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828 Mid-Campus Drive
Kedzie Hall, Suite 220A
Kansas State 1xbet online games login
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TTY or TRS: 711

1xbet online games login for Respondents

Respondent(s): Refers to any individual, group or organization who has been reported to be violating PPM 3010. Witness(es) refers to any person with direct or indirect knowledge of the allegation(s) of prohibited conduct made in a complaint or report.

How Kansas State 1xbet online games login responds to discrimination, harassment, and sexual harassment.

Policy and Procedures Manual (PPM) Chapter 3010,Policy Prohibiting Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Harassment, and Procedure for Reviewing Complaints

1xbet spo is Kansas State 1xbet online games login 's policy prohibiting discrimination, harassment, and sexual harassment. The 1xbet online games login encourages all members of the community to report conduct prohibited by PPM 3010. Consistent with PPM 3010, the 1xbet online games login always evaluates and processes all reports of prohibited conduct concerning a member of the K-State community to determine whether a full investigation is necessary. Regardless of whether a reported victim chooses to participate in the PPM 3010 process, K-State will suggest and offer applicable support and assistance services. The 1xbet online games login will make every effort to protect the privacy of those involved in the process and will only disclose information to those with a legitimate administrative or legal need to know.

The 1xbet online games login will attempt to resolve a complaint filed under PPM 3010 within 120 days of receipt, although some cases may take longer depending on the circumstances. Complainants should report any incidents of suspected retaliation of the Office of Institutional Equity.

The 1xbet online games login 's PPM 3010 response is an internal 1xbet online games login process that is separate from the criminal justice process. Any questions about the process can be directed to the Office of Institutional Equity at 785-532-6220 | TRS 711, equity@ksu.edu, or 103 Edwards Hall, 1810 Kerr Drive, Manhattan, Kansas.

Students and Employees

OIE is Neutral

Our investigators do not take sides. We are committed to providing a prompt, thorough, and fair review, and our investigations are focused on the available 1xbet online games login . We can also help you as either the Complaining Party or the Respondent by providing 1xbet online games login about support and advocacy services.

Support Person

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For Student Respondents: Student Support & Accountability (formerly Office of Student Life) has professional staff members available to assist in the role support person or to provide academic support. This service may be obtained by contacting 785-532-6432. The OSL can also help identify additional resources for support as well as work with you during the investigation process and thereafter as needed.

Confidentiality and Privacy

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Interviewing the Parties

Typically, the investigators' first step will be to meet with the complainant in order to fully understand the allegations. After the investigators understand the nature and scope of the allegations, as the Respondent, you will be asked about the allegations and given a full and fair opportunity to respond. Both the Complainant and the Respondent are strongly encouraged to share all 1xbet online games login , including documentation and names of witnesses, if any with the investigators. The Complainant and Respondent will not be present during each other’s interviews.

Gathering Other 1xbet online games login

The investigators interview witnesses and reviews all documentation deemed relevant to the situation. The investigators may also contact the parties with additional questions or to request additional 1xbet online games login .

Case/Investigation Updates

You have the right to be informed of the status of your case/investigation through the Office of Institutional Equity. To request a status update, please email the investigators assigned to your case atequity@k-state.edu.

ART Investigation Report

The investigators/Administrative Review Team (ART) will consider all 1xbet online games login gathered during an investigation and prepare a report, which will be shared with the Deciding Administrator. The report is not shared with thewitnesses. The ART makes findings and recommendations as to whether a violation of thePolicy occurred and, if so, recommends sanctions.


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If you have any other questions about the investigation or investigation process, please do not hesitate to contact the Office of Institutional Equity (OIE) at
785-532-6220 | TRS 711 orequity@k-state.edu.

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