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Meet Our Staff

Kansas State University is an equal opportunity employer.

Welcome to Kansas State University's 1xbet online sports betting . As outlined in OIE's vision statement, this office serves as a vital resource and leader in promoting and furthering the university's commitment to diversity and equal opportunity for all members of its community.

The director serves as a liaison between OIE and certain academic and administrative units. In the director's absence, other staff members will be available. We can provide guidance, interpret policies and procedures, meet with search committees, collaborate with you to resolve complaints, among many other things. Investigative staff conduct investigations of possible violations of the university's anti-discrimination policy, develop relevant training materials and deliver training to the campus community.


Justin Frederick (he/him) - Director and Title IX Coordinator

Strengths: Restorative | Context | Adaptability| Arranger | Responsibility

Justin Frederick joined the 1xbet online sports betting (OIE) in September 2022 as Interim Director and in July 2023 Justin was named Director of the Office. Justin leads the university's civil rights efforts, including Title VI, Title VII, Title IX, Section 503, and coordinates the Equal Opportunity Program. In this role, Justin provides leadership in furthering K-State's commitment to equity and equal opportunity for all members of the K-State community, and serves as a resource to university leadership, faculty, staff, and students regarding civil rights and equity matters. Justin also advances the strategic goals of the university and all aspects of federal/state civil rights as mandated under 1xbet spo.

Prior to joining The 1xbet online sports betting , Justin served as Assistant Dean in Student Support & Accountability (formerly the Office of Student Life) since 2017. Prior to working at K-State Justin worked in Housing & Residential Life at multiple institutions, most recently as Associate Director of Housing at Webster University. During his career, Justin has served as Coordinator of Conduct for Housing, Title IX Investigator, and Dining Advisory Board Chair. Justin also has previous professional experience in trauma informed interviewing, student organization advising, and Safe Zone programming. Justin holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Social Work from Pittsburg State University and a Master of Science degree in College Student Personnel Administration from University of Central Missouri.

Eric Bicaba, Investigator

Eric Bicaba (he/him) - Investigator

Strengths: Achiever | Analytical | Consistency | Relator | Discipline

Prior to joining the 1xbet online sports betting as an Investigator, Eric worked as a Child Protective Services Investigator in Tennessee. He led investigations while partnering with different Law Enforcement agencies, from local departments to the Federal Bureau of Investigations. Eric previously worked for United Health Services and conducted internal investigations pertaining to complaints of misconduct and non-compliance. He has experience working in Higher Learning as he worked as the Multicultural Advocate for the Office of Student Life and Leadership at Austin Peay State University. Eric holds a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Science degree in Management from Austin Peay State University.

Amber Shumway, Investigator

Amber Shumway (she/her) - Investigator

Strengths: Adaptability | Achiever | Ideation | Arranger | Restorative

Amber received her bachelor degree in biology from Blackburn College in 2014 and Master degree in college student affairs from Eastern Illinois University in 2016. Prior to joining the 1xbet online sports betting , Amber has been at K-State since 2016, she worked in Housing and Dining from 2016-2021 and the Office of Student Life from 2021-2022.


Derron Borders (they/he) - Investigator

Strengths: Empathy | Individualization | Input | Intellection | Belief

Derron brings a wealth of experience in student affairs to developing and implementing initiatives that support identity development and create inclusive environments. They leverage their expertise in intersectionality and fostering cultures of safety and belonging to drive positive change for organizations and individuals. Derron's passion lies in facilitating equitable and sustainable growth, ultimately aiming to build a thriving global community.

Derron received a Bachelor of Arts in French and a Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics from The Ohio State University. They received a Master of Arts in linguistics from the University of Utah where they worked closely with the Shoshone communities of the Great Basin as the Project Manager of the Shoshoni Language Project. Derron also received a Master of Arts in College Student Personnel at Bowling Green State University where they worked as the Graduate Coordinator for Diversity Education in the Office of Multicultural Affairs. Prior to joining the 1xbet online sports betting at Kansas State University, Derron worked in student affairs at Cornell University. There, they served as a Residence Hall Director for a language-immersion living-learning community, Assistant Director for Cornell’s experiential learning program in Washington, D.C., and a DEI specialist for the MBA program.

Amanda Ruthstrom, Office Manager

Amanda Ruthstrom (she/her) - Office Manager

Strengths: Responsbility | Communication | Empathy | Includer | Woo

Amanda joined the 1xbet online sports betting in February 2021 as Office Manager. She provides department personnel with support and overseas all office procedures, while maintaining confidentiality and customer service. She received a Bachelor of Science degree in Social Work from Kansas State University in 2014 and has been a lifelong K-State fan. She has worked in various social work roles which brings exceptional experience in engaging with the individuals who interact with OIE.