individual who received the next highest number of votes in the most recent election within the unit. In the case of a vacancy in the Term Appointment caucus, this same procedure will be used, except that the required composition of the caucus will be maintained when filling the vacant seat (see Article II, Section A.1.b.) In the case of a vacancy within the General University caucus for the senator from Olathe, the individual who received the next highest number of votes for that seat in their most recent election will be appointed for the unexpired term. Notification of the replacement will be provided at the next regularly scheduled executive committee and Faculty 1xbet online sports betting meetings.

    Each caucus shall go back no further than the final ballot to find replacements for vacancies. When the names on the final ballot are exhausted, a special 1xbet online sports betting will be called at the time of the vacancy to fill the vacancy. In the event the names on the final ballot are exhausted and yearly elections are in process, the vacancy may be filled utilizing the current elections. This will be handled on a case-by-case basis in consultation with the caucus chair and 1xbet online sports betting committee.
  6. In the event of reorganization of the colleges, extension, the library, or the general administration, representation on the 1xbet online sports betting of these groups will remain unaltered until after the next regularly scheduled election.

1xbet online sports betting of president-elect and secretary

Each year in May, there is what is affectionately known as the "turnover" Faculty 1xbet online sports betting meeting. The first portion of that meeting is for the outgoing 1xbet online sports betting . Then, once that meeting is adjourned, outgoing members depart and incoming members begin their voting role as the first meeting is called to order.

At that first meeting of the new 1xbet online sports betting , the president-elect assumes the presidency, and a new president-elect and secretary are elected by the 1xbet online sports betting from its membership or the membership of the immediately preceding 1xbet online sports betting . If one person does not receive a majority of the votes, there will be a runoff election between the two nominees receiving the highest number of votes. This is the only vote taken by ballot, unless there is only one nominee.

With the assistance of the Faculty 1xbet online sports betting Leadership Council, the president and past president are charged with identifying and encouraging individuals to become candidates for officer positions.

During their terms, the president-elect, president, and past president shall serve as senators-at-large with voting rights and not as representatives of their unit.

2024 1xbet online sports betting Committee:
  • Don Von Bergen, Faculty 1xbet online sports betting President
  • Graciela Berumen, Faculty 1xbet online sports betting Secretary
  • Brad Cunningham, Co-Chair of 1xbet online sports betting Affairs
  • Tareque Nasser, Co-Chair of 1xbet online sports betting Affairs
  • Monica Curnutt, Co-Chair of Professional Staff Affairs
  • Renee Gates, Co-Chair of Professional Staff Affairs
2024 1xbet online sports betting Timeline:
February 27Primary ballots go out to eligible persons in the colleges/units.
March 5Primary ballots due back to caucus chairs.
March 19Final ballots go out to eligible persons in the college/units.
March 25Final ballots due back to caucus chairs.
March 28Results due to Faculty 1xbet online spor
April 22

Caucus chairs are to identify members for the following permanent committees of Faculty 1xbet online sports betting :
-Executive Committee (caucus chair)
-Academic Affairs – must be a senator
-1xbet online sports betting Affairs – must be a senator
-JEDAII (Justice, Equity, Diversity, Accessibility, Identity, Inclusion)
-Professional Staff Affairs
-FSCOT (FS Committee on Technology)
-FSCOUP (FS Committee on University Planning)

2024 Senators with terms ending:

Due to the regular reapportionment, which was held in October 2023, some caucuses are increasing in size and some are decreasing. The total number of senators being elected this year is 35.

An asterisk* means the person is not eligible for re-1xbet online sports betting at this time.

CaucusSenator's name

Agriculture (2) Due to Reapportionment

*Mishelle Hay McCammant
Sarah Sexton-Bowser
Cassandra Olds

Architecture, Planning & Design (2)

Grant Alford
La Barbara Wigfall

Arts & Sciences (5) Due to ReapportionmentChardie Baird
Marcellus Caldas
*Pamela Kempton
*Marianne Korten
*Michael Krysko
*Sara Luly
Eve McCulloch
Business Administration (4) Due to Reapportionment

Rebecca Adams
Michael Raine
Terry Mason

Education (2)

Brandon Kliewer
Lisa Rubin

Engineering (2) Due to Reapportionment

Andrew Rys
Kevin Wanklyn
Steve Warren

Extension (1)

*Elizabeth Kiss

1xbet sports betting Council),General Faculty

Linda Craghead
Scott Finkeldei
Aaron Stroot
Andy Thompson

Health and Human Sciences (2) Due to Reapportionment

Barbara Anderson
*Jared Durtschi
Kim Hiller

K-State Salina (Technology & Aviation) (2)

Bill Genereux
Drew Smith

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Graciela Berumen
Erin Bishop
Tandy Rundus
Mary Sullivan

University Libraries (2)

Roger Adams
Carolyn Jackson

Veterinary Medicine (4) Due to Reappointment

Amy Brusk
*Mary Lynn Higginbotham
Justin Kastner
*Thomas Schermerhorn
Regina Scott