ENGL 310, Section C: Introduction to Literary Studies (for Majors)

Spring 2003; TU, 9:30-10:45 a.m.

Schedule of Classes | Bulletin Board

Professor K. Westman
108 Denison Hall
Office: 532-2171; Office Hours: T, U 8-9a.m. and by app't.
Email: westmank@ksu.edu

Required Texts

Course Description: This writing-intensive course provides practice in critical interpretation and serves as an introduction to literary criticism for English majors and minors. As we read and discuss a selection of novels, plays, poems, and essays, we will consider the relationship between art and life, between story and history, between the image and the word.

Course Objectives:

Requirements and General Expectations:

Readings and Class Participation: Any English literature course is a reading-intensive experience, so plan accordingly! You are expected to complete each reading assignment beforecoming to class. You are further expected to think carefully about what you read and to make notes in the text prior to each class meeting. For each class, bring the appropriate book or xeroxes and additionally mark passages that we discuss; this process will help you understand, remember, and review.

Class participation is expected and will count for 15% of your final grade. Your class participation grade will be determined by your ability to engage in productive class discussion. You must therefore be present and be an active presence in class discussion and peer review groups. This grade includes your contributions to our discussions in class (in large and small groups) and to our discussions on the Electronic Bulletin Board. I will expect at least one posting a week from each student on the Electronic Bulletin Board; the guidelines and instructions for using the Bulletin Board appear on a separate handout.

Attendance: The University requires that students attend all classes in which they are enrolled; therefore, there are no excused absences. If you are absent for more than nine classroom hours (six T/U class periods), you will fail this class automatically. If you are absent for more than two, you jeopardize your final grade for the course: each absence over those two will lower your final course grade by one grade increment (i.e.: A to B). Two tardies will count as one absence. While I appreciate your offering explanations for absences, the only way to excuse an absence is to provide me with an official letter from your Dean, advisor, or doctor.

If you wish to receive a passing grade in this class, then, attendance is very important. Classroom work or homework assignments missed due to absence cannot be made up. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to find out from another class member any announcements or assignments.

Papers: During the semester you will write two papers (ranging from 3-5 pages in length) and a short research paper (2-3 pages). You are expected to bring drafts of the three papers to class, as noted on the syllabus. Failure to produce a good faith effort on a draft will result in a grade penalty of one letter grade (i.e.: A to B) on the final version. Upon consultation with me, you may choose to revise any paper for which you receive lower than a &1xbet sports betting ;C-&1xbet sports betting ; grade; I will average the first and revised paper grades for the final paper grade.

Papers must be typed or word-processed with 10- or 12-point font and double-spaced with one-inch margins; the pages should be numbered, stapled or paper-clipped together, spell-checked, and proof-read. Keep all notes, outlines, and drafts for each paper assignment in a folder, and be prepared to turn in these materials with the final draft. Any paper not meeting the above requirements will not be accepted.Papers are due at class time or by the time and date listed on the syllabus. I do not accept latepapers. However, you have one extension to use at your discretion during the semester; you mustnotify me in advance of the paper's due date that you wish to use your extension.

A Note on Sources and the Honor Code: When you turn in a paper, you pledge that the work is your own and that you have faithfully abided by the guidelines for documenting sources. The University's Honor Code obliges you to cite the source of any idea that is not your own. If you quote, paraphrase, or use another's ideas, you must give credit to the person whose ideas you are using. For all citations, use the MLA method for documenting sources. Diane Hacker's Rules for Writers provides guidelines for MLA documentation. If you have any questions, please ask. If you do plagiarize, you will fail this course.

Quizzes/Short Response Papers: During the semester you will write between seven and nine quizzes or short response papers; some will be announced and others will be unannounced. These quizzes and responses are designed to test your knowledge of the reading assignments and the analytical skills we develop and practice during our discussions. They will be graded out of 10 points each, with 10=A and 1=D (0=F); I will average the points at the end of the course after dropping the lowest grade.

Computing: Our section of ENGL 310 will incorporate technology, which is now an important component of professional and daily life. Our work with computers is designed not only as another forum for discussing our reading, but as a way for you to sharpen your communication skills, media skills, and web skills for an increasingly technological age. We will be meeting in EH228, a computer lab classroom, and we will use the computers and related technologies to enhance our study of literature.

If you do not yet have an email account, I encourage you to activate your KSU account. I highlyrecommend email as a way of touching base with me about your work for the class - a kind ofvirtual office hours. You can send me queries about reading or writing assignments, your thesisstatement for an essay, or anything else that could be handled with a quick exchange of messages. I check my email in the morning before classes, in the afternoon, and in the evening.

Conferences: I want you to succeed in this course, and I am happy to meet with you about yourwork and your progress. I encourage you to see me before writing assignments are due, or if youhave questions about material we discuss in class. Please feel free to stop by during office hours(T, U 8-9 a.m.), or contact me by phone or email to arrange a more convenient time to meet.Note: If you have any condition such as a physical or learning disability that will make it difficult for you to carry out the work as I have outlined it or which will require academic accommodations, please notify me in the first two days of the course.

40% Papers (Paper #1: 10%; Paper #2: 10%; Critical Context Research Project: 20%)
20% Quizzes/Response Papers
15% Class Participation (in class and postings to the electronic bulletin board)
10% Midterm Essay Exam
15% Final Essay Exam
Schedule of Classes (Subject to Change)
(Unless otherwise indicated by [CP] for Class Pack or [R] for Hale Reserve,
readings are found in The Compact Bedford Introduction or another required book.)
Preparation for Class In Class
January U 16
Course Introduction
Playing with Words: Literature of Childhood
T 21
Nodelman, from The Pleasures of Children's Literature [CP]
Meyer, &1xbet sports betting ;Reading Responsively&1xbet sports betting ; (11-12, 43-46), &1xbet sports betting ;Writing about Fiction&1xbet sports betting ; (43-46), and the &1xbet sports betting ;Elements of Fiction&1xbet sports betting ;: &1xbet sports betting ;Plot&1xbet sports betting ; (64-5, 69-70); &1xbet sports betting ;Character&1xbet sports betting ; (98-103); &1xbet sports betting ;Setting&1xbet sports betting ; (134-136); &1xbet sports betting ;Point of View&1xbet sports betting ; (156-161); &1xbet sports betting ;Symbolism&1xbet sports betting ; (198-201); &1xbet sports betting ;Theme&1xbet sports betting ; (220-223); &1xbet sports betting ;Style, Tone, Irony&1xbet sports betting ; (244-248)
Discuss Nodelman and selected children's books.
Review literary terms for discussing and writing about fiction.
U 23 Tatar, &1xbet sports betting ;Introduction&1xbet sports betting ; to The Classic Fairy Tales, &1xbet sports betting ;Introduction: Little Red Riding Hood,&1xbet sports betting ; and all &1xbet sports betting ;Little Red Riding Hood&1xbet sports betting ; tales; Johnson, &1xbet sports betting ;Menagerie, A Child's Fable&1xbet sports betting ; [CP] Discuss Tatar and &1xbet sports betting ;Little Red Riding Hood&1xbet sports betting ; tales; discuss Johnson.

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T 28
Jarrell, from The Bat Poet [CP]
Meyer, &1xbet sports betting ;Reading Responsively&1xbet sports betting ; (497-503, 517-518), &1xbet sports betting ;Writing about Poetry&1xbet sports betting ; (530-532), and the &1xbet sports betting ;Elements of Poetry&1xbet sports betting ;: &1xbet sports betting ;Word Choice, Word Order, and Tone&1xbet sports betting ; (537-544); &1xbet sports betting ;Images&1xbet sports betting ; (570-571); &1xbet sports betting ;Figures of Speech&1xbet sports betting ; (589-598); &1xbet sports betting ;Symbol, Allegory, and Irony&1xbet sports betting ; (609-618); &1xbet sports betting ;Sounds&1xbet sports betting ; (633-643); &1xbet sports betting ;Patterns of Rhythm&1xbet sports betting ; (657-661)
Selected poems [CP] and &1xbet sports betting ;Humpty Dumpty&1xbet sports betting ; from Carroll's Through the Looking Glass [CP]
Review literary terms for discussing and writing about poetry.
Discuss Jarrell, selected poems, and Carroll.
Introduce assignment for Paper #1.
U 30 Clements, Frindle
Discuss Clements.
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February T 4
Bang, Picture This; Lionni, Little Blue and Little Yellow; Lionni, Frederick; Sendak, Where the Wild Things Are; Ringgold, Tar Beach; Jonas, The Trek [all R]
Review and apply Bang's principles for discussing picture books.
Discuss selected picture books.
U 6 Prepare draft of Paper #1; bring two copies to class. Workshop for Paper #1
M 9
Paper #1 due to the box outside my office by 5 p.m.
Information about MLA style of citation for your &1xbet sports betting ;Works Cited&1xbet sports betting ;.
Growing Up
T 11
Review Meyer, &1xbet sports betting ;Point of View&1xbet sports betting ; (156-161) and &1xbet sports betting ;Symbolism&1xbet sports betting ; (198-201).
O'Connor, &1xbet sports betting ;Everything That Rises Must Converge&1xbet sports betting ; [CP]; Ellison, &1xbet sports betting ;Battle Royal&1xbet sports betting ; (208-219); Marcus, &1xbet sports betting ;What Is an Initiation Story?&1xbet sports betting ; (219)
Discuss O'Connor, Ellison, and Marcus.
U 13
Meyer, &1xbet sports betting ;Poetic Forms&1xbet sports betting ; (678-684, 696) and &1xbet sports betting ;Open Form&1xbet sports betting ; (704)
Hayden, &1xbet sports betting ;Those Winter Sundays&1xbet sports betting ; (499); Roethke, &1xbet sports betting ;My Papa's Waltz&1xbet sports betting ; (671-672); Frost, &1xbet sports betting ;Birches&1xbet sports betting ; (783-784)
Review poetic forms and open form
Discuss Hayden, Roethke, and Frost.
Introduce assignment for Paper #2.
T 18
Minot, &1xbet sports betting ;Lust&1xbet sports betting ; [CP]; Updike, &1xbet sports betting ;A&P&1xbet sports betting ; (468-472); Hemingway, &1xbet sports betting ;Hills Like White Elephants&1xbet sports betting ; [CP]
Discuss Minot, Updike, and Hemingway.
U 20

Marvell, &1xbet sports betting ;To His Coy Mistress&1xbet sports betting ; (548-550); Jong, &1xbet sports betting ;After the Earthquake&1xbet sports betting ; [CP]; Olds, &1xbet sports betting ;Sex Without Love&1xbet sports betting ; (559); Atwood, &1xbet sports betting ;You Fit into Me&1xbet sports betting ; (591); Atwood, &1xbet sports betting ;Variations on the Word Love&1xbet sports betting ; [CP]

Discuss Marvell, Jong, Olds, and Atwood.
T 25
Prepare draft of Paper #2; bring two copies to class.
Workshop for Paper #2.
U 27
Chopin, &1xbet sports betting ;Story of an Hour&1xbet sports betting ; (12-15); Glaspell, &1xbet sports betting ;A Jury of Her Peers&1xbet sports betting ; [CP]
Discuss Chopin and Glaspell.
F 28
Paper #2 due to the box outside my office by 5 p.m.
Information about MLA style of citation for your &1xbet sports betting ;Works Cited&1xbet sports betting ;.
T 4
Frost, &1xbet sports betting ;Home Burial&1xbet sports betting ; (780-783); Poirier, &1xbet sports betting ;On Emotional Suffocation in 'Home Burial'&1xbet sports betting ; [CP]; Kearns, &1xbet sports betting ;On the Symbolic Setting of 'Home Burial'&1xbet sports betting ; [CP]
Discuss Frost and critical commentaries on &1xbet sports betting ;Home Burial.&1xbet sports betting ;
U 6
Meyer, &1xbet sports betting ;Reading Drama&1xbet sports betting ; (929-930), &1xbet sports betting ;Writing about Drama&1xbet sports betting ; (962-964), and &1xbet sports betting ;Modern Drama&1xbet sports betting ; (1125-1129)
Ibsen, A Doll House (1129-1179)
Review literary terms for discussing and writing about drama.
Discuss Ibsen.
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Introduce assignment for Midterm Essay Exam.
T 11 Critical Perspectives on A Doll House: Ibsen, &1xbet sports betting ;Notes for A Doll House&1xbet sports betting ; (1179-1180); &1xbet sports betting ;A Nineteenth-Century Husband's Letter to His Wife&1xbet sports betting ; (1182-1184); Witham and Lutterbie, &1xbet sports betting ;A Marxist Approach to A Doll House&1xbet sports betting ; (1184-1186); and Templeton, &1xbet sports betting ;Is A Doll House a Feminist Text?&1xbet sports betting ; (1188-1190) Discuss Ibsen and critical commentaries on A Doll House.
U 13 Prepare outline for in-class midterm essay. Write Midterm Essay Exam in class.
17-21 Spring Break
History into Story, Life into Art
T 25 &1xbet sports betting ;Voices from World War I&1xbet sports betting ; [CP]; Brooke, &1xbet sports betting ;The Soldier&1xbet sports betting ; [CP]; Sassoon, &1xbet sports betting ;They,&1xbet sports betting ; &1xbet sports betting ;The Rear Guard,&1xbet sports betting ; &1xbet sports betting ;The General,&1xbet sports betting ; &1xbet sports betting ;Glory of Women,&1xbet sports betting ; &1xbet sports betting ;On Passing the New Menin Gate&1xbet sports betting ;[CP]; Owen, &1xbet sports betting ;Anthem for Doomed Youth&1xbet sports betting ; [CP] and &1xbet sports betting ;Dulce et Decorum Est&1xbet sports betting ; (580-1) Discuss World War I poetry.

Introduce assignment for the short research project: a critical context essay on Barker's Regeneration.

U 27
Barker, Regeneration (3-145)
Web resources on Barker.
Discuss Barker.
April T 1 Barker, Regeneration (149-252)

Make a list of your three preferred topics for short research project and bring it to class for approval.

Discuss Barker. 1xbet online casino.

Assign topics for critical context essay.

U 3 Selected reviews of Regeneration.

Begin research for critical context essay.

Discuss selected reviews of Regeneration.

Review research strategies.

T 8 Continue research for critical context essay. In class research for critical context essay. Review format for MLA citation.
U 10 Continue research for critical context essay and begin drafting essay. No class -- work on critical context essay.
T 15 Prepare draft of critical context and &1xbet sports betting ;Works Cited,&1xbet sports betting ; and bring two copies to class. Information on formatting your in-text citations and &1xbet sports betting ;Works Cited&1xbet sports betting ; in MLA format. Workshop for critical context essay and &1xbet sports betting ;Works Cited.&1xbet sports betting ;
American Dreams
U 17 Sandburg, &1xbet sports betting ;Chicago&1xbet sports betting ; [CP]; Hughes, &1xbet sports betting ;Harlem&1xbet sports betting ; (820); Levine, &1xbet sports betting ;What Work Is&1xbet sports betting ; [CP]

Prepare revised draft and bring it to class.

Review revised drafts.

Discuss Sandburg, Hughes, and Levine.

F 18 Hard copy of critical context and bibliography due to the box outside my office (DE108) by 5 p.m.
T 22 Wilder, Skin of Our Teeth and &1xbet sports betting ;Preface&1xbet sports betting ; Discuss Wilder.
U 24 Review Skin of Our Teeth Discuss Wilder.

Selected online resources for The Skin of Our Teeth:

T 29 Williams, A Streetcar Named Desire Discuss Williams.
May U 1 Review A Streetcar Named Desire. Discuss Williams.
Selected online resources for A Streetcar Named Desire:
T 6 Hughes, &1xbet sports betting ;Theme for English B&1xbet sports betting ; (830-831); Atwood, &1xbet sports betting ;Spelling&1xbet sports betting ; [CP] Discuss Hughes and Atwood.
U 8 Review class notes, quizzes/responses, papers, mid-term in preparation for review session. Bring questions to class. Review for final exam.
T 13 Final Exam (ID, Short Answer, Essay) 2-3:50 p.m.