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Chuck Smith's pictureEducational programs and inservices
Between August 2004 and January 2005 I was on sabbatical from Kansas State University. I focused entirely on the issue of 1xbet online games login and support for the book during this period. Now that I have returned to my specialist position, I have assumed other responsibilities and am turning my attention to other topics, many of them related to the issues of 1xbet online games login and heroism.

I continue to be very interested in talking with parents, teachers, and family life professionals about 1xbet online games login , how it originates, and how it changes throughout a person's life.

If you live in Kansas, contact 1xbet online games login county extension office (typically listed under county government) and ask the family and consumer sciences agent to schedule me for a visit with 1xbet online games login group. I would visit 1xbet online games login Kansas community as a guest of this agent and costs would be minimal (possibly travel expenses depending on location and time). Here are a few alternatives:

1. A 1-2 hour presentation for parents, youth and family 1xbet online games login (parent educators, teachers, and other 1xbet online games login and volunteers who work with young people).

2. A twenty minute to one-hour presentation to parents and teens about the relationship between fear, 1xbet online games login , heroism, and spirituality.

3. A one-hour school assembly for elementary, middle school, and junior high youth.

4. A six-hour in-service or early childhood, elementary and middle school 1xbet online games login .

5. A six-hour in-service for family life and youth 1xbet online games login .

1xbet online games login can examine a PDF file includes a more detailed description of each of these programs.

Consulting outside of 1xbet online games login
If 1xbet online games login live outside of Kansas and would like me to meet with a group, 1xbet online games login have a couple of choices. First, 1xbet online games login can contact 1xbet online games login to 1xbet online games login a visit. The cost of such an arrangement will vary depending on the amount of travel time to reach 1xbet online games login location, the type of program, the sponsoring agency, and the nature of the event.

Second, if 1xbet online games login have an event, workshop, or a meeting and would like me to talk by phone with 1xbet online games login group for up to 60 minutes, contact 1xbet online games login to arrange a conference call. Unless those who are attending have payed a registration fee, the only cost to you would be the expense of the call. Here are a few requirements: you must contact me by email using 1xbet online games login institution address; inform me as to whether a fee is being charged to participants for the event, provide a date for an event that is already scheduled, commit to a topic related to courage and children, and confirm that you will have a speaker phone and the capability for anyone in the audience to ask questions so I can hear them clearly. Be sure to consult my travel schedule to determine whether I am available on the date you need. There are no requirements for the size of 1xbet online games login group, though this may change at any time.

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http://www.ksu.edu/wwparent/programs/1xbet online games login /training.htm-- Revised: February 25, 2005
Copyright © 1996-2005
Charles A. Smith. All rights reserved.