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  ChALC Presents:

"Boundary Crossings in Children's and Young Adult Literature"

The Sixth Biennial 1xbet online sports betting of Children's Literature in English, Education, and Library Science

Sponsored by the Children's and Adolescent Literature Community, SGA Diversity Programming Committee and Fine Arts Fees, and the Department of English.

Date: Saturday, April 21, 2018

Time: 9:00am-2:30pm

Location: Union Flint Hills Room, Kansas State University.

Cost: Free with registration; registrants can attend all or just part of the 1xbet online sports betting . Students in the College of Education can receive professional development credit for attending its events. Seating is limited. Registration will be available starting April 10, 2018. Registration available here.

1xbet online sports betting Poster: Available as a PDF here.


9:00-9:45am - Panel 1: Poetry in the Classroom

"As the Unknown Becomes Known: The Wonder and Power of Poetry," Dr. Vicki Sherbert, Associate Professor, Curriculum and Instruction

10:00-10:45am - Panel 2: Diversity and Inclusion in Action

"Desegregating the Imagination: A Manifesto for Anti-Racist Children's Literature" (10:00-10:15), Dr. Philip Nel, University Distinguished Professor, English

"Developing a Multicultural Storytime at the Manhattan Public Library" (10:15-10:30), Laura Ransom, Children’s Services Coordinator, Manhattan Public Library

11:00-11:50am - Plenary Lecture

Jacqueline Woodson, the 2018-2019 National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature and 2015 Young People’s Poet Laureate, will speak on "Behind the Books."

A book-signing will follow the talk (12:00-12:30pm), courtesy of the Union Bookstore.

12:00pm - Break for lunch

1:30-2:30pm - Panel 3: Crossing Boundaries of Gender, Sexuality, and Medium

A panel of three English B.A./M.A. students will present papers:

Mandy Moore (MA '18)

Kaylee Kipp (BA '19)

Kathleen Wallace (MA '18)

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