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  ChALC Presents:

&1xbet online sports betting ;The Power of Three: Children's Literature in English, Education and Library Science&1xbet online sports betting ;

A Biennial 1xbet online sports betting

Sponsored by the Children's and Adolescent Literature Community and the Department of English

Date: Saturday, March 31, 2012

Time: 8:30am-2:30pm

Location: Alumni Center, K-State.

Cost: Free with registration; registrants can attend all or just part of the 1xbet online sports betting . Students in the College of Education can receive professional development credit for attending its events.


9:00-9:50am - Panel 1: Education
“Turning the Page in the Digital Age: The Changing Nature of Children’s Books&1xbet online sports betting ;
Dr. Lotta Larson, Assistant Professor, Curriculum and Instruction
Unfortunately, Dr. Larson will not be able to join us as planned. Instead...
&1xbet online sports betting ;'My Project Won't Fit in Your Mailbox': Using Creative Projects to Foster Greater Engagement with Literature for Adolescents&1xbet online sports betting ;
Dr. Anne Phillips, Associate Professor, Department of English, and ENGL 545 students Ashley Preston, Autumn VanLeeuwen, and Maggie Kuhlman

10:00-10:50am - Panel 2: Library Science
&1xbet online sports betting ;What’s Popular, What’s Next, What’s What: Books for Children and Teens&1xbet online sports betting ;
Janene Hill, Young Adult Librarian, Manhattan Public Library

11:00-11:50am - Plenary Lecture

Young Adult novelist Elizabeth Bunce, author of ALA Best Book A Curse Dark as Gold, Star Crossed, and Liar’s Moon

12:00pm - Break for lunch

1:30-2:20pm - Panel 3: English

A panel of three English graduate students will present papers

  • Charlene Edwards, &1xbet online sports betting ;Big 'D' and Little 'd': Depictions of Deaf Characters in Children's Literature&1xbet online sports betting ;
  • Jenna Brack, &1xbet online sports betting ;'A Baby of Her Own': Laura's Sisterly Desire for the Indian Baby&1xbet online sports betting ;
  • Shaun Baker, &1xbet online sports betting ;Finding the Uncanny in the X-Men: Freud, McCloud, Lee, and Kirby&1xbet online sports betting ;

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