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Publications and Data

Bangladesh Publications

Alam, M. A.; Saha, C. K.; Alam, M. M.; Ashraf, M. A.; Bala, B. K.; Harvey, J. Neural Network Modeling of Drying of Rice in BAU-STR Dryer.Heat and Mass Transfer2018.https://doi.org/10.1007/s00231-018-2368-5.

Alam, M., Saha, C. ,. Alam,M.Field Performance of BAU-STR Dryer in Rural Area of Bangladesh.Asian Journal for Poverty Studies (AJPS)2017,3(2).

Saha, C. K.; Alam, M. M.; Alam, M. A. Appropriate Paddy Drying Technologies for Small Traders and Farmers. Journal of theBangladesh Agricultural University.

Zahan, A., Ali, M. ,. Alam,M. Probability of Mycotoxin Contamination during Post Harvest Operations of Boro Paddy. Journal of the Bangladesh Agricultural University2017, 14 (2).https://doi.org/10.3329/jbau.v14i2.32686.

Alam, A.; Saha, C.; Momin, M.; Monjurul Alam, M.; Kanti Bala, B. Spatial distribution of temperature and moisture in grain bin and grain bin size effects on STR dryer performance in Bangladesh. Journal of Agriculture Machinery Bioresources Engineering2016; Vol. 7.

Hossain, M.; Awal, S.A.; AlI M.R.; Alam, M.M.Use of Moisture Meter in Post-harvest Loss Reduction of Rice.Progressive Agriculture2016, 4 (27), 511–517.

Alam, M. M.; Saha, C. K.; Alam, M. A. BAU-STR Dryer: A Noble Technology to Reduce Post Harvest Loss of Paddy Drying. Journal of theBangladesh Agricultural University.

Saha, C. Paddy Drying in Bangladesh: Learning Better Practices to Prevent Drying Losses, 2015.

Ethiopia Publications

Post-harvest wheat losses in Africa: an Ethiopian case study

Alemayehu, S.; Abay, F.; Ayimut, K. M.; Assefa, D.; Chala, A.; Mahroof, R.; Harvey, J.; Subramanyam, B. Evaluating Different Hermetic Storage Technologies to Arrest Mold Growth, Prevent Mycotoxin Accumulation and Preserve Germination Quality of Stored Chickpea in Ethiopia. 1xbet online casino 2020, 85, 101526. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jspr.2019.101526.

Kalsa, K. K.; Subramanyam, B.; Demissie, G.; Mahroof, R.; Worku, A.; Gabbiye, N. Evaluation of Postharvest Preservation Strategies for Stored Wheat and Seed in Ethiopia. 1xbet online casino 2019, 81, 53–62. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jspr.2019.01.001.

Kalsa, K. K.; Subramanyam, B.; Demissie, G.; Mahroof, R.; Worku, A.; Gabbiye, N.; Workneh, S.; Abay, F. Susceptibility of Ethiopian Wheat Varieties to Granary Weevil and Rice Weevil Infestation at Optimal and Sub-Optimal Temperatures. 1xbet online casino 2019, 83, 267–274. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jspr.2019.07.002.

Kalsa, K. K.; Subramanyam, B.; Demissie, G.; Worku, A. F.; Habtu, N. G. Major Insect Pests and Their Associated Losses in Quantity and Quality of Farm-Stored Wheat Seed. Ethiopian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 2019, 29 (2), 71–83.

Muez, B.; Geremew, T.; Behanu, A.; Melaku, W. Sesame Harvest Loss Caused by Sesame Seed Bug Elasmolomus Sordidus F. on at Kafta- Humera Woreda Sesame Field. Ethiopian Journal of Agricultural Science 31 (2), 147–152.

Petros, S.; Abay, F.; Desta, G.; O’Brien, C. Women Farmers’ (Dis)Empowerment Compared to Men Farmers in Ethiopia. World Medical & Health Policy 2018, 10 (3), 220–246. https://doi.org/10.1002/wmh3.280.

Armstrong, P.; Maghirang, E.; Bhadriraju, S.; Mcneill, S. Equilibrium Moisture Content of Kabuli Chickpea, Black Sesame, and White Sesame Seeds. Applied Engineering in Agriculture2017, 33. https://doi.org/10.13031/aea.12460.

Tadesse, T. M.; Subramanyam, B. Efficacy of Filter Cake and Triplex Powders from Ethiopia Applied to Wheat against Sitophilus Zeamais and Sitophilus Oryzae. 1xbet online casino 2018, 79, 40–53. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jspr.2018.08.004.

Tadesse, T. M.; Bhadriraju, S. Efficacy of Filter Cake and Triplex Powders Against Three Internally Developing Stored-Product Insect Species. American Journal of Entomology2019, 3 (1), 15–24.

Tadesse, T. M.; Subramanyam, B.; Zhu, K. Y.; Campbell, J. F. Contact Toxicity of Filter Cake and Triplex Powders from Ethiopia against Sitophilus Oryzae. 1xbet online casino 2019, 80, 34–41. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jspr.2018.11.005.

Tadesse, T.; Subramanyam, Bhdriraju. Efficacy of Filter Cake and Triplex Powders from Ethiopia Applied to Concrete Arenas against Sitophilus Zeamais. 2018, 76, 140–150. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jspr.2017.12.006.

Worku, A. F.; Kalsa, K. K.; Subramanyam, B.; Habtu, N. G.; Abera, M. Occurrence of Mycotoxins in Stored Maize in Ethiopia. Ethiopian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 29 (2).

Ghana Publications

Akowuah, J. O.; Maier, D.; Opit, G.; McNeill, S.; Amstrong, P.; Campabadal, C.; Ambrose, K.; Obeng-Akrofi, G. Drying Temperature Effect on Kernel Damage and Viability of Maize Dried in a Solar Biomass Hybrid Dryer. Open Journal of Applied Sciences2018, 8 (11), 506–518. https://doi.org/10.4236/ojapps.2018.811041.

Armstrong, P. R.; McNeil, S. G.; Manu, N.; Bosomtwe, A.; Danso, J. K.; Osekre, E.; Opit, G. Development and Evaluation of a Low Cost Probe-Type Instrument to Measure the Equilibrium Moisture Content of Grain. Applied Engineering in Agriculture2017, 33 (5), 61–63. https://doi.org/10.13031/aea.12266.

Danso, J. K.; Osekre, E. A.; Opit, G. P.; Manu, N.; Armstrong, P.; Arthur, F. H.; Campbell, J. F.; Mbata, G.; McNeill, S. G. Post-Harvest Insect Infestation and Mycotoxin Levels in Maize Markets in the Middle Belt of Ghana. 1xbet online casino 2018, 77, 9–16. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jspr.2018.02.004.

Danso, J. K.; Osekre, E. A.; Manu, N.; Opit, G. P.; Armstrong, P.; Arthur, F. H.; Campbell, J. F.; Mbata, G. Moisture Content, Insect Pests and Mycotoxin Levels of Maize at Harvest and Post-Harvest in the Middle Belt of Ghana. 1xbet online casino 2017, 74, 46–56. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jspr.2017.08.007.

Danso, J. K.; Osekre, E. A.; Opit, G. P.; Arthur, F. H.; Campbell, J. F.; Mbata, G.; Manu, N.; Armstrong, P.; McNeill, S. G. Impact of Storage Structures on Moisture Content, Insect Pests and Mycotoxin Levels of Maize in Ghana. 1xbet online casino 2019, 81, 114–121. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jspr.2018.11.012.

Manu, N.; Osekre, E. A.; Opit, G. P.; Campbell, J. F.; Arthur, F. H.; Mbata, G.; Armstrong, P. R.; Danso, J. K. Population Dynamics of Stored Maize Insect Pests in Warehouses in Two Districts of Ghana. 1xbet online casino 2018, 76, 102–111. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jspr.2018.01.001.

Manu, N.; Osekre, E. A.; Opit, G. P.; Arthur, F. H.; Campbell, J.; Mbata, G.; Armstrong, P.; Danso, J. K.; McNeil, S. G. Moisture Content, Insect Pest and Mycotoxin Levels of Maize in Farms in Tamale Environs in the Northern Region of Ghana. 1xbet online casino 2019, 83, 153–160. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jspr.2019.05.015.

Manu, N.; Opit, G. P.; Osekre, E. A.; Arthur, F. H.; Mbata, G.; Armstrong, P.; Danso, J. K.; McNeill, S. G.; Campbell, J. F. Moisture Content, Insect Pest Infestation and Mycotoxin Levels of Maize in Markets in the Northern Region of Ghana. 1xbet online casino 2019, 80, 10–21. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jspr.2018.10.007.

Mbata, G. N.; Ivey, C.; Shapiro-Ilan, D. The Potential for Using Entomopathogenic Nematodes and Fungi in the Management of the Maize Weevil, Sitophilus Zeamais (Motschulsky) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Biological Control2018, 125, 39–44. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocontrol.2018.06.008.

Paudyal, S.; Opit, G. P.; Arthur, F. H.; Bingham, G. V.; Gautam, S. G.; Payton, M. E.; Noden, B. Effectiveness of the ZeroFly® Storage Bag Fabric against Stored-Product Insects.1xbet online casino 2017, 73 (4), 87–98. https://doi.org/10.1093/jee/tow107.

Paudyal, S.; Opit, G., P.; Osekre, E.; Arthur, F., H.; Bingham, G.; Payton, M.; Danso, J.; Manu, N.; Nsiah, E., P. Field Evaluation of the Long-Lasting Treated Storage Bag, Deltamethrin Incorporated, (ZeroFly® Storage Bag) as a Barrier to Insect Pest Infestation. 1xbet online casino 2017, 70, 44–52. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jspr.2016.11.003.

Guatemala Publications

From Milpas to the Market: A Feasibility study on the Use of Metal Silos for Safer and Better Storage of Guatemalan Native Corn

Mendoza, J. R.; Sabillón, L.; Martinez, W.; Campabadal, C.; Hallen-Adams, H. E.; Bianchini, A.; Rodas, A.; Colmenares, A.; Clarke, J.; Hallen-Adams, H. Safety and Quality Assessment of Smallholder Farmers’ Maize in the Western Highlands of Guatemala. Journal of Food Protection 2018. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jspr.2016.12.007.

Mendoza, J. R.; Sabillón, L.; Martinez, W.; Campabadal, C.; Hallen-Adams, H.; Bianchini, A. Traditional Maize Post-Harvest Management Practices amongst Smallholder Farmers in Guatemala. J.Stored Prod.Res. 2017, 71, 14–22. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jspr.2016.12.007.

Mendoza, J. R.; Kok, C. R.; Stratton, J.; Bianchini, A.; Hallen-Adams, H. E. Understanding the Mycobiota of Maize from the Highlands of Guatemala, and Implications for Maize Quality and Safety. Crop Protection 2017, 101, 5–12. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cropro.2017.07.009.

PHLIL Program Data

Data Management Plan

PHLIL Bangladesh Dataverse

PHLIL Ethiopia Dataverse

PHLIL Ghana Dataverse

PHLIL Guatemala Dataverse