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2017-2018 Agendas for Faculty Senate

(All are in PDFformat)

September 12, 2017

October 10, 2017

  • Attachment 1 - Consent agenda supplemental information
  • Attachment 2 - Updates to the Interdisciplinary Program Proposal process
  • Attachment 3 - Proposed changes 1xbet online casino , Section E

November 14, 2017

  • Attachment 1 - Proposed changes 1xbet online casino , Section F83
  • Attachment 2 - Proposed changes 1xbet online casino , Section F102
  • Attachment 3 - Proposed addition 1xbet online casino , Section F115.1
  • Attachment 4 - Proposed changes 1xbet online casino , Section F121
  • Attachment 5 - Coursework Records Retention Schedule
  • Attachment 6 - Observer Role – Canvas
  • Attachment 7 - Resolution Regarding Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)
  • Attachment 8 - October 2017 Faculty Senate Reapportionment results

December 12, 2017

  • Attachment 1 - Supplemental information item related to Consent agenda
  • Attachment 2 - Weapons Policy Working Group Optional Syllabus Language

February 13, 2018

  • Attachment 1 - Supplemental Information file: Curriculog items for consent agenda - Course proposals
  • Attachment 1a - Supplemental Information file: Curriculog items for consent agenda - Curricula proposals
  • Attachment 2 - Proposed changes 1xbet online casino , Section F65.1
  • Attachment 3 - Supplemental Information file: Curriculog item for discussion agenda - New Degree Program
  • Attachment 4 - 2017 Report on the Status of Faculty Salaries

March 13, 2018

  • Attachment 1 - Supplemental Information file: Curriculog items for consent agenda - Course proposals
  • Attachment 1a - Supplemental Information file: Curriculog items for consent agenda - Curricula proposals
  • Attachment 2 - Proposed changes 1xbet online casino , Section C162.3 and Appendix A
  • Attachment 3 - Course Content Records Retention Schedule
  • Attachment 4 - Resolution regarding Library Support

April 10, 2018

  • Attachment 1 - Supplemental Information file: Curriculog items for consent agenda - Course proposals
  • Attachment 1a - Supplemental Information file: Curriculog items for consent agenda - Curricula proposals
  • Attachment 2 - Proposed changes 1xbet online casino , Section E1-8: Sabbatical Leave
  • Attachment 2a - Sabbatical Leave Guidelines
  • Attachment 3 - Proposed changes 1xbet online casino , Appendix O: Integrity in Research and Scholarly Activity
  • Attachment 4 - Academic Advising Career Ladder
  • Attachment 5 - 2017 Data Access Report
  • Attachment 6 - 2018 Faculty Senate Election Results

May 8, 2018

  • Attachment 1 - Supplemental Information file: Curriculog items for consent agenda - Course proposals
  • Attachment 1a - Supplemental Information file: Curriculog items for consent agenda - Curricula proposals
  • Attachment 2 - Optional Syllabus Statement regarding student resources
  • Attachment 3 - Proposed changes 1xbet online casino , Section F83 – Incomplete Policy
  • Attachment 4 - Proposed changes 1xbet online casino , Section E1-8: Sabbatical Leave
  • Attachment 4a - Sabbatical Leave Guidelines
  • Attachment 5 - Proposed changes 1xbet online casino , Appendix O, Integrity in Research and Scholarly Activity
  • Attachment 6 - Proposed changes 1xbet online casino , Appendix U, Policy on Mediation
  • Attachment 7 - Proposed changes 1xbet online casino , Section D3, Privileges, Benefits, Responsibilities
  • Attachment 8 - Proposed changes to PPM 4095, Nepotism and Employee Relationships
  • Attachment 9 - Proposed new PPM Chapter 4094, Consensual Romantic Relationships Involving Students
  • Attachment 10 - 2017 Data Access Report
  • Attachment 11 - Tanya Gonzalez, candidate for Faculty Senate president elect
  • Attachment 12 - Suzanne Auten, candidate for Faculty Senate secretary

June 12, 2018

  • Attachment 1 - Supplemental Information file: Curriculog items for consent agenda - Course proposals
  • Attachment 1a - Supplemental Information file: Curriculog items for consent agenda - Curricula proposals
  • Attachment 2 - Proposed changes 1xbet online casino , Section F103 – Reinstatement Policy
  • Attachment 3 - Proposed changes 1xbet online casino , Sections C53.3, C63.3, C112.5, C152.5 - Promotion and Tenure