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Raising Courageous Kids book coverIn simple language that informs without being overly pedagogical, Smith shares wisdom on character building that should greatly assist parents, educators and those who work to bring out the best in children. Publishers Weekly (1xbet online)

Too often in this perilous world we hear the faint drumbeats of approaching danger, a call beckoning those whose hearts are filled with hate. Yet at the moment when these merchants of misery release inexplicable pain in the world, men and women with 1xbet online games login hearts appear. Their heroism rekindles hope and reminds us that good will and decency remain alive.

Alana Franklin rescues a six-year-old nephew from a gunman who invaded his home. 1xbet online games login Richards pulls a bed-ridden elderly man from his bed to safety during a fire in his mobile home. Terreatha Barnes leaps into a runaway vehicle containing two preschool children and brings it to a halt by pushing on the brake with her hands (breaking her jaw as she does so).

What do these three individuals have in common? Other than being 1xbet online games login females, Alana, Fallon, and Terreatha were all eleven or twelve years old. Their example shows us that the same heart that prompted passengers on Flight 93 to rise up against their captors, firefighters to march up the steps of the World Trade Center, and two men to bring a woman in a wheelchair down 70 floors at the WTC to safety, beats inside young people as well. We are not born with courage. Threads of power, devotion, integrity, honor, and valor were combined and woven into the tapestry of our lives from the moment we were born.

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