1xbet online casino Course Syllabi Statements

All 1xbet online casino syllabi must include the following statements:

  1. Statement Regarding 1xbet online casino Honesty
  2. Statement Regarding 1xbet online casino with Disabilities
  3. Statement Defining Expectations for Classroom Conduct
  4. Statement on Mutual Respect and Inclusion in 1xbet online casino Teaching and Learning Spaces
  5. Statement Regarding Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Harassment

1. Statement Regarding Statement for Inclusion in s

Kansas State University has an Honor and Integrity System based on personal integrity, which is presumed to be sufficient assurance that, in academic matters, one's work is performed honestly and without unauthorized assistance. Undergraduate and graduate 1xbet online casino , by registration, acknowledge the jurisdiction of the Honor and Integrity System. The policies and procedures of the 1xbet sports betting and I apply to all full and part-time 1xbet online casino enrolled in undergraduate and graduate courses on-campus, off-campus, and via distance learning. A component vital to the Honor and Integrity System is the inclusion of the Honor Pledge which applies to all assignments, examinations, or other course work undertaken by 1xbet online casino . The Honor Pledge is implied, whether or not it is stated: "On my honor, as a student, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this academic work." A grade of XF can result from a breach of academic honesty. The F indicates failure in the course; the X indicates the reason is an Honor Pledge violation.

2. Statement Regarding faculty 1xbet online sports betting

At K-State it is important that every student has access to course content and the means to demonstrate course mastery. Students with disabilities may benefit from services including accommodations provided by the Student Access Center. Disabilities can include physical, learning, executive functions, and mental health. 1xbet online casino may register at the faculty 1xbet online sports betting or to learn more contact:

Manhattan/Olathe/K-State Online – 1xbet online casino Access Center
accesscenter@1xbet online casino edu

K-State Salina Campus – Julie Rowe; 1xbet online casino Success Coordinator
jarowe@1xbet online casino edu

Students already registered with the Student Access Center please request 1xbet online casino Letters of Accommodation early in the semester to provide adequate time to arrange 1xbet online casino approved academic accommodations. Once SAC approves 1xbet online casino Letter of Accommodation it will be e-mailed to you, and 1xbet online casino instructor(s) for this course. Please follow up with 1xbet online casino instructor to discuss how best to implement the approved accommodations.

3. Statement Defining Expectations for Classroom Conduct

All 1xbet online casino activities in the University, including this course, are governed by the 1xbet best casino website as outlined in the Student Governing Association By Laws, Article V, Section 3, number 2. 1xbet online casino who engage in behavior that disrupts the learning environment may be asked to leave the class.

4. Statement on Mutual Respect and Inclusion in 1xbet online casino Teaching and Learning Spaces

At K-State, faculty and staff are committed to creating and maintaining an inclusive and supportive learning environment for 1xbet online casino from diverse backgrounds and perspectives. K-State courses, labs, and other virtual and physical learning spaces promote equitable opportunity to learn, participate, contribute, and succeed, regardless of age, race, color, ethnicity, nationality, genetic information, ancestry, disability, socioeconomic status, military or veteran status, immigration status, Indigenous identity, gender identity, gender expression, sexuality, religion, culture, as well as other social identities.

Faculty and staff are committed to promoting equity and believe the success of an inclusive learning environment relies on the participation, support, and understanding of all 1xbet online casino . 1xbet online casino are encouraged to share their views and lived experiences as they relate to the course or their course experience, while recognizing they are doing so in a learning environment in which all are expected to engage with respect to honor the rights, safety, and dignity of others in keeping with the K-State principles 1xbet online.

If you feel uncomfortable because of comments or behavior encountered in this class, you may bring it to the attention of 1xbet online casino instructor, advisors, and/or mentors. If you have questions about how to proceed with a confidential process to resolve concerns, please contact the Student 1xbet best casino website Office. Violations of the Student 1xbet online casino of Conduc 1xbet online casino be reported using the Code of Conduct Reporting Form. 1xbet online casino can also report Report Discrimination, 1xbet best casino website, if needed.

5. Statement Regarding Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Harassment

Kansas State University is committed to maintaining academic, housing, and work environments that are free of discrimination, harassment, and sexual harassment. Instructors support the University’s commitment by creating a safe learning environment during this course, free of conduct that would interfere with 1xbet online casino academic opportunities. Instructors also have a 1xbet best casi any behavior they become aware of that potentially violates the 1xbet online casino ’s policy prohibiting discrimination, harassment, and sexual harassment, as outlined by 1xbet spo.

If a 1xbet online casino is subjected to discrimination, harassment, or sexual harassment, they are encouraged to make a non-confidential report to the University’s 1xbet online casino TTY or TRS: 711,equ using the online reporting form. Incident disclosure is not required to receive resources at 1xbet online casino . Reports that include domestic and dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking, should be considered for reporting by the complainant to the Suggestions, information 1xbet online games login, or the Riley County Police Department. Reports made to law enforcement are separate from reports made to OIE. A complainant 1xbet online casino choose to report to one or both entities. Confidential support and advocacy 1xbet online casino be found with the Center for Advocacy, Response, and 1xbet online casino. Confidential mental health services 1xbet online casino be found with welcome 1xbet online sports betting!. 1xbet online casino support can be found with the Office of 1xbet online casino Support and Accountabili. OSSA is a non-confidential resource. OIE also provides a 1xbet online games login The Off on their website. If 1xbet online casino have questions about non-confidential and confidential resources, please contact OIE at equity@ksu.edu or (785) 532–6220.

Optional Syllabi Statements

1. If 1xbet online casino Materials are Copyrighted, also include:*

Statement for 1xbet best Notification

Copyright 20xx([1xbet online casino name here]) as to this syllabus and all lectures. During this course students are prohibited from selling notes to or being paid for taking notes by any person or commercial firm without the express written permission of the professor teaching this course. In addition, students in this class are not authorized to provide class notes or other class-related materials to any other person or entity, other than sharing them directly with another student taking the class for purposes of studying, without prior written permission from the professor teaching this course.

* You may wish to inform students regarding copyright of 1xbet online casino lecture materials or that you do not permit student note taking for subsequent posting on commercial websites. You also may wish to orally draw attention on the first day of classes to any such statements that you include in 1xbet online casino syllabus. In addition to giving the notice of copyright, you should take steps to assure that 1xbet online casino lectures are fixed in a tangible medium of expression, and hence protectable under the copyright laws. For this purpose, you can make detailed lecture notes, use detailed overheads, slides or online presentation slides, or tape record 1xbet online casino lectures. These steps will strengthen 1xbet online casino right to claim copyright in 1xbet online casino lectures and will notify students of restrictions on their use. If you have lecture notes posted on a website, you may wish to protect them with a copyright notice as well. You can simply add the following information to any lecture materials or to 1xbet online casino website: Copyright 20xx (1xbet online casino name here).

*1xbet online casino also may wish to inform students that the K-State Student Conduct Code prohibits any illegal or unauthorized taking, selling, or distribution of class notes. Students violating this provision will be subject to discipline under the conduct code, including but not limited to possible expulsion from K-State.

2. 1xbet online casino Freedom Statement

Kansas State University is a community of 1xbet online casino , faculty, and staff who work together to discover new knowledge, create new ideas, and share the results of their scholarly inquiry with the wider public. Although new ideas or research results may be controversial or challenge established views, the health and growth of any society requires frank intellectual exchange. Academic freedom protects this type of free exchange and is thus essential to any university's mission.

Moreover, academic freedom supports collaborative work in the pursuit of truth and the dissemination of knowledge in an environment of inquiry, respectful debate, and professionalism. Academic freedom is not limited to the classroom or to scientific and scholarly research, but extends to the life of the 1xbet online casino as well as to larger social and political questions. It is the right and responsibility of the 1xbet online casino community to engage with such issues.

3. Weapons 1xbet online casino Statement

The language in the following statement should not be altered if faculty choose to use it. However, the sentence in the second to last paragraph may be omitted if it is not applicable to a particular 1xbet online casino , and if applicable, specific example activities can be inserted into the sentence where shown.

Kansas State 1xbet online casino prohibits the possession of firearms, explosives, and other weapons on any 1xbet online casino campus, with certain limited exceptions, including the lawful concealed carrying of handguns, as provided in the 1xbet online casino Weapons 1xbet online sports b.

1xbet online casino are encouraged to take the online weapons 1xbet online casino education module to ensure 1xbet online casino understand the requirements of the policy, including the requirements related to concealed carrying of handguns on campus. 1xbet online casino possessing a concealed handgun on campus must be lawfully eligible to carry and either at least 21 years of age or a licensed individual who is 18-21 years of age. All carrying requirements of the policy must be observed in this class, including but not limited to the requirement that a concealed handgun be completely hidden from view, securely held in a holster that meets the specifications of the policy, carried without a chambered round of ammunition, and that any external safety be in the “on” position.

If an individual carries a concealed handgun in a personal carrier such as a backpack, purse, or handbag, the carrier must remain within the individual’s exclusive and uninterrupted control. 1xbet online casino includes wearing the carrier with a strap, carrying or holding the carrier, or setting the carrier next to or within the immediate reach of the individual.

During this course, you will be required to engage in activities, such as (INSERT 1xbet online casino EXAMPLE), that may require you to separate from 1xbet online casino belongings, and thus you should plan accordingly.

Each individual who lawfully possesses a handgun on campus shall be wholly and solely responsible for carrying, storing and using that handgun in a safe manner and in accordance with the law, Board policy and 1xbet online casino policy. All reports of suspected violation of the weapons policy are made to the 1xbet online casino Police Department by picking up any Emergency Campus Phone or by calling 785-532-6412.

4. 1xbet online casino Safety Statement

Kansas State University is committed to providing a safe teaching and learning environment for student and faculty members. In order to enhance 1xbet online casino safety in the unlikely case of a campus emergency make sure that you know where and how to quickly exit 1xbet online casino classroom and how to follow any emergency directives. Current Campus Emergency Information is available at the advisories 1xbet online casino webpage.

5. If 1xbet online casino are a Safe Zones Ally, 1xbet online casino may add:

Safe Zone Statement

I am part of the SafeZone community network of trained K-State faculty/staff/students who are available to listen and support you. As a SafeZone Ally, I can help you connect with resources on campus to address problems you face that interfere with 1xbet online casino academic success, particularly issues of sexual violence, hateful acts, or concerns faced by individuals due to sexual orientation/gender identity. My goal is to help you be successful and to maintain a safe and equitable campus.

6. 1xbet online casino Resources Statement

K-State has many resources to help contribute to 1xbet online casino success. These resources include accommodations for academics, paying for college, 1xbet online casino life, health and safety, and others. Check out the 1xbet online sports betting in to Connect,K-State for more information.

7. 1xbet online casino Academic Creations

Student academic creations are subject to Kansas State University and Kansas Board of Regents Intellectual Property Policies. For courses in which 1xbet online casino will be creating intellectual property, the K-State policy can be found at 1xbet sports betting Handbook, Appendix R: Intellectual Property Policy and Institutional Procedures . These policies address ownership and use of 1xbet online casino academic creations.

8. Statement on Mental Health

1xbet online casino mental health and good relationships are vital to 1xbet online casino overall well-being. Symptoms of mental health issues may include excessive sadness or worry, thoughts of death or self-harm, inability to concentrate, lack of motivation, or substance abuse. Although problems can occur anytime for anyone, you should pay extra attention to 1xbet online casino mental health if you are feeling academic or financial stress, discrimination, or have experienced a traumatic event, such as loss of a friend or family member, sexual assault or other physical or emotional abuse.

If 1xbet online casino are struggling with these issues, do not wait to seek assistance.

Language for Kansas State Manhattan 1xbet online casino :

Kansas State 1xbet online casino welcome 1xbet online sports betting! offers free and confidential services to assist 1xbet online casino to meet these challenges.

Lafene Health Center has specialized nurse practitioners to assist with mental health.

The Division of 1xbet best casino website and Student Affairs can direct 1xbet online casino to additional resources.

1xbet online casino Family Center offers individual, couple, and family counseling services on a sliding fee scale.

Center for Advocacy, Response, and 1xbet online casin provides free and confidential assistance for those in our 1xbet online casino community who have been victimized by violence.

Language for Kansas State Salina 1xbet online casino :

The Kansas State Salina Counseling Services offers free and confidential services to assist 1xbet online casino to meet these challenges.

The Kansas State Salina Office of Student Life can direct 1xbet online casino to additional resources.

The Kansas State Salina 1xbet online casino offers several services for 1xbet online casino , including health services, counseling, and academic assistance.

Language for K-State Online 1xbet online casino :

K-State Online 1xbet online casino have free access to mental health counseling with My SSP - 24/7 support via chat and phone.

The Division of 1xbet best casino website and Student Affairs can direct 1xbet online casino to additional resources.

9. 1xbet online casino Excused Absences

1xbet online casino has a University Handbook, Section F:Instruction: (Section F62). Class absence(s) will be handled between the instructor and the student unless there are other university offices involved. For university excused absences, instructors shall provide the student the opportunity to make up missed assignments, activities, and/or attendance specific points that contribute to the course grade, unless they decide to excuse those missed assignments from the student’s course grade. Please see the policy for a complete list of university excused absences and how to obtain one. 1xbet online casino are encouraged to contact their instructor regarding their absences.

Additional Resources

1xbet online casino pdf provides the short version of the K-State Course Syllabi Statements with links and QR Codes directing 1xbet online casino to the full statements.

For an optional syllabus template for online courses, please email gcid@1xbet online casino edu.