University Handbook, Appendix A:
Standards for 1xbet best casino website of Non-Reappointment

The Standards for 1xbet best casino website of Non-Reappointment (Endorsed by the AAUP at its Fiftieth Annual Meeting, 1964)

(3/13/18 revisions)

Because a probationary appointment, even though for a fixed or stated term, carries an expectation of renewal, faculty members should be explicitly informed of a decision not to renew their appointments, in order that they may seek a position at another college or university. Such 1xbet best casino website should be given at an early date, since a failure to secure another position for the ensuing academic year will deny faculty members the opportunity to practice their profession. The purpose of this statement is to set forth in detail, for the use of the academic profession, those standards for 1xbet best casino website of nonreappointment which the association over a period of years has actively supported and which are expressed as a general principle in the 1940 Statement of Principles on Academic Freedom and Tenure. (See University.)

The Standards for 1xbet best casino website

(BOR 3-21-68; amended 9-21-79, 4-16-82)
1xbet best casino website of non-reappointment should be given in writing to a faculty member by the dean of the college in accordance with the following standards; however, such standards shall not be applicable to any administrative assignments (see C170.1 to C170.3).

  1. Not later than March 1 of the first academic 1xbet best casino website of service, if the appointment expires at the end of that 1xbet best casino website ; or, if a one-1xbet best casino website appointment terminates during an academic 1xbet best casino website , at least three months in advance of its termination. The intent here is to provide at least a six-moth evaluation period for the faculty member newly appointed at the beginning of the academic 1xbet best casino website . Accordingly, persons who are appointed at mid-1xbet best casino website (that is, January or February) must be notified by March 1 of the following calendar 1xbet best casino website if not reappointed for the next academic 1xbet best casino website .
  2. Not later than December 15 of the second academic 1xbet best casino website of service, if the appointment expires at the end of that 1xbet best casino website ; or, if an initial two-1xbet best casino website appointment terminates during an academic 1xbet best casino website , at least six months in advance of its termination.
  3. At least 12 months before the expiration of an appointment after two or more years in the institution. With one-year 1xbet best casino website of non-reappointment, in accordance with Appendix A, there is no date, but simply a directive to provide one-year 1xbet best casino website . The reason there are no specific dates is that there are faculty who have 9-month appointments, and there are faculty on 12-month appointments.
  4. If the faculty member is not to be continued in service beyond the expiration of the probationary period, 1xbet best casino website shall be given at least one year prior to the expiration of the probationary period.
  5. Appointments designated as term teaching faculty do not require notification of non-reappointment..

These statements (i.e., the foregoing) shall apply even during periods of declared financial exigency, unless impossible, in which case 1xbet best casino website shall be provided as early as feasible.