Department/Unit Head Manual
(For 1xbet sports betting and Unclassified Professionals)

This Department Head's Manual is designed as a resource to assist deans and department/unit heads who have administrative responsibility for faculty and staff. This Manual is not intended to be a 1xbet sports betting manual. Rather, it is intended to be a procedures manual compiling all existing policies related to specific topics with links to relevant citations, operating procedures, and forms.

Policies included are published in the University handbook, the 1xbet online games login the of, and the Affirmative Action Plan. This Manual is updated and maintained by the Office of the Provost. If you have suggestions for additional resources to be included in the Manual, please contact the Office of the Provost.

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Academic Unit/Department Name 1xbet online spo

Academic Calendars

Recruitment and Hiring

Related Forms:

Contracts and Appointments for 1xbet sports betting and Unclassified Professionals

Related Forms:

Faculty Workload 1xbet sports betting

Notice of Non-Reappointment (for regular or probationary 1xbet sports betting /staff appointments)

Departmental Evaluation, Promotion, Tenure Documents

Promotion/Tenure Decisions

Related Forms:

Post-Tenure Review

Related Forms:

Performance Evaluations

Related Forms:

Student Ratings

Professorial Performance Award

Annual Merit Salary Increases, Market, and Equity Adjustments

Modified Instructional Duties (MID) for 1xbet sports betting

Sabbatical Leaves

Related Forms:

Leave Policies and Forms

Conflict of Interest, Consulting, and Outside Employment

Related Forms:

These forms can be accessed through HRIS Employee Self-Service. (Path:Employee Self Service Personal Information Conflict of Interest).

Conflict/ dispute 1

hearings 1xbet online games login and

Retirement Policies, Emeritus Status, and Phased Retirement

Intellectual Property

Related Forms:

Course and Curriculum Issues

Classroom Student
