Documentation Required for Annual Evaluations Review for Academic units 1xbet sports betting

Ongoing documentation of the annual evaluation process markedly reduces the likelihood of future grievances, retroactive reviews, and disputes over tenure and promotion.

The University Handbook prescribes that the Provost review evaluation materials and recommendations from all units reporting to the Provost. Because this is the third level of review and encompasses all academic units, the information to be reviewed consists of summary spreadsheets provided by each unit to the dean or equivalent administrator. The purpose of this review is to determine if questions exist as to equity and process. This review enables us to address these issues before rather than after the completion of the evaluation cycle.

Deans and unit heads (vice provosts, associate provosts, and director of leadership studies) reporting to the Provost within the academic organization should submit a workbook containing the Summary Annual Evaluation Spreadsheets for each of the college’s or major unit’s departments/units to the Office of the Provost at by April 7. If you have any questions please contact Craig Bourne, executive assistant to the provost, at 532-6224 or

Completing the Summary Annual Evaluation Spreadsheets:

1. The Summary Annual Evaluation Spreadsheet is posted on the Office of the Provost website under Resources and in the Department/1xbet sports betting Manual for download by the departments/units.

2. Department/1xbet sports betting completes each faculty member’s and unclassified professional’s annual evaluation report.

Each Dean/1xbet sports betting reporting to the Provost completes the annual evaluation report for each employee reporting to the Dean/1xbet sports betting .

3. Department/1xbet sports betting or designee fills out the Summary Annual Evaluation Spreadsheet, sends the completed spreadsheet to the Dean or appropriate 1xbet sports betting , and includes the individual evaluation reports and any supporting documentation required by the Dean’s or 1xbet sports betting ’s Office.

The Dean/1xbet sports betting reporting to the Provost or designee will complete the Summary Annual Evaluation Spreadsheet for those employees reporting to the Dean/1xbet sports betting .

4. The Dean/1xbet sports betting reviews the department/unit spreadsheets. After the reviews of all of the departments/units are completed, the Dean’s/1xbet sports betting ’s Office compiles all of the department/unit spreadsheets into an Excel workbook and sends the workbook to the Office of the Provost at The Dean/1xbet sports betting also forwards any files it believes should be reviewed by the Provost.