research 1xbet online sports betting

Here is where downloadable copies of Philip Gayle's scholarly works may be accessed:

Refereed Publications

(30) “Using Demand Transfer Ratios to Infer Market Impacts of New Goods,” (with Ying Lin), Forthcoming in 1xbet online sports betting Letters .

(29) “The Organic Food Price Premium and its Susceptibility to News Media Coverage: 1xbet online sports betting US Milk (with Jin Wang and Shengnan Fang), Forthcoming in Applied 1xbet online sports betting .

(28) “Market Effects of New Product Introduction: 1xbet online sports betting the Brew-at-home Coffe (with Ying Lin), Journal of 1xbet online sports betting & Management Strategy , Vol. 31, Issue 3, Fall 2022, Pages 525 – 557 (Lead article in this issue of the journal).

(27) “Cost Pass-through in Commercial Aviation: Theory and Evidence,” (with Ying Lin), Economic Inquiry , Volume 59, Issue 2, April 2021, Pages 803 – 828.

(26) “Firms’ Markup, Cost, and Price Changes when Policymakers Permit Collusion: Does Antitrust
Immunity Matter?” (with Xin Xie), Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization , Volume 157, January 2019, Pages 680-707.

(25) “Mergers and Product Quality: 1xbet online sports betting the Airline (with Yongmin Chen), International Journal of Industrial Organization , Volume 62, January 2019, Pages 96-135.

(24) “Entry Deterrence and Strategic Alliances,” (with Xin Xie), Economic Inquiry, Volume 56, Issue
3, July 2018, Pages 1898-1924.

(23) “How much do Consumers really Value Air travel On-time Performance, and to what extent are Airlines Motivated to Improve their On-time Performance?” (with Jules Yimga), 1xbet online sports betting of Transportation , Volume 14, June 2018, Pages 31-41.

(22) “Entry, Donor Market Size, and Competitive Conduct among Nonprofit Firms” (with Teresa D.
Harrison and Jeremy Thornton), International Journal of Industrial Organization , Volume 50, January 2017, Pages 294–318.

(21) “Assessing Firm Behavior in Carve-out Markets: Evidence on the Impact of Carve-out Policy”
(with Tyson Thomas), Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization , Volume 128, Pages 178–194, August 2016.

(20) “Product Quality Effects of International Airline Alliances, Antitrust Immunity, and Domestic
Mergers” (with Tyson Thomas), Review of Network 1xbet online sports betting , Volume 14, Issue 1, Pages 45–74, December 2015.

(19) “On the Extent to which the Presence of Intermediate-stop(s) Air Travel Products Influences the Pricing of Nonstop Air Travel Products,” (with Chi-Yin Wu), Review of Network 1xbet online sports betting , Volume 13, Issue 3, Pages 355–395, June 2015.

(18) “Choosing between Order-of-Entry Assumptions in Empirical Entry Models: 1xbet online sports betting Competition between Burger King and McDonald’s Restaurant Outlets,” (with Zijun Luo), Journal of Industrial 1xbet online sports betting , Volume 63, Issue 1, pages 129–151, March 2015.

(17) “Airline Strategic Alliances in Overlapping Markets: Should Policymakers be Concerned?”
(with Dave Brown), 1xbet online sports betting of Transportation , Volume 3, Issue 4, Pages 243–256, December 2014.

(16) “A Re-examination of Incumbents’ Response to the Threat of Entry: 1xbet online sports betting the Airline Industry,” (with Chi-Yin Wu), 1xbet online sports betting of Transportation , Volume 2, Issue 4, pp. 119-130, December 2013.

(15) “State Variation in Railroad Wheat Rates,” with Michael W. Babcock and Matthew McKamey, Journal of the Transportation Research Forum , Vol. 53, No. 3, Fall 2014.

(14) “Specifying and Estimating A Regional Agricultural Railroad Demand Model,” (with Michael W. Babcock), Journal of the Transportation Research Forum , Vol. 53, No. 1, Spring 2014.

(13) “On the Efficiency of Codeshare Contracts Between Airlines: Is Double Marginalization Eliminated?”, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics , Volume 5, Issue 4, pp. 244-273, November 2013.

(12) “State Variation in the Determinants of Motor Vehicle Fatalities,” (with Michael W. Babcock), Journal of the Transportation Research Forum , Vol. 48, No. 3, Fall 2009.

(11) “Exports vs. FDI: Do Firms use FDI as a Mechanism to Smooth Demand Volatility?” (with Yang-Ming Chang), Review of World 1xbet online sports betting , Vol. 145, No. 3, pp. 447-467, October 2009.

(10) “Has the Byrd Amendment affected U.S. Imports?” (with Thitima Puttitanun), The World Economy , Vol. 32, Issue 4, April 2009.

(9) "An Empirical Analysis of the Competitive Effects of the Delta/Continental/Northwest Codeshare Alliance," Journal of Law and 1xbet online sports betting , Vol. 51, pp. 743-766, November 2008.

(8) “Airline Code-share Alliances and their Competitive Effects,” Journal of Law and 1xbet online sports betting , Vol. 50, pp. 781-819, November 2007.

(7) “Vertical Contracting Between Airlines: An Equilibrium Analysis of Codeshare Alliances,” (with Yongmin Chen), International Journal of Industrial Organization , Vol. 25, pp. 1046-1060, October 2007.

(6) “Is Virtual Codesharing A Market Segmenting Mechanism Employed by Airlines?” 1xbet online sports betting Letters , Vol. 95, No. 1, pp. 17-24, April 2007.

(5) "Are Input Prices Irrelevant for Make-or-Buy Decisions?” (with Dennis Weisman), Journal of Regulatory 1xbet online sports betting , Vol. 32, No. 2, pp. 195-207, October 2007.

(4) “Competition and Investment in Telecommunications,” (with Inung Jung), and Dale Lehman, Applied 1xbet online sports betting , Vol. 40, Issue 3, pp. 303-313, February 2008.

(3) “Efficiency Trade-Offs in the Design of Competition Policy for the Telecommunications Industry” (with Dennis Weisman), Review of Network 1xbet online sports betting , Vol. 6, Issue 3, September 2007.

(2) “The Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset Act: An Economic Analysis,” (with Yang-Ming Chang), Southern Economic Journal, Vol. 73, No. 2, October 2006.

(1) “Estimating the Demand and Supply of Treasury Bills in Barbados: a co-integration approach,” (with Roland Craigwell), Money Affairs , Centre for Latin American Monetary Studies, Vol. X, No.1, January-June, 1997.

Working Papers & Research in Progress


(2) “Measuring Merger Cost Effects: 1xbet online sports betting a Dynamic Structural Econometr (with Huubinh Le), Manuscript, Kansas State University , 2016. This paper won the Robert F. Lanzillotti Prize for Best Paper in Antitrust 1xbet online sports betting at the 11th annual International Industrial Organization Conference (IIOC), held in Boston, Massachusetts, May 17-19, 2013.

(3) “Airline Alliances and their Effects on Costs,” (with Huubinh Le), Manuscript, Kansas State University , 2014.