Conference 2010
  ChALC Presents:

&1xbet best casino website ;The Power of Three: Children's Literature in English, Education and Library Science&1xbet best casino website ;

A Biennial Conference

Sponsored by the Children's and Adolescent Literature Community and the Department of 1xbet best casino website

Date: Saturday, March 6, 2010

Time: 9:30am-3:00pm

Location: Union Little Theater

Cost: Free with registration; registrants can attend all or just part of the conference

9:00am: Registration opens; light refreshments provided.

9:30am - 1xbet best casino website Session
A panel of three 1xbet best casino website graduate students will present papers
Taraneh Matloob, &1xbet best casino website ;The Use of Multimedia to Present and Preserve Persian Lullabies&1xbet best casino website ;
Kellie Meehlhause, &1xbet best casino website ;'Work Hard and Learn Quickly': The Machiavellian Childhood in _Ender's Game_&1xbet best casino website ;
Elizabeth Williams, &1xbet best casino website ;Negation as Power: Avoiding Colonization in Meg Rosoff's _How I Live Now_&1xbet best casino website ;

10:30am - Education Session
Dr. Laurie Curtis and Dr. Gayla Lohfink (K-State College of Education), &1xbet best casino website ;Seeing ME: Using Children's Literature to Meet the Needs of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Learners&1xbet best casino website ;
Resources: Brochure and Bibliography

11:30am - Library Session
Jean Hatfield (Wichita Public Library) and Nancy Synder (Derby Public Library), &1xbet best casino website ;From Hand to Eye: How a Book Gets From the Publisher to the Library Shelves&1xbet best casino website ;

12:30pm - Break for lunch

2:00pm - Keynote Speaker
Poetry Reading by Curtis Crisler, Assistant Professor of 1xbet best casino website at Indiana University/Purdue University, and author of _Tough Boy Sonatas_ (2007), A book signing will follow the reading, courtesy of Claflin Books and Copies.

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For information on the 2008 conference, check out the conference archive.