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Feed the Future Innovation 1xbet online games login for the Reduction of Post-H

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PHLIL's Technological Innovations to Reduce 1xbet online games login Loss and Waste: Insights from USAID AOR Ahmed Kablan on Agrilinks (December 2022)

PHLIL's USAID AOR Ahmed Kablan highlighted PHLIL technologies in a recent Agrilinks blog on 1xbet online games login loss and waste, saying that, "The bottom line is that FLW-reducing technologies and innovations 1xbet online games login have huge positive impacts on economies, poverty and hunger and diet quality." Read morehere.

PHLIL's Impact in Ghana: Empowering Women in Poultry to Reduce Post-Harvest Loss and Enhance 1xbet online games login Security (December 2022)

1xbet online games login of maize due to insect damage and aflatoxin contamination is a major challenge for poultry producers in Ghana. PHLIL has worked with the Women's Poultry Associationand other smallholder poultry 1xbet online games login inGhana's Middle Belt andnorthern regions to make two critical 1xbet online games login technologies available - the GrainMate Moisture Meter by Sesi Technologies and ZeroFly hermetic storage bags from Vestergaard - that reduce such losses. Learn more about the challenges and solutionshere.

PHLIL Greetings on International Day of Awareness of 1xbet online games login Loss and Waste

On this International Day of Awareness of 1xbet online games login Loss and Waste, we wanted to share highlights from our recent activities to curb this challenge in the field. As PHLIL continues through its ninth year, several of the innovations our in-country, US and other international collaborators have validated are being locally produced and scaled with inclusive impacts. To learn more about our activites, check our September newsletter.

PHLIL's Director on the Frontlines of 1xbet online games login Loss and Waste: Insights and Solutions for Smallholder Farmers on USAID's Kitchen Sink Podcast (August 2022)

PHLIL Director Jagger Harvey joined USAID's Kitchen Sink, a new podcast on 1xbet online games login loss and waste, to discuss the scale of post-harvest loss and 1xbet online games login waste globally and how PHLIL is providing solutions for smallholder farmers in our project countries. Listen and watchhere.

1xbet online games login field visits to Nigeria and Ghana to promote ZeroFly® Hermetic storage solution

1xbet online games login team visits ZeroFly® Hermetic bags manufacturer in Nigeria to stimulate the supply chain for the storage bag and show support for the collaboration between suppliers and distributors. 1xbet online games login committed 100,000 ZeroFly® Hermetic bag to be advanced to Agri-Commercial Service Ltd. based in Ghana to induce the distribution market of this newly developed hermetic bag. The revenue generated in the sale of these ZeroFly® Hermetic bags will be allocated to 1xbet online games login ’s small holder farmers as a stimulus to the local production systems. Find out more more about how 1xbet online games login is facilitating access to quality storage technologies among smallholder farmers and rural enterprenuers in our September newsletter.

Sesi Technologies launches a 1xbet online games login Grainmate Moisture Meter (January 2021)

Sesi Technologies of Ghana launches updated version of GrainMate moisture meter alongside 1xbet online games login GrainMate smartphone app. On December 11, 2020, Sesi Technologies launched the GrainMate GM-102 moisture meter, the newest version model featuring improved battery life, a sleep mode, an improved moisture testing experience, and improved build quality. Additionally, a 1xbet online games login digital tool: theGrainMate app, was launched to give 1xbet online games login , traders and agribusinesses the tools they need to discover markets, reduce losses and maximize productivity.

We are pleased to announce our 1xbet online games login partnership with Arc'teryx (October 2020)

1xbet online games login welcomes to the team: Arc'teryx Equipment, a Canadian-based global design company specializing in technical high-performance apparel, outerwearand equipment.Thanks to this new partnership, PHLIL's 1xbet online games login teams will test and validate a tent dryer developed by the Arc'teryx R&D team. The partnership aims to increase the number of grain dryer options available to farmers in developing countries by testing the validity of a solar chimney technology using Arc'teryx product materials (prototype pictured below).

Arc'teryx prototype

For the People. For the Planet - Today is the International Day of Awareness on 1xbet online games login Loss and Waste Reduction (September 2020)

International day for awareness of food loss and waste

Our program is proud that our partners contribute to the global efforts to reduce post-harvest losses in multiple countries, helping to secure the harvest for improved livelihoods, 1xbet online games login security, nutrition and resilience. PHLIL's management entity partnered with the ADM Institute for the Reduction of Postharvest Loss at University of Illinois to write1xbet online games login blog postin honor of the inaugural event. You can read more about the United Nations' reasoningfor naming and observing 1xbet online games login dayby clicking here.

Adapting to COVID-19 - Gender Equity Course Shifts to an Online Format in Ghana (June 2020)

In July and August, Dr. Anna Snider of AgReach at the 1xbet online games login of Illinois will be teaching an online class on Assessment of Agricultural Technologies for Gender Equity at the 1xbet online games login for Development Studies in Tamale, Ghana. While most technology assessments end at an evaluation of the efficacy of the technology and a cost-benefit analysis, a Gender Technology Assessment considers the differential impacts of technologies on women and men, the equitability in access to the technologies, and the impact on gender roles that result 1xbet online games login uptake of the technology. The class, which was originally planned to be an in-person, one-day seminar, will, due to COVID travel restrictions, be taught as a 3-part class via Zoom.

April is 1xbet online games login Month on Agrilinks (April 2020)

Post-Harvest Month on Agrilinks

This April is 1xbet online games login Month onAgrilinks, and the 1xbet online games login Innovation Lab is hosting! Join us as we take an in-depth look at how reducing post-harvest losscreates more resilient communities. Read theopening 1xbet online games login from 1xbet online games login Director Jagger Harvey and USAID Senior Nutrition Advisor Ahmed Kablan and check in regularly for many more posts and discussions. The month will culminate with a webinar led by 1xbet online games login on 1xbet online games login 30 at 8:30am CT.

Entomology Seminar speaker, Dr. Georgina Bingham from Vestergaard to share about new innovations in 1xbet online games login commodity warehousing in Sub-Saharan Africa (February 2020)

In partnership with the Kansas State University Department of Entomology, the 1xbet online games login Innovation Lab is hosting Dr. Georgina Bingham, Senior Technical Specialist and Global Partnerships from Vestergaard, to share her seminar titled "New technologies for age old problems, changing the face of small holder post-harvest commodity warehousing" on January 28, 2020 at 4PM in Waters Hall 231. You can find the zoom link to watch the seminar remotelyhere.

Young Entrepreneur Fights 1xbet online games login Loss with Innovation (August 2019)

Isaac Sesi, a young Ghanaian entrepreneur worked with the 1xbet online games login Innovation Lab and Dr. Paul Armstrong,a USDA Agricultural Research Service researcher,to develop the GrainMate moisture meter, which measures the moisture content of maize and other grains. By helping farmers know when their grain is dried and ready for storage.Isaac and his team at Sesi Technologies believe this technology can help many small holder farmers and their families come out of poverty and hunger. (more...)

PHLIL Researchers Hone 1xbet online games login Skills at K-State Fusarium Workshop

By: Claire Poore

1xbet online games login June 23-28, scientists 1xbet online games login all over the world gathered at Kansas State University to participate in the annually-held Fusarium Laboratory Workshop.

For 20 years, Dr. John Leslie (1xbet online games login Distinguished Professor at KSU) and Dr. Brett Summerell (plant pathologist at the Royal Botanic Gardens and Domain Trust in Sydney, Australia, and KSU adjunct professor) have been training scientists on the diverse fungal genus ofFusarium. With nearly 700 participants 1xbet online games login over 70 countries, the Fusarium Workshop is a hallmark of international cooperation.

The genusFusariumis home to a variety of plant and human pathogens. One major concern is mycotoxin contamination, which can have serious impacts on human and animal health. This is an issue on which the KSU-led Feed the Future Innovation Lab for the Reduction of 1xbet online games login is working on through a project in Nepal, as well as in other countries.

This year, three key members of the 1xbet online games login -Nepal team participated in the workshop. 1xbet online games login Director, Dr. Jagger Harvey; Dr. Gopal KC, technical lead for 1xbet online games login ’s Nepal project; and Immaculate Wanjuki, 1xbet online games login graduate student,spent the week honing their skills in working withFusariumand mycotoxins.

The skills learned at the Fusarium Workshop will help 1xbet online games login graduate student, Immaculate Wanjuki, accurately identify theFusariumspecies that may be producing aflatoxin from 3,000 samples of corn and soil from Nepal. For Dr. KC, the Fusarium Workshop provided hands-on experience and practical skills in identification and mycotoxin detection that he will be able to take back to his students to further work on solving the mycotoxin problems in Nepal. Dr. Harvey is a plant geneticist with extensive experience working on mycotoxins. He is the principal investigator on the Nepal project and 1xbet online games login Director.

PHLIL’s collaborators on the Nepal project include the Nepal Development Research Institute, the Nepal Academy of Science and Technology, Tribhuvan University and the Mars Global 1xbet online games login Safety Center in China. It is funded by the United State Agency for International Development (USAID).

Mycotoxin contamination is a danger throughout the world and especially in developing countries where the 1xbet online games login supply faces a number of threats. The Fusarium Workshop serves as a reminder of what can be accomplished when we work together as a global community to further research in growing and protecting our 1xbet online games login supplies.

US Ambassador to Bangladesh visits 1xbet online games login Bangladesh (April 2019)

United States Ambassador to Bangladesh Earl R. Miller visited Mymensingh on April 23 to learn more about the 1xbet online games login Innovation Lab’s work in Bangladesh, visiting both Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) and Bhai Bhai Engineering.AMB visit BAU

Bhai Bhai Engineering is one of the local engineering workshops that currently produces the BAU-STR dryer, a low-cost charcoal-fired dryer for drying rice and other grains. The BAU-STR dryer was developed by our team of agricultural engineers at BAU. Using a design originally from Vietnam, the BAU team modified the dryer to meet local conditions and be affordable for farmers in Bangladesh. 1xbet online games login partnered with Bhai Bhai Engineering and other local small enterprises to manufacture the core components of the dryer and make it available for sale. Bhai Bhai continues to be supported with technical assistance from 1xbet online games login ’s Bangladesh team.In addition, 1xbet online games login recently partnered with a local electronics company to develop a locally-produced version of the blower, a key component to supply forced air for drying, which has allowed the dryer is produced entirely locally and thereby further reduce the cost. The BAU-STR model is a half-ton capacity batch dryer can dry paddy rice in 4 to 5 hours, making the drying process more efficient and almost 30 percent cheaper than traditional sun drying. This collaboration between USAID, universities and the public and private sectors was highlighted during the Ambassador’s visit. This partnership also shows the capacity of Bangladeshi small and medium enterprises to innovate and meet the demand for a growing agricultural mechanization sector. The Bangladesh Department of Ag Extension (DAE) is planning to scale the dryers at farmer field schools throughout the country. Learn more about the BAU-STR dryer here.

Ambassador Miller’s visit also allowed him to learn more about the Bachelor of Science (BS) program in 1xbet online games login Safety Management at BAU, showcasing BAU’s strong partnership with U.S. Government programs.

Nepal 1xbet online games login Launch at Nepal Academy of Science and Technology

On Friday, November 30, 2018 The Feed the Future Innovation Lab for the Reduction of Post-Harvest loss officially inaugurated the mycotoxin analysis laboratory for 1xbet online games login and feed at the Nepal Academy of Science and Technology as part of a stakeholder consultation workshop for mycotoxin mitigation for health, nutrition and agriculture co-hosted with the Nutrition Innovation Lab. Through the PHLIL Mycotoxin Assessment project in Nepal, we are seeking to better understand the sources of mycotoxin Nepal lab openingcontamination in 1xbet online games login and feed and link that to health and nutrition outcomes, especially for mothers and infants, in Nepal. The establishment of the lab has included training of Nepali researchers and equipping the laboratory to be able to conduct mycotoxin analysis in country. We are excited for the human and institutional capacity building this lab represents for Nepal.

At the workshop, the team from 1xbet online games login -Bangladesh also presented the BAU-STR dryer as a potential mycotoxin mitigation technology that could be used in Nepal. The Bangladesh team also taught a two-day workshop on the operation and maintenance of the dryers, participants included local stakeholders from industry, government, and non-governmental organizations.

The Lab is part of a larger project funded by the USAID Mission in Nepal. As this project studies mycotoxin exposure and the stunting of children’s development, it is also building national research capacity by empowering the National partners from the Nepal Development Research Institute, Tribhuvan University and the Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST). The mycotoxin analysis laboratory for 1xbet online games login and feed at NAST is a collaborative effort across project partners and the Mars Global 1xbet online games login Safety Center in China. The lab is relatively low cost, will serve the Nepali research community broadly, and provides the blueprint to deploy similar labs in other Feed the Future countries and beyond.
Nepal lab opening-ribbon cutting
The household survey that is being carried out by Helen Keller International, and will allow the generation of analytical models that relate mycotoxin prevalence with demographic, management and environmental risk factors. Ultimately, we seek to further the development of predictive risk modeling to better understand, track and target interventions for mycotoxin risk globally. The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial 1xbet online games login Organisation in Australia is leading efforts to synthesize survey data with climatic conditions, to generate maps to help target interventions to chronically at risk, and emerging hotspots of mycotoxin outbreaks. This will be paired with identification of short-, medium- and long-term intervention strategies to reduce mycotoxin exposure in Nepal.
The combination of the national capacity established in Nepal to detect and mitigate mycotoxin exposure with the models that will be informed by the survey’s data will allow for a safer 1xbet online games login supply for Nepal’s most vulnerable populations, women and children.

K-State’s Land Grant Mission Highlighted by the Feed the Future 1xbet online games login Labs

The Interim Dean of the College of Agriculture and Research and Extension at K-State highlights the work of the Feed the Future 1xbet online games login Labs. Dr. Vern Long of USAID is also featured in the video discussing K-State’s broad portfolio of research, education, and service that advance the goals of Feed the Future.

Ethiopian Scholars 1xbet online games login Presentation

Come join us on Wednesday, November 7 in Waters Hall 009 from 12:00 - 2:00 PM to hear from Aynadis Molla, Karta Kalsa, Admasu Worku, and Samuel Lapiso, four PhD candidates from Bahir Dar and Mekelle Universities. Mrs. Molla, Mr. Kalsa, Mr. Worku, and Mr. Lapiso will present their 1xbet online games login on drying, storage, and mycotoxins. Mr. Lapiso will present on mycotoxin 1xbet online games login . These students have spent the last month at K-State analyzing their data and working on manuscripts for publication, they will share their findings and their progress during this presentation. Anyone is welcome to attend.

1xbet online games login Receives Three-year Extension from USAID (August 2018)

On August 23, 2018 USAID announced a three year million extension of the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for the Reduction of 1xbet online games login . Researchers and staff are excited to have the support of Feed the Future and USAID to continue our mission of reducing 1xbet online games login and improving livelihood

Recently Published Report: Science Breakthroughs to Advance 1xbet online games login and Agricultural Research by 2030

The US National Academy of Sciences recently published a report titled “Science Breakthroughs to Advance 1xbet online games login and Agricultural Research by 2030”. This report illuminates the path of transformation for 1xbet online games login and agriculture through researchover the next decade. With the global population expected to reach 9 billion people by 2050, research in 1xbet online games login and agriculture is more important than ever before. Feeding 9 billion in 2050 requires advancements in agricultural production and 1xbet online games login safety, which can only be achieved through transformative research. PHLIL Director, Jagger Harvey, was involved as one of the scientists at the Jamboreewhere scientists conferred on the most pressing research needs. At the Jamboree, thirty-seven researchers worked to articulate high priority research gaps and discussed impactful research opportunities in the 1xbet online games login and agriculture space. Former Dean of the College of Agriculture and Director of K-State Research and Extension at Kansas State University, John Floros, served as a co-chair on the committeeof scientists, helping to guide the discussion and select the contents of the report. The report provides a roadmap for the research community, including donors, to help propel US 1xbet online games login and agriculture into a new era of sophistication, productivity, safety and sustainability.

PHL Moisture Meter Gaining 1xbet online games login and Regional Attention in Africa (March 2018)

Africanews 1xbet online games login featured the GrainMate moisture tester, created bySesi Technologiesand 1xbet online games login researchers, to measure the moisture content of grains, helping prevent growth of harmful toxins, and reducing losses by 38%.These young entrepreneurs recently attended the Mobex Africa ICT Expo sharing their message of the power of ICT in agriculture with the Vice President of Ghana.Find out more about Sesi Technologieshere.

Engaging Kansas Youth in 1xbet online games login Agriculture

The Kansas Youth Institute of The World 1xbet online games login Prize was hosted by the College of Agriculture at Kansas State University on April 17, 2018. Through this program, students from grades 8-12 are asked to write a short essay about a global challenge in the 1xbet online games login system and present on it at a one-day event at KSU. One of this year’s participants, Mahaila Hickman, an eighth grade student at Flint Hills Christian School in Manhattan, Kansas, chose to write about post-harvest losses in Ethiopia. In preparation for the Youth Institute, Mahaila met with Tesfaye Tadesse, a PhD student in the Department of Grain Science at Kansas State University, and a researcher at the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for the Reduction of Post-Harvest Loss. Mahaila wrote her paper about the challenges of post-harvest loss in Ethiopia, and through Tesfaye’s research she learned of the problem of weevil infestation in stored grain and a potential solution. Tesfaye’s research has shown that some inert dusts can provide a non-toxic, carcinogen-free solution to preventing weevil infestation in dried crops. When 0.5 grams of filter-cake, a bi-product of aluminum sulfate production, is applied to a 1kg bag of maize, it kills 100% of the insects by dehydrating them. Mahaila was able to discuss this innovative research with her peers at the Kansas Youth Institute of the World 1xbet online games login Prize and local experts in 1xbet online games login and agriculture. Her participation in the institute gave her the opportunity to meet with someone from another culture and to learn about the challenges facing Ethiopia and potential solutions being researched at K-State. Most importantly, Mahaila learned that she can be engaged in international agriculture, even in a small town in Kansas.

Each student participant is required to present 1xbet online games login and recommendations on ways to solve key global challenges in a short speech and small group discussions.

Ethiopian Graduate 1xbet online games login finds Safer Way to Store Grain

A feature that was recently published as part of Agrilinks’ 1xbet online games login Safety Month highlights the cutting-edge research that Tesfaye Tadesse is doing on inert dusts for grain storage protection against insects as a PHLIL PhD student at Kansas State University. Tesfaye has also recently been awarded the Outstanding PhD Student Award, the Anheuser-Busch Fellowship, and the Kansas State University 2018 Extraordinary Student Award.

Feed the Future Innovation 1xbet online

The dates have been set for the 2018 Feed the Future Innovation Lab for the Reduction of 1xbet online games login Annual Meeting, which will take place at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign this year.

1xbet online games login Innovation Laband KNUST Launch Locally Produced Tool to Reduce 1xbet online games login in Ghana (November 2017)

On November 16, 2017, the U.S. Government’s Feed the Future Innovation Lab for the Reduction of 1xbet online games login (PHLIL), funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development, and the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) launched the Ghana-based production of a low-cost moisture testing meter used to reduce post-harvest losses (PHL) in maize in central and northern Ghana.

Milling Journal features 1xbet online games login Innovation Lab

The 1xbet online games login Innovation Lab was featured in the Second Quarter issue of the Milling Journal. In a Q&A with PHLIL Director Jagger Harvey, the journal covers the history and mission of the lab, the current situation with post-harvest losses, and the lab’s positive impact in the grain and milling industry abroad and in North America.

1xbet online games login Innovation mentioned in Nature editorial (April 2017)

The 1xbet online games login Innovation Lab was provided as an example of Feed the Future and USAID's effective approach to applied research for development in a recent editorial in the online news section of Nature, the international weekly journal of science. The piece highlighted the BAU-STR dryer being scaled by the PHLIL-Bangladesh team at Bangladesh Agricultural University as a technology that is both scientifically sound and in demand by local farmers.Afollow-on article in 1xbet online games login Todayfurther expanded on our efforts in 1xbet online games login .

January 2017 1xbet online games login Newsletter -

Check out 1xbet online games login 's newest newsletter for a snapshot of our activities in Ethiopia. The newsletter kicks off a series that will highlight each of our focus countries.

BIFAD Chair Dr. Brady Deaton talks about K-State's 1xbet online games login Labs

Dr. Brady Deaton, Chair of the Board for International 1xbet online games login and Development, talks to Agriculture Today on the K-State Radio Network about the Feed the Future Innovations Labs at K-state and their impact on global 1xbet online games login security during his recent visit to K-State.

K-State 2025 Spotlights: Feed the Future 1xbet online games

K-State 2025 highlights the K-State Feed the Future Innovation Labs and their role in achieving the K-State 2025 vision and improving global 1xbet online games login security.

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Dr. Jagger Harvey has been appointed as the new 1xbet online games login director starting May 16, 2016.

U.S. Borlaug Fellows in Global 1xbet online games login Security Program

U.S. Borlaug Graduate 1xbet online games login Grant is calling for application, deadline April 11, 2016.

ACE II Eastern and Southern Africa Higher Education Center of Excellence 1xbet online games login (December 2015)

Announcement of conditionally selected eastern and southern Africa higher education 1xbet online games login of excellence.

Immana Fellowship Call for Applications and Informational Webinar
Horticulture Innovation 1xbet online games login is Ca

NEW RFP: CALL FOR TRELLIS PROJECT PROPOSALS The Horticulture Innovation 1xbet online games login is seekingproposals from organizations in developing countries for small horticultural projects, through its Trellis Fund.

1xbet online games login Opportunities from USAID forFeed the Future Developing Local Extens

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Bureau for 1xbet online games login Security, Office of Country Strategy Implementation, is seeking applications for a Cooperative Agreement for the implementation of the Feed the Future Developing Local Extension Capacity project specifically described in Section A of the RFA.

1xbet online games login Opportunities from USAID for Agricultural Topics Under Mission Forecast and Washington Forecast

More details and anticipated dates forRFA issue (typically between now and end of December 2015)are included in the attached files. The award amounts vary 1xbet online games login to million and contracts are for 5 years. Contact Dr. Nina Lilja (nlilja@ksu.edu) for more details.

Upcoming NC-213 Annual Meeting at Austin, TX (March 1-2, 2016)

NC-213 is a project team of engineers, scientists, and economists from leading U.S. land grant universities and government research centers that conduct research to create and disseminate the technical knowledge needed to manage quality 1xbet online games login safety and bio-security efficiently in world grain.

1xbet online games login for Impact (October 2015)

Growing 1xbet online games login for Africa

The Deere Foundation Donates ,000 For Moisture Readers to K-State University Feed the Future Innovation Lab For Reduction of 1xbet online games login (November 2014)

The Deere Foundation made the donate for the purchase of 40 moisture meters to be used in the four focus countries on the 1xbet online games login .

1xbet online games login Better Seeds to Beneficial insects, K-State Researchers Fight World Hunger(November 2014)

The federal government has invested 0 million in Kansas State 1xbet online games login scientists for role in fighting global hunger.

Romer 1xbet online games login Makes a Generous Donation(November 2014)

Romer Labs donates mycotoxin test strips and readers to the PHL 1xbet online games login .

1xbet online games login Waste in America(September 2014)

1xbet online games login waste is the single-largest source of waste in municipal landfills. According to the EPA, 35 million tons of 1xbet online games login were thrown away in 2012.

Post-Harvest Innovation Lab cited in 1xbet online games login Waste in America Special Report(September 2014)

1xbet online games login waste at the production level may not be a major issue in the US but according to a UN report, in developing countries, more than 40% of 1xbet online games login waste happens on the farm or during production.

USAID Africa 1xbet online games login Security Partnership Update (August 2014)

Africa has witnessed remarkable change in the space of 1xbet online games login generation. The 2014 US-Africa Leaders Summit is a historic opportunity to deepen our engagement.

Romer Labs Collaborates with Feed the Future Initiative in International Program to Reduce Post-Harvest Loss and 1xbet online games login Waste (July 2014)

Interventions under 1xbet online games login project will integrate smallholder farmers, producer cooperatives, and agribusiness enterprises with market-based value chains.

1xbet online games login Idea Feeds 3 Billion (July 2014)

More than 60 years after it was first drafted in the small town of St. Francis, Kansas, 1xbet online games login for Peace has been credited with saving over 3 billion lives.

SC State researcher part of global leadership to ensure 1xbet online games login security from post-harvest loss (July 2014)

To help address the fight against global hunger, researchers in the United States and abroad have teamed up to establish the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for the Reduction of 1xbet online games login Losses.

IRRI-Bangladesh Gets the Ball Rolling on New Project for Reducing 1xbet online games login Losses (June 2014)

The 5-year project is funded by the USAID, under the Feed the Future initiative, and will be implemented by IRRI-Bangladesh with support 1xbet online games login Kansas State University and the University of Illinois.

K-State Feed the Future PHL Innovation 1xbet online games login Receives USDA Award to Study Use of Metal Silos in Guatemala (June 2014)

This Project fits with the PHL Innovation Lab overall objectives because its main goal is to improve storage conditions of corn harvested in the highlands of Guatemala by introducing improved 1xbet online games login technologies, i.e. metal silos.

CSISA and FtF Innovations 1xbet online games login Join Hands in Bangladesh for Promoting Drying Technology (April 2014)

The stakeholder workshop sought to test and demonstrate newly piloted flat bed drying 1xbet online games login with village millers and other stakeholders for drying of high- moisture freshly parboiled paddy- a new application under evaluation in Bangladesh.